chapter 174

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 After listening to Sheng Li explaining the whole story, everyone was silent for a moment.

Xia Tian leaned quietly in Sheng Li's arms, and only carefully looked at the expressions of everyone. He was the regent of a country at any rate. Be confident and know who to trust and who not to.

Sheng Li also patiently waited for everyone's answers. He seemed calmer than when he talked to Lin Yongwang just now. When the little fox stretched out his paws to hug him, he smiled back softly and moved his furry paws It fits in the palm of my hand.

After a while, the old Sun who went up the mountain today was the first to speak: "Captain, what do you think about this matter?" "

I will guard Panlong Mountain every day. Not to mention..." He said, Sheng Li lowered his head to look at the little fox in his arms, just as Xia Tian was looking up at him, one person and one fox's eyes met, and they all saw a trace of warmth in each other's eyes.

"What's more, Xiaxia's home is here now, so I will naturally be here."

In this small world, Sheng Li has been an orphan since he was a child, and no matter where he is, his home has always been there. Where Xia Tian was.

Sheng Li's words told everyone directly that he would not accept Lin Yongwang's proposal, and he would not choose to exchange the little fox for the so-called "fox's grass".

"Hey, don't you all talk? If you don't talk, I will talk." Xiao Wei patted the table, "I'm like the captain, I'm alone, I have nothing to worry about, let alone if it wasn't for the little fox, I don't like that Lin Yongwang, and I don't think the life in the forest protection station is bad. The air environment in Panlong Mountain is so good. The capital may not have such a blue sky." "Me too.

" I think so." Another team member said, "Anyway, my family is like that. No one in my family wants me to earn a great future. I like Panlong Mountain, so I am willing to stay here."

In fact, most of the forest rangers staying in Panlong Mountain have similar family backgrounds. They are either orphans, or their family relationship is very disharmonious. Even if they have family members, they are already inseparable. Only in this boring and monotonous forest ranger can they concentrate on the forest ranger work with all their enthusiasm and painstaking efforts.

From the perspective of Sheng Li and Xia Tian, ​​if there is a better opportunity, they are naturally willing to let these players go to a higher place, but if it is exchanged with such despicable conditions like Lin Yongwang, it may not be a good one. s Choice.

At this moment, the little fox felt unhappy when he thought of Lin Yongwang's pretentiously kind face just now, and only thought that if that person was left alone and he met him, he would definitely scratch his face.

He was angry with himself, but he heard a forest ranger whispering: "Captain, there is no room for

negotiation?" "Discussion?" Xiao Wei looked at him in surprise, "Old Chen, what do you want to discuss? "

This old Chen is another team member in charge of monitoring. Today is also the first time he discovered something wrong with the monitoring, and quickly found the damaged camera in the constantly refreshing video page.

"Herbs, Panlong Mountain is so big, there might be such a miraculous thing, anyway, we have to patrol the mountains and walk all over the mountains, why don't we just look for this herb along the way?"

"It's not a problem to find the herb." Sheng Li said : "But who do you want to find?"

"Captain." Lao Chen looked at Sheng Li, clasped his fingers together, "If you find this thing, so what if you gave it to someone in the province? Since Such a big leader has come in person, which means that others must be waiting for this thing to give first aid, why don't we do a good deed?"

"Old Chen, are you crazy?" Another team member snapped up and said, "You forgot that Lin Yongwang said How do you find that 'fox-bit grass'? Have you forgotten the group of hunters we caught last time?"

"Who said what Lin Yongwang said must be true? Me, I just said to find herbs , I didn't say that foxes must be used." Old Chen lowered his voice unconsciously, and he turned his head to avoid the questioning eyes of his companions.

Sheng Li looked at him quietly for a moment , then asked in a flat tone : "Old Chen, have you made up your mind?" Me, I really don't want to stay in this deep mountain and old forest any longer. Look at the days we live. Do you still remember the comrades I met last time when I went out? He is now a big leader, no matter where he goes Shouting and hugging, what about me? I'm still in Panlong Mountain, playing with a bunch of cameras that should have been eliminated long ago!"

At the end, Lao Chen's voice was a little choked up, and it looked like he had grievances for a long time. Now I finally found a chance to vent.

"Okay, that's great. I never knew that life in the mountains would be so wronged to you, a genius." Sheng Li sneered, "If anyone else has this idea, please make it clear and don't get in the way Promise, otherwise I will look down on you."

Old Chen was choked by Sheng Li's words, and he argued: "Captain, I have no other ideas, I just think we should agree to Lin Yongwang, you feel your conscience and say, we Isn't it enough to work in this mountain? Are you really willing to stay here for the rest of your life?" "Of course I am willing

." Sheng Li retorted him lightly, "I don't think there is anything wrong with this mountain."

Xia Xia Tian knew that Sheng Li was telling the truth. You must know that his owner was famously firm-minded. He could withstand the extreme cold and bitter environment when he was practicing on Fulian Mountain. He was sent by Shimen to exorcise demons and hunt ghosts in the most bitter, cold and difficult places, but no matter where he was, Sheng Li was always as calm as water, and he didn't feel sorry for foreign things at all.

It was snowing heavily in Fulian Mountain in March, and the weather was so cold that he could freeze into ice when he exhaled, but he hid in the cave and watched the owner practicing sword in the snow with his bare upper body, his eyebrows and hair were dyed white by the ice and snow , but his complexion did not change in the slightest.

However, other people don't know about this, Xia Tian leaned forward slightly to see the reaction of the rest of the team members, but heard Lao Chen say again: "Captain, we don't need to say this, I just made a suggestion, just treat it as our protection." This is the reward that Panlongshan deserves after so many years—"

As he said that, Lao Chen looked at the little white fox in Sheng Li's arms, "I also thank the little fox for helping Xiao Wei and me today, but we have protected this fox on Panlong Mountain countless times, and we only borrowed it once. Wouldn't it be enough to find that fox-bit grass?"

"Okay, of course. Lin Yongwang said to find the fox-bit grass to use an injured fox, what do you want to do?" Sheng Li looked at Old Chen with neither anger nor joy, and asked.

"The little fox is so psychic, we only cut it a little..."

"Old Chen, are you human?" Sheng Li didn't say anything, but Xiao Wei, who was sitting next to him, got anxious, "If it wasn't for the little fox today, you, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to sit here and talk right now!"

Old Chen's face turned red and white at Xiao Wei's words, he was stunned for a while, and then said: "Come on, maybe the captain caught this little fox and came back. For what?"

"Old Chen, you mean to promise Lin Yongwang?" a team member said angrily.

"I...I just want to promise so what?"

Sheng Li slapped the table, his voice so cold that ice could fall, "Okay, if you promise, then get out of the forest ranger! There is no one in the forest ranger." Leave people like you who betray the mountain, let me tell you, don't even think about touching the foxes on this mountain, if you dare to hurt a hair on them, I will kill you!" Even if you think that the owner may be angry because of the team members' behavior

. The little fox chose to be sad and angry, and the little fox never expected Sheng Li to become so angry. After all, in front of him, although Sheng Li was cold and unkind when they first met, he was always calm and reserved, and he had never been in front of him. There had been moments of tantrum before him.

In this small world, maybe because he has become a cub, the owner really treats him like a newborn milk fox, he is reluctant to say a word, let alone growl so angry .

Xia Tian felt a pain in his heart, and subconsciously glanced at Sheng Li, but saw Sheng Li's right hand was placed on the table at some point, and he was silently writing something on the table.

Before he had time to read what Sheng Li wrote, his owner withdrew his hand and gently stroked the little fox's back again, as if he was afraid that he would be frightened by the roar just now.

On the other side, Lao Chen also seemed to be irritated by Sheng Li's words. He stood up suddenly and slapped the table, his eyes were red and roared angrily: "Sheng Li, let me tell you, it's not the time when I was in the army anymore. You call the captain, don't think of yourself as the captain of the special forces team! I also made it clear. Lin Yongwang said that I think it's okay, isn't it just to find a herb? I've been patrolling the mountains for so many years. I can walk down with my eyes closed, I know this mountain better than you!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Sheng Li to answer, he kicked over the chair he was sitting on, and left the hall aggressively.

"Captain, don't be angry, you also know Lao Chen's temperament, I, I'll persuade him..."

Sheng Li gave the team member who spoke coldly, and interrupted him, "No need to persuade, who and him Think the same, leave by yourself."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped to freezing point, the rest of the team members looked at each other, after a while, some stood up and followed Lao Chen to leave, while others chose to sit down and wait for Sheng Li to speak.

"Heh, I didn't expect that Lin Yongwang was so capable, he could pry people away by just making a condition." Sheng Li didn't look at them, but lowered his head slightly, as if he was talking to the little fox in his arms.

He looked like he was hurt by a brother who could hand over his back, but Xia Tian clearly saw that there was no sadness in his owner's eyes, and the big hand gently stroking the tip of his tail indicated that the other party I am in a very good mood at the moment.

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