(36)We just need a boat

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Its now been about uh- 3-4 days since we arrived to this island?
I don't really know...I haven't really been counting
Instead, me and Lighty have actually been having fun in here haha
We have been  trapped in here ever since we had been teleported but we didn't really try to get back, because we just couldn't
The reason why we couldn't go back is pretty reasonable, our injuries were so bad that we couldn't even walk nor think properly
So we just decided to well...stay here for a while until we recovered!
We weren't doing really good the first day, and we tried to leave immediately, but after we realised we couldn't go back we made a little camp together
And when we finished that we decided to make a campfire and just relax
But we soon got bored of that too
We didn't really know what to do until Lighty came up with the idea of making a small village out of rocks, sticks and other stuff we found around the island
And after that she came up with other activities and stuff to do
It was a fun experience, but it had turned into this is really, REALLY, tiring thing
And I really think we should think on how to get back to the hotel
We hadn't really planned on going back soon BUT I did personally think of a few ideas we could maybe give a try
I could tell the ideas to her when I'm back at the camp
And I should really tell her today because my injury isn't as bad as It used to be so I think it might be the perfect time to go back
I mean, she doesn't seem to care wether we are here or not as long as we are together sooooo....
Yeaahhhh...I'm going to go back the camp now
The camp is just a handmade wood-based tent that has a little village made by us around it but we call it a camp
Oh and we also have 'the big fire'
It's just a really big fire we made together the first day and we've been looking after it ever since
Actually, Lighty made it, she used her weird electric powers to turn it on
The fire is like- as big as she is, so I keep telling her to stay away from it because knowing how clumsy she is, yeah- she could fall into the fire REALLY easily
I looked up to the sky
Well I think it's currently like, about 4am?
Don't ask me why I'm walking at 4am, I really don't have a clue
Im just... walking
Lighty usually walks around the hotel when she's bored and I now see why
Its somehow entertaining and fun
I looked down at my hands and I realised I had the flower in my hands
Jeez- I keep forgetting the fact that I'm always carrying around this flower
I don't know how or why it smells so good but it somehow relaxes me
I don't know why and I really don't care
It keeps me calm and that's all that matters
I should really get going, don't want to be late for the sunrise, right?
I went back over to our 'camp'
The first thing I saw when I arrived to the camp was Lighty next to the fire, just starring at it
"Heya Painty! Watcha doin'?" She said happily as she looked at me and smiled
"Nothing much, I was just well, walking"
"Ohhhhhhh...doing lil walky-walks? Ye, I love doin' em"
"I know" I said and we both chuckled a bit
I decided to sit down next to her
I left my flower on the floor near both of us
I looked at Lighty and grabbed her hand
"You know Lightbulb I've been thinking..."
"Ye? What's on ya mind?"
"Well, we've been here for so long and I think well...do you think-"
"Ohhhh...I know what ya mean! Ya wanna stay here forever right?"
"What? No!"
"Why would I ever want to stay here FOREVER?" I said and as I stopped holding her hands
"Well Uh- I wanna stay here?-" she said as she backed up a little bit anxiously
"Wait what."
"Ye...I wanna stay here with you and..."
"No no, Lightbulb we have to go back! There's people in danger we can't just ignore that!"
"But...I just wanna stay here...with ya"
I stood up really angrily
"You want them getting killed?!?!"
"No!!! I never said nothin' like that!"
"Lightbulb you're saying you want to stay here and let them fucking DIE!"
"No, Painty ya got me wrong! I don't want em to do that! I just wanna stay some more time here!"
"But I mean we could..."
There was a few seconds of silence so I decided to pick up my flower from the floor
"there's NO way we're staying here so pick up your stuff and we'll leave immediately"
"Why not???"
"W-WHY NOT?!?!"
I got closer to her and she backed up a bit getting closer to the fire
I mindlessly pushed her even closer to the fire
"I mean- ye?-"
"I mean I-"
I got even more closer to her and...
"GAH!" She exclaimed in shock, as she fell into the campfire behind her
I tried to grab her but my hands failed me and I didn't get to catch her in time and she fell into the fire
"AHHHH!" She shouted in agony as she tried to get out of the fire as quickly as she was able to
I nervously looked around and saw a bucket that had luckily some water inside of it
I grabbed it and threw the water over the fire in an attempt to extinguish the fire
The fire almost instantly extinguished itself and I looked down at the burnt Lighty that was on the floor
"LIGHTBULB ARE YOU-" I said as I approached her where the fire used to be
She had a blank expression, no emotions, just a blank face with a blank look, yet, even if it was completely blank you could see the terror in her eyes
"..." she didn't say anything, she just sat down and stayed there starring at the floor
I tried grabbing her by her arm but she immediately pushed me away
"Huh?-" I said confused
She didn't even utter a word before she stood up by herself and left
"Lightbulb are you-"
She ignored me and proceeded to sit down in front of our hand-made village
"I'm- uh....I'm going to make the boat, get ready" I said as I looked away
"..." no words, nothing
I have to- no, Paintbrush don't think about it now, you've just- got to- uh- get the boat.
I have uh-
I should-
How do we get a boat
We need a good boat
How are we even supposed to get a boat
Maybe uh...Oh! I got it
We can use some of our camps remains for the boat! Like uh....wood?-
I looked around and saw our wood-based tent
I approached it and I teared it apart
Since a boat isn't only wood I looked around and started grabbing some strings and woods to make a boat
Thank god that I've got both survival and artistic skills
I finally finished the boat, it was a couple of wood pieces that were 'smashed' together with some weird green strings that Lighty found somewhere in the island
Ok, this should be big enough for us both to fit
I looked over to Lighty, she had taken out an aid-kit and was healing her injuries
I uh-
I should tell her that um....
Agh, nevermind, Im just going to let her heal herself and take the boat to the seaside myself
She'll uh- she'll be better in um...later
I um....
Agh! Stop thinking about it Paintbrush!
You have to concentrate on the boat and leaving this stupid island
I grabbed the handmade boat and went over to the seaside with it
I layed it on the sand
Alright... I think this should work I just gotta go get Lighty
I went back to the camp and looked for her
"Lightbulb!!! LIGHTBULB!!!" I shouted as I searched for her
I went over to the handmade village but she wasn't there
Were the hell did she go-
I looked around searching for her
"What do you want?" I turned around and saw Lighty looking at me
"Oh uh- Lightbulb!" I said as I approached her but she backed away
"Just tell me what you want" she said breaking eye contact with me
"Oh uh..."
Why is she acting like this?
Oh right- the uh....fire
I looked at her
She had several burnt marks and quite a few bandages around her whole body
"The uh- the boat Is ready!"
"So we have to leave"
"Can you uh- follow me?"
"Lightbulb, please"
"Great uh- it's at the seaside"
I tried grabbing her by the hand but she immediately took it away from me
I decided to look away and walked towards the seaside where I had left the boat
We arrived to the seaside and I looked at Lighty
She looked confused so she turned around and looked at me
"Where's the boat thingy?" She said as she looked around the seaside
"Where's the- WAIT WHAT"
I looked at the sand and the boat was gone!
I looked everywhere but it was nowhere to be found
I looked EVERYWHERE in the seaside but I couldn't find it
I fell to the sand on my knees
How could I be this distracted- I didn't even tie it to anything!
I was so exited to leave that I forgot to actually tie it to prevent it from leaving or uh-
"Isn't the boat that one in the sea?" I heard Lighty say something
"What?" I said as I looked at her
She pointed at the sea and the boat was there
"OH!!!! WAIT HERE!!!" I said and jumped to the sea
I swam and grabbed the boat
I brought the boat back to the seaside
My bristles had gotten completely wet but it was worth it
"Here it is!" I said as I smiled
She looked at the boat and sighed
She then sat down on top of the boat as far as she could from me
I pushed the boat to the water and jumped on it
"Welp lets see if we arrive soon" I said as I tried to smile at her but she looked away
Oh god this is going to be so boring and uncomfortable
Lets see if I can get her to forgive me before we arrive-

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