Alex: it's like this all the time. Lucas is quite an important figure for this school as well as the world. Everywhere he goes, he is flocked with admirers buts it's not at all strange, given he is not only a genius of the century but he also runs few of the world's most important financial and non-financial organisation. His family background and his face and body are also top notch. With all that, you know he's quite popular 🤣🤣

Emma: not to mention his physical abilities and martial arts are no joke. Even his sword wielding and shooting is so accurate

Cassy: he really does deserve to be called the prince charming of celestial academy 🤣🤣

Kenz: what's so good abt him? He's just ridding on his family's tail. *He said with a smug*

Ukai: it's better to have something than not to. All of you shut up and focus on the ceremony

All the Japanese teams quited down and at the same time Lucas finished his speech and came down .

Lucas: what are you all still sitting here for?? Let's go. The ceremony is over

They all had out of the building and are at the entrance.

Lucas: what are you guys doing now?

Cassy: me and Andrew are heading to a mall for a date *she said while holding Andrew's arm*

Alex: me and Emma are going to the east side beach as well. What about you?

Lucas: probably in our dorm since my parents are out of UK.

Twilight: why? Where did uncle and aunt go? What abt Lilly?

Lucas: she is with them. They are on a world tour or something* he said smiling*

Ryan and Jake: we r staying with u in the dorm as well Lucas.
Twilight: me too.

Lucas: great.*looks at the teams* we all can go back to the villa and you all can play some games to pass time as well *he said smiling*

With that they bid each other farewell. The couple's went to their dates and the rest of the team went to the villa.

Ryan: what would u like to do now?

Bokuto: let's play truth and dare.

Twilight: alright

All the teams agree

Lucas: you guys can continue. I'll be in the study down the hall of u need me.

Jake: whatt?? You just came back, just play with us for a while😫😫

Lucas: and will u sort out my company documents for me then *he said laughing*

Ryan: Twi, you tell him to play. He always listens to you *he says smirking*

Twi: meee!?? Well Lucas, why not just play for a while??

Lucas: i wish, but the company really needs me rn. I've ignored the company work for half a year now and it really needs me 😬😬 plus Adam will quit his job if i leave the company work on him for a day more 😂😂.

Noya: why not just play a little and then go?? *Puppy eyes*

Lucas: how abt this senpai? I'll finish my work soon and then take u all out shopping for tonight's party? *He said chuckling*

Noya and tanaka: deal 👌👍

And with that Lucas leaves the room and everyone gets comfortable in the living room.

Yachi: what does he mean by company work??

Twilight: you see, Lucas already owns a multi-billion merchandise which has its branches in many countries. It currently ranks second only to his father's company in the world. So he has a lot of work to do as a young CEO but due to our graduation missions he had to leave all his company work to his right hand man, Adam, but Adam got so frustrated doing it since its quite tiring managing such a big company *she said laughing*  i don't know how Lucas does so much company work along with his duties as the student president and the captain of imperial guards without complaining. *She says with pure admiration in her eyes*

Me and my life (Secret Identity AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum