When summer just got better..

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Levi isn't the type of person who likes to work with others. He does enjoy other's company, but not working with sloppy people. And now he is here, in the cafe near his university, for the rest of summer, wearing a shitty apron of it and a sour look on his face.

Technically, he was forced to work there. And you must be wondering, who would dare drag him to this shitty ass small cafe full of shitty people without his approval. Yes, You guessed it right. Well, maybe. But anyway, it was Hanji fuckin' Zoe. The only shitty glasses-wearing bitch who dare drag him and then leave him there to go on a vacation to who-knows-where without explaining thoroughly.

And suddenly being given an apron a minute after you being left dumb-foundedly inside of a cafe, is not helping at all.

And the only thing the other employee said to him before that was, " Oh you must be Levi, the one Hanji was talking about right? Well, here. You could wear anything as long as it's proper, and don't forget the apron. You just need to serve the people, I'll handle the makings for today. That guy would teach you tomorrow. Good luck!" and with that she just left him, dumbstruct for the second time.

After so, he tried to call Hanji several times and gave up as she didn't answer any of it. He tried calling Erwin, the guy who-knows-it-all.

Thank God, he got a proper explanation that time. And apparently, shitty glasses couldn't take a leave, without a substitute. So he chose Levi as her sacrifice, as Erwin already got a job in his father's company and Moblit was still in the university's lab for who-knows-how-long.

And what pissed him off further was, the said criminal only texted him,

'Sorry Levi!
U could kill me later!

w/ luv ur awsome bestfriend,

Yeap, thats it.

So, here he is on his third day of summer vacation making coffees and re-heating sandwiches, for the shit head customers.

And of course, his face was still as sour as the first day when he found out what Hanji did to him.

Stealing his relaxing time from shit hell named college.

He work his ass off for the last few days before summer vacation, just to got dragged in here and do Hanji's shit. At least, he is getting paid for doing these.

As he was grumbling in his head while making an espresso for one of the customers, the door to the cafe opened. He didn't look up to see who, as he just assumed it was just more shit heads to serve anyway.

And besides, he was busy with three orders at hand.

His co-worker, tho, called out to the person who just came in, "Eren! welcome back! the stage as usual?"

"Hey, Petra! Yeah, the usual at five." He said as if he was used to it,

"Why don't you put your things at the back first and get ready. I'll give your apple juice after." She said in a friendly tone, while opening the door to the staff room for this 'Eren'.

"Thanks. Came straight from class, today." He said in an exhausted tone, and accompanied with a small sigh.

"Just take your time till Erd sets the stage for you," Petra said,

Levi only stole a glance at this 'Eren' guy, but only saw his back as he entered the room with a bunch of bags and papers, also a guitar on his back. This guy was taller than Levi, for sure.

After letting Eren into the room, Petra got back behind the counter after calling the Erd guy to set up the stage.

"Ah Levi, that was Eren. He sings at the cafe usually on wednesdays and fridays. But because its summer vacation, He's goin' to be here till the end of it. So treat him well, 'kay?" She said, informing him with the situation,

Levi only made an approving voice with a short nod and got back to work. He didn't even notice when that Eren dude got out of the room and made his way to the stage with his guitar.

And when the kid made introductions to his audience, Levi didn't even steal a glance. And only scrunched his face when the mike made an unpleasant sound for a moment.

He was too caught up in making some orders, to listen to the sound of the guitar. But when the kid began to sing. He couldn't help being amazed, but still didn't glance at him.

This kid has a great voice, He thought.

Well, Levi could get used to this kind of voice in the cafe everyday. Now at least he has something good to accompany him while working.

After many songs later, the strums of guitar stopped and the kid announced that he's going to take a break for awhile.

The kid made his way to the counter. Levi didn't notice him at first, but then the kid called out to him,

"You must be the new guy! Hi, I'm Eren! I usually sing here on Weds and Fris. But from today till end of summer, I'll be in your care every day." The kid give out his hand to Levi,

He only noticed the hands first, though. But when his eyes landed to those big pair of enchanted Caribbean blue eyes, and that charming smile. Oh, that smile. It's as if all colours just came rushing in to his black and white life.

He was wordless towards those eyes, and melted to his smile. He was high on dreamland with Eren as his angel.But Eren snapped him back to reality,

"Uhm.. are you okay?" He asked Levi, his face was full of concern,

"Ah..Hi. I'm Levi, I'll be in your care, too." He said giving Eren his most charming smile in return and extended his hand also. Thank god, he wasn't drooling.

The messy brown haired kid made a cheerfull face again, when he saw Levi extending his hand to him. They shook hands and chatted as Levi took his break.

There was only one word Levi could say for now about the kid,

Not bad..

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