"Hey baby, I just came in from shopping...I have a surprise for you!" She smirked at me.

"Oh really? Let me see." I smirked back.

"Nope! You gotta wait until after dinner!"

Fuck! I was gonna tell her over dinner. I know for a fact she won't be in the mood after I tell her.

"I actually have something to talk to you about over dinner. I closed down 'The Nice Guy' for us. I figured we could use the privacy, and I would be nice to go over there one last time before we head back to Toronto for a while."

"Oh, ok. I guess I should start getting ready soon then."

"Yeah, imma head up in a minute." I told her.


At Dinner

"So...what did you wanna talk about?"

"Baby, I love you and I've been meaning to talk to you about his so please don't think that this was something I was trying to hide from you.-"

"I know you killed X, or had him killed." Aaliyah whispered cutting me off.

"What?" I said shocked!

"I heard you in the basement talking to Oliver and Chubbs last week."

"Baby, I don't know what you heard but, that's not what happened. The prosecutors think I had something to do with it but it's not true. I wrote songs that's it! And the lyrics are being misconstrued and twisted to sound like something else!"

"So then what did you want to tell me?"

"My lawyer has to go to court next week in my defence. This is going to be all over the media and I need you to be prepared. They're about to say a lot of things about me that aren't true. You know me, probably better than most people. But I need you to know that what they say isn't true and you know who I am. I'm not some guy that's ego is fragile enough to have some young kid killed because he had an issue with me over some rap shit, that's just not who I am."

"I get it, I know you. But this kid posted that if anything happened to him you had something to do with it."

"And you believe that shit?"

"I don't know what to believe Drake! You've been keeping all this shit from me!" I said slightly raising my voice.

"Whoa! Relax. Don't start with all that Drake shit. The last thing I want to do it fight with you over this."

"I don't want to fight with you over this either but I can't help but think that I've been sleeping next to a liar every night. you knew that all this was happening and you didn't tell me until you absolutely had to. So what is it? Did you do what they are accusing you of or were you just lying to be because you could?" I asked.

"I wasn't lying to you, I just didn't tell you because I though the claims were so ridiculous that it would never get to this point. Of course I didn't get this kid killed. My issue with him was never that deep. I don't want you to think that I'm hiding anything from you ever."

"Really? Okay then from here on out I want to know everything. What else do you need to tell me? This is the one time you can tell me anything that I don't know or that you've kept from me and I won't't leave. I just want to know everything before I move in and we take this next step together."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I can take it, just be honest with me from here on out." I assured him.

Honestly, the fact that he keeps stalling is stressing me out. What could he possibly say?

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