chapter 92

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"You said, you publish an open letter?"

Sheng Li and Xia Tian looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes.

Huang Zhangxiu nodded, and she gently pushed her husband's arm, motioning for him to explain.

Luo Hua is a seemingly "typical" scientist in science and engineering. He doesn't like to socialize too much with others, and he only focuses on his beloved chemistry career, so he can only talk a few words with his wife. Now, although he has passed the age of knowing the fate in ancient times, the spirit of focusing on academics still has a gentle and restrained atmosphere like a student.

Luo Hua glanced at the two of them, and said, "Before the federation released news about the persecution of foreign students returning home, I think you two still remember this incident."

Xia Tian nodded, and the news brought him the whole school's attention. It is still unforgettable to this day that his communication network was cut off again at that time, and he couldn't contact his family members far away in the empire at all, so he was really at a loss for the first time, but fortunately Sheng Li came.

"In fact, this is not the only similar news published abroad. The last news, because Commander Sheng came to the rescue in time, we figured it out, but we knew it was a misunderstanding. What would those students who were not picked up think? ? If they don't have a channel to communicate with their mother planet, after staying in such an environment where three people become tigers, they will inevitably not believe it."

Huang Zhangxiu took her husband's words and added, "That's the truth, only a thousand days of rumors Yes, there is no one who can refute rumors for a thousand days. Like today's incident, perhaps many students also think the same way—what's so good about liberation? What does the establishment of a new regime have to do with them?—you must know that it is our Our home planet, we were born here and grew up here, and we were able to come to the Federation to study in the past, and the imperial army escorted us here."

Luo Hua said: "Although Liang Garden is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time."

Sheng Li has completely Understanding the purpose of the two chemists' visit, he respected them both. He immediately stood up, knocked his heels and saluted them as a military salute, and solemnly said: "Sheng Li, on behalf of the 20th Army, thank you all."

Luo Hua and Huang Zhangxiu repeatedly raised their hands to ask him to sit down. Huang Zhangxiu brushed his temples and said, "You don't have to thank me. We old fellows just came up with this matter. The two of us just came here to talk to you. Although we Getting older, but old age also has its advantages, at least our students are willing to listen to us."

Xia Tian laughed when he heard that, he knew that the "old guy" in Ms. Huang's mouth was referring to several very prestigious Scholars, they have all passed their forties, but they are definitely not "old". These people are all masters who have made great achievements in their respective fields, and many international students are also their students. If these few can take the initiative to speak out, it will definitely have a far-reaching impact.

Huang Zhangxiu looked at him reproachfully, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xia, what are you laughing at? Don't try to relax. When the letter from our older generation is published, you young people will have to follow suit."

Xia Tian nodded, "This is Naturally." Originally, he had this idea when the news from the Federation came out that day, but there were too many variables at that time, and he met Sheng Li and set foot on the ship returning home, so this matter could only be shelved temporarily, and now there happened to be such a Given the opportunity, Xia Tian is naturally obliged.

He never wanted to see today's scene happen again, just like in Fengtai City back then, the owner was clearly protecting the people, but they would treat him like a ghost and avoid him.

He hoped that the praise Sheng Li deserved would be given to him bit by bit, and he also hoped that no one would use such vicious words to describe him—even if it might just be false rumors, but he knew how good his owner was.

Thinking of this, Xia Tian subconsciously looked at Sheng Li, his eyes full of determination.

As a major of the group army, Sheng Li is quite capable. Even though the empire galaxy regime was first established, many communication networks are cut off for it, but one moment Luo Hua and the others wrote the open letter, and the next moment the letter is completely incomplete. It was sent to the Capital Star by accident, even arriving home earlier than their group of returned scholars.

Since it is an open letter addressed to all students, it should not only be published in the domestic media. Although it would be impossible to publish it in the federal news media, it is important to know that the influential mainstream media in other galaxies is not limited to these One family, the political game between the major galaxies, the interest disputes are not as simple as one size fits all, the media of the federal government will slander them, but there will always be media who are willing to come out and tell the truth.

After secret negotiations in the country, three days later, an "Open Letter to All International Students in the Empire" signed by scholars was published simultaneously by the media of multiple regimes in the interstellar regime, without changing a single word.

Yue Huaichen is a student studying abroad in the Muta galaxy. This morning, he clicked on the information hall of the optical brain as usual, planning to have a look at what happened in the interstellar recently while having breakfast.

But as soon as he clicked on the home page, his eyes widened in surprise. He didn't even care about the croissant in his hand falling to the ground. Messages all in imperial characters——

"It is said that 'you come from your hometown, you should know the stories of your hometown', but we think that maybe some young friends still don't quite know what happened in our hometown, and they don't know what happened in our hometown." It is clear that our home planet is moving towards a bright road...

"... Maybe you will say that the air outside the home star is democratic and free, but the 'democracy' and 'freedom' you breathe There is nothing that is not based on discrimination...

"...When you are hesitant because of the good life today, and you don't want to choose to return to your home planet, please don't forget why we came to study in other places in the first place, and who are we?" Send elite troops and provide funds for us to study in a foreign land...

"We were born and raised here, and the land of the empire nourished us to grow up. You know, we are just like your family and friends, waiting for you to come back here, everyone Jun, come back! "

Yue Huaichen was almost stunned. He actually read such an open letter? Didn't the media publish the domestic government's "persecution" of returned scholars some time ago?

He read the content ten lines at a glance, and hurriedly turned to the end of the article, and saw the batch of signatures——Luo Hua, Huang Zhangxiu, Liu Youcheng, Lin Huawei... Each of them is

truly one of the best masters. Yue Huaichen was originally excited by that open letter His mind became more and more shaken. He was once worried that his home planet would not be a good time to do research, so he was reluctant to return to the empire. However, the books were endless. If he continued to delay, he was afraid that he would never find It's not the "right" time to go back to China!

Yue Huaichen read the open letter carefully again, and when he confirmed that he didn't even recognize a single punctuation mark, he couldn't wait to turn on his optical brain, and quickly found his alumni, a fellow student from his hometown.

Seeing the other party's holographic projection appear, before Yue Huaichen could speak, the alumnus who was as strong as a black bear had already embraced him vigorously, "A Yue, you must not know that when I went out to buy breakfast just now, What news did you see!"

Yue Huaichen couldn't help laughing, "We must have read the same news! I don't even need to ask you what you saw, now I just ask you, the last ship is the day after tomorrow morning Set sail, do you want to go with me?"

"Of course!" The fellow countryman moved away, revealing a stack of neatly packed documents blocked by him, and then showed a big smile, "Look, My things are all ready!"

When international students like Yue Huaichen carefully read this open letter in a foreign country with excitement and anxiety, this group of Imperial Scholars who had traveled for more than two months finally once again After setting foot on the land, I don't know if they are used to the slight weightlessness of the ship. Several foreign students stomped their feet vigorously. I feel dizzy in my head.

And until they came down from the space port of the capital star and got on the levitation train, many students were in a dream, and even a few older scholars repeatedly confirmed with the officers, and the other party took the trouble to tell them, just need to An Anxin took a nap or chatted with someone for a while, and when the train signal sounded, they went directly to the capital government area.

The carriage was full of excited international students. A male student sitting by the window first opened the curtains, looked at the rolling green hills outside the window through the glass, and then turned around to look around the carriage, his lips trembling slightly: "We, we are...really back?"

No one laughed at him, because everyone had the same feeling as him. The soldiers of the 20th Army looked at this group of students, old and young, both amused and sad.

The closer you are to your hometown, the more timid you are.

Probably because the initial excitement wears off and people get tired easily. When Sheng Li led his men over to make an inspection, he opened the carriage door and saw a room full of students who were sleeping all over the place just sitting.

Xia Tian was sitting by the window. Because the curtains were not drawn properly, a ray of dazzling sunlight hit his face. Xia Tian frowned slightly, but he was too sleepy to get up, so he covered his face with his arms On, sleep a little awkwardly.

Sheng Li signaled the others to continue inspecting the other compartments, then walked in with a light movement, and closed the curtains that were exposed by a crack.

The annoying light suddenly disappeared, causing Xia Tian to slightly open his eyes and look at him, only a glimpse of deep pine green in his eyes, he shrank his body slightly, and moved into the seat.

Sheng Li knew that his little fox had fainted from sleep, and he probably thought it was the two of them squeezed together in a room, and was habitually making room for himself.

He bent down, raised his hand to gently smooth Xia Tian's brows, and seeing the person's brows relax, he lowered his head and kissed him lightly on the forehead, and then exited the carriage as silently as when he came.

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