chapter 117

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    Yegel lowered his head, unwilling to meet Xia Tian's gaze, he whispered: "Is that right..."

Xia Tian interrupted him and asked: "Yeger, what is the difference between our existing technical materials? Among them, only laser cutting can reach the cutting speed required by the chip, but the chip after cutting is very easy to break, and other materials cannot withstand laser cutting and will break when touched. I want to know how Boolean Galaxy handles this problem. "

I haven't been exposed to the core technology of this point, but I have seen the operation of the instructor, I think you can try to replace the raw materials with lighter and more flexible types, such as imitation molding and mud mixed Artificial minerals made of glue, and control the low temperature as much as possible when cutting."

Hearing this, Yegel replied without thinking, and only realized that he is no longer that researcher Yegel, he He was imprisoned in the military region for espionage.

He glanced at Xia Tian, ​​and saw that there was no teasing or suspicion on the other party's face, so he couldn't help but asked, "You... aren't you worried?"

Xia Tian was lowering his head to record something on the optical brain. He glanced at him and asked inexplicably, "What are you worried about?"

"I...I'm a spy." Yegel squeezed his fist, "Aren't you worried that what I said is false?" "Of course

I will do it." Experiments verify the theory." Xia Tian turned off the light screen, and looked at Yegel again, "Is what you said false?" "Of course not."


Tian smiled at him, with indescribable happiness on his face, "I knew it." He knew that his vision of seeing people was not that bad, and he would not lie to himself when he gave out a dowry. Yegel had always had great kindness towards him.

The smile on his face moved Yegel's heart, and a deep sense of guilt swept over him again. Although even if he had to choose again, he would still choose to accept Vasily's threat for his lover, but he would make more of it. Giving back the knowledge he learned to the researchers on Begonia, although it was despicable, was the only apology he could offer.

Xia Tian turned off the optical brain and signaled Yegel to eat breakfast, "Although the interrogation room will not carry out torture, don't even think about breakfast, you can eat it quickly."

Yegel nodded to him, and then listened to Xia Tian. He asked again: "You probably know too—if there are no accidents, you will leave Haitang Star today."

Holding the hand of the bread, Yegel hesitated for a moment before nodding. His mission failed. The Haydn family will stop medical assistance, lose the medicinal ore, and he doesn't know how long his lover can last.

"Aren't you going to ask me?" Yegel couldn't help asking when he saw that there was no blame in Xia Tian's eyes.

"Ask you?" Xia Tian blinked and quickly understood, "Ask why you did this?"

Yegel nodded in shame. From what he thought, if the friend he treats sincerely is a As a spy, the purpose of intersecting with him is to obtain information, and he will definitely question the other party angrily.

"But I already know, and you have already done these things." Xia Tian felt that people's minds are really strange, and meaningless questioning can't change history, so there is no need to ask.

His owner never asked him why in vain, as long as the two of them looked at each other and nodded, they could immediately understand each other's mind. Xia Tian scratched his ear lightly with his fingertips, he missed his master a little bit. But Yegel mistakenly thought that he was still dissatisfied. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, nodded and laughed at himself: "Indeed ,

it's meaningless to ask about things that have already been done."


Although Xia Tian blamed Yegel, he was not very vigilant in the past, and he didn't find out that his behavior was different early. Seeing his dejected expression, he opened his mouth to break the silence between the two of them.

His tone was flat, not like he was talking to a spy in a dark interrogation room, as if everything had not been exposed, and they were still two like-minded foreign friends.

Maybe it was because Xia Tian's gentle aura was so contagious, Yegel couldn't help but relax a little bit, he took a sip of milk, and said with a smile: "After I go back, I will probably leave the Haydn family's research team immediately. Now, I will try to find a job and continue to support his medication."

According to the information investigated by the military department, Yegel and his lover are both orphans, and they were selected by the Haydn family from the orphanage, so they can have In return for today's achievements, they will also serve the Haydn family unconditionally. It's just that Yegel's lover is sick, and they may have already been abandoned by the Haydn family. Yeager is still useful, so they can enjoy it. to the medical resources of the Hayden family.

"Can you go away?" Xia Tian was a little worried. He knew Yegel's talent best. With such achievements at such a young age, would the Haydn family really be willing to give up such an excellent mecha master?

Yegel smiled, and he blinked at Xia Tian, ​​maybe he lifted the curtain, now he no longer needs to pretend to deceive others, Yegel showed a rather childish expression, "I am in Haydn The family is nothing, otherwise, they would not be assigned to the empire..." Suddenly remembering that he was hired by the empire's galaxy as a member of the technical team, Yegel couldn't help but look slightly embarrassed, he scratched He nodded, and whispered: "Although I don't like the Haydn family, but...their scientific research level is really good." After

hearing this, Xia Tian was also shocked. He only knew that there was a huge gap in the technological level between the Imperial galaxy and the Boolean galaxy. Great, I also felt deeply when I was in the Federation. Many Federation galaxies have already used mature technologies, and the Empire galaxies have just begun to promote them.

But...the difference is so big?

Seeing his gloomy expression, Yegel felt that he had said something wrong, but it was a fact, and he couldn't change it, so he changed the subject abruptly, "Besides, the Haydn family is very tough on us orphans. I don't like it, so I deliberately hide my clumsiness. If I really ask to leave, it won't be too difficult."

Xia Tian withdrew his thoughts and nodded at him, "That's good." He talked about some other things with Yegel It wasn't until the soldiers guarding the outside came in to remind the time that they realized that the two had chatted for a long time.

"I have to go." Xia Tian patted the corner of his clothes and stood up, waving at Yegel, "I won't see you off, so I wish you a smooth journey in advance." Yegel

smiled Laughing, he watched Xia Tian turn around, and at the moment before the other party was about to walk out of the room, he finally made up his mind to stop him, "Xia Tian!" "

What's wrong?" Xia Tian turned to look at him and asked.

"It's a pleasure to work with you, and it's also a pleasure that we were friends." Yeager said solemnly.

Xia Tian didn't speak, but nodded slightly. Although he knew that Yegel had no other choice, he was still happy that he had such a friend.

"Also, there is a bouquet of tulips that I picked back in my room. They bloom very well, but I probably can't bring them back to the Boolean galaxy. If possible, please help me keep them. I use plastic buckets Put it on, don't forget to change the flower pot."


Xia Tian didn't care how the high-level political circles negotiated, but received the news in the afternoon that the Boolean Galaxy did not accept the chip technology exchange request proposed by the Imperial Galaxy. Machine tool manufacturing technology in exchange, and part of the original transaction funds will be returned.

The researchers on Begonia were inevitably disappointed after receiving this result, but everyone also knew in their hearts that with such a large gap in strength between the two galaxies, this was already the biggest concession that the Boolean galaxy could make.

"Cheer up!" Professor Wu patted the table angrily, "Aren't we in short supply of machine tools for making chips? This is the pillow that has come from sleepiness, and everyone is going to wake up!

" This is the case, but everyone understands that without the core technology of manufacturing chips, and without the guidance of the Boolean galaxy scientific research team, they may have to make a big detour on the road of biological mechs.

"Professor, if this machine tool is manufactured, does it mean that we need new people here?" Tian Xia asked from the side.

Mecha masters are responsible for making mechas, but not machine tools. Now Star Haitang has made the most of the vast land and sparse population, so naturally there is no extra manpower to manufacture machine tools.

"Exactly, so our task is still very heavy. If we don't know how to use the machine tool after others have built it, it will be a big shame." Professor Wu looked around at the researchers with low morale, and said : "I'll give you half an hour to be frustrated. After half an hour, what to do, whoever is not paying attention, can go to the cafeteria and give it to me—" " Go

and carry the heaviest casserole!"

I laughed, and the somewhat gloomy atmosphere was broken by Professor Wu's words. Indeed, the researchers of the Boolean Galaxy are gone, but their research must continue!

The technical team dormitory building that had been bustling not long ago was deserted again. In the evening, Xia Tian, ​​accompanied by Sheng Li, walked into Yegel's dormitory. Since he promised the other party to help him grow flowers, he would not break his promise .

Yeger's house was empty, except for the pot of tulips growing on the windowsill, there was no sign of people living there.

Xia Tian sighed softly, walked over and picked up the pot of tulips, Sheng Li didn't like his little fox holding other people's flowers like this, so he took it over without any explanation, "I'll do it." Xia Tian couldn't help laughing,

he I couldn't see the small emotions of the owner, and walked side by side with him at the moment, deliberately jokingly said: "Master, then we don't need to pick other tulips in the future, just this pot is enough." "No."

Sheng Li refused without thinking, "I'll pick Xia Xia's flowers for you."

Xia Tian saw that he was clearly interested in his heart, but his face was still very serious, and he deliberately made some high-sounding excuses, so he couldn't help but feel that such a Sheng Li is very cute, he tiptoed to kiss Sheng Li's chin, "I see, I will pick the master's flowers for you too."

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