"And where are you going, Mr. Kid?" You sounded frustrated, looking at him straight into his eyes to let him know that you need a valid reason.

"I'm meeting my friends. It's the only time I can spend it with them so I decided to let the car show slide for now. Besides, it's not a race so it's not much of a big deal." He explained.

"I was supposed to appreciate you bringing food for me but I can see that you only did this to ask me a favor. Tsk"

"Oh come on, y/n. Don't start it again." He leaned on the couch, not interested with any debate.

"Tss, okay. I can go there with Nami and Robin."

"Good." He grinned, satisfied with your answer.


It's already night time when you entered the same place on where Cavendish will host the car show and auction today. The man greeted you along with Nami and Robin then asked you all to sit on the front line.

The three of you sat down after greeting other big names who attended the event. Cavendish started the event while your mind wandered.

"Did Morgans give you a report today?" Robin asked but her gaze were kept on the event. You didn't answer so Nami patted your knee. You hummed in question, not realizing you were spacing out.

"Robin asked if Morgans gave you anything today." She said softly.

"Oh..." You sighed deeply. "He did. "

An hour passed when Kid left your office before you decided to go to Morgans.

You sat down by the chair beside Morgans' table as you scan the pictures in your hands. For unknown reason, your heart sank. It feels as if something is gripping it tightly.

There are three pictures of Kid with a pink haired woman in a restaurant. You have never met a pink haired woman as his friend before, the woman's face is not even familiar to be a public figure. She looks older than him but her beauty is undeniably astonishing.

"It might be a coincident but you have your own plans. You can use those pictures to speak matters with him or be quite until we can gather much more." Morgans was smiling. He is entertained about the situation. Broadcasting big news is part of his life but moreover, he respects your decision as an act of professionalism.

"We'll investigate more."

"Good... As a news writer, I would've written this on the front page but we can't. I still respect people and wanted a real evidence. We cannot merely judge a situation when we only have one side of it." He said.

"Oh...My..." Nami can't believe it either. Gathering an evidence on the first week of Morgans' job felt like everything is happening too fast. But was it happening too fast? Or maybe Kid had been with this pink haired woman before you even hired Morgans? Or maybe even before marriage.

"I know what you're thinking, y/n. But like what Morgans said, we cannot judge the situation immediately." Robin assured you.

You agreed with her. In fact, those pictures cannot be really used as concrete evidence of cheating under the law.

The report lately has been bothering you. It's supposed to be a good news and a stepping stone to win the written agreement but why do you feel so betrayed?

After the show, all of you decided to catch some air in the usual bar.

"We should celebrate, I've taken a step forward to winning." You laughed. Robin laughed a little with an amused look towards you.

Written Agreement (Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now