chapter 129

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   Sheng Li is so skillful, he intends to do it step by step, and slowly tell Xia Tian the whole story, the little fox who trusted him with all his heart, was really concealed by him, Sheng Li didn't tell, Xia Tian didn't ask. The two of them had a very happy time in this ancient house. There was only the two of them between the heaven and the earth. Although this ancient house prevented Sheng Li from stepping half a step out of the threshold, the kitchen was always piled with fresh ingredients. Enough to satisfy the little fox's desire for tongue and tongue, the two seem to be living the life of an ordinary partner, except that they can't leave the old house for half a step, and can't see other people, everything seems to be fine.

After dinner this day, the two of them were sitting on the veranda in the courtyard for a rest. Sheng Li broke a weed and played with it in his hand, causing Xia Tian's eyes to stick to his hand. Wherever the blade of grass moved, he His eyes followed wherever he went, and finally he couldn't help stretching out his hand to grab it.

But his reaction was not as fast as Sheng Li's. Seeing the leaves of grass slipping through his fingers actually aroused the little fox's aggressiveness. If he hadn't been sitting in Sheng Li's arms right now, he would have used both hands and feet to pounce on the grass leaf.

Sheng Li rested his chin on Xia Tian's shoulder, and while fiddling with the blades of grass carelessly, he asked, "Xia Xia, it's been so long, and I haven't asked you what your status is now, and how did you get killed by the tree spirit?" Did you bring it here?"

Xia Tian didn't forget to grab the blades of grass when he was talking, and he replied in surprise, "Haven't I said it yet? I was originally a college student, and I went out to play during the summer vacation... I saw an old man lost his way with his grandson on the street, and kindly led them to find the way. Who knew that they were not good people, they were suddenly beaten with a sap in the alley, and then tied up when they woke up, saying He wants to sell me." At this point, the little fox wrinkled his nose, and argued, "It's the 'me' from before, not the current me."

Sheng Li frowned slightly, and his fingers also slightly retracted. Tightly, there was a faint black yin between the brows, "I will tie you up and sell you after knocking on the sap? Who is so courageous?"

"I don't know." Xia Tian was keenly aware of Sheng Li's anger, he stopped playing with grass leaves, and hurriedly raised his hand to hold Sheng Li's hand, even after so many days, Sheng Li's body is still cold, However, Xia Tian never gave up the idea of ​​using his own body temperature to warm Sheng Li, and every time his skin touched, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Sheng Li opened his fingers and intertwined with Xia Tian's ten fingers. After a while, he calmed down, "I only thought that you were carried by the tree spirit, but I didn't know that there was such a thing..." Xia

Tian I couldn't help emphasizing again, "If I had come before then, I would definitely not be tied up, and no one would try to hit me with a sap."

Sheng Li turned his head and kissed him on the cheek, "Well, I Xia Xia is the most powerful."

"It is the most powerful." Xia Tian agreed in a low voice, thought for a while but couldn't help laughing, and said, "But it doesn't matter if I'm beaten with a sap, if I'm still in that big city I don't know how long it will take to find the owner."

Speaking of this matter, Sheng Li also felt a deep sense of powerlessness spread from his body, indeed, this ancient house was like the most solid steel cage, binding him firmly inside. , if it wasn't for Xia Tian being carried up by the tree spirit by chance, I don't know how long it will take to meet him.

Sheng Li thought of the scene where the little fox occasionally sneaked out of the old house behind his back in the past few days, and felt that the raging violence in his heart needed to absorb the warmth from Xia Tian to calm down, so he sighed very low. He wanted to put the other party in a chain and tie him in the house so that he could not be separated from him, but he also wanted to let the little fox out. The old house was quiet and quiet, and it should not be the place where Xia Tian was.

Sheng Li was reluctant to ask about Xia Tian's identity before, because he was afraid that he should have lived a relaxed and happy life in the sun, but now he had to be trapped in the house because of himself, and he even selfishly refused to ask Xia Tian's identity. let go.

Sheng Li thinks that he has never had such a mood before, and he has never realized that he has such a selfish and despicable side. He wants to trap the person he loves by his side just for his own selfishness. Even when he met Xia Tian in the first life, he was reluctant to let his lover travel and work hard, but at that time, he still remembered to respect Xia Tian's wishes and willingly let him wander around.

Although Sheng Li never said these words, Xia Tian took everything in his heart. The little fox has already noticed that Sheng Li seems to be more irritable and irritable in this life than before, and his mood is more volatile , he still doesn't know the key to it at the moment, he only guesses that because he has been trapped alone in the old house for so many years, he moved to another place, if he has a master, he has to be trapped in a square inch to find him, I'm afraid I'm going to go crazy.

Thinking of this, Xia Tian suddenly sat up straight, pushed Sheng Li back, and jumped down the corridor by himself: "Master, can I show you the stars?"

Sheng Li looked up at the dark sky , I was a little dazed for a while—

the place where this ancient house is located may be unusual, and Sheng Li soon discovered that there is no distinction between day and night in this place, let alone sunny days and rainy days, the sky above his head seems to be Thick and dark clouds piled up at every moment, and it was dark at all times.

He also worried about whether the little fox would become suspicious because of this, but Xia Tian only expressed surprise when he noticed the sky for the first time, and then asked him instead, did it mean that he could sleep in without worrying? I'm worried that the sun will be high.

Thinking of the smiling little fox that day, Sheng Li couldn't help softening his expression. His little fox was so good that he wanted to keep it in his heart, and he was even more unwilling to share it with others. And Xia Tian had already run to the courtyard, he beckoned to Sheng Li, "Master, close your eyes quickly, and open

them after I say yes."

The sound became more obvious. He heard Xia Tian clap his hands first, and then there was a rustling sound from all around. After a moment of silence, there was a sound of cloth being shaken and straightened. Xia Tian clapped happily. Clap your hands, "Master, open your

eyes!" Sheng Li Yiyan opened his eyes, and was stunned for a moment, but when he saw a tall black cloth fence raised up on the wall in front of him, against the gloomy sky, it was like a night shrouded in darkness. Behind the black cloth, there are countless pale green fluorescent lights flickering from far and near. At first glance, it looks like a river of stars flickering down, intertwined into a bright luster in front of people's eyes.

Xia Tian looked at Sheng Li nervously. He only came up with the method in the past few days. Because there is no distinction between day and night in this place, and there are no traces of other people and living things, it is inevitably a bit boring, so Xia Tian racked his brains. He really wanted to find some new gadgets to please Sheng Li, but now he has nothing, so he had to borrow the help of the little tree spirits to play some new tricks.

Even so, he was not proficient in rehearsing this new trick. Today, seeing Sheng Li suddenly depressed, he had to perform it in advance. Seeing that Sheng Li hadn't spoken for a long time, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and

asked cautiously, " you think it's not good-looking?"

Tian Lan was in his arms, and said in a low voice: "I like it, it's very beautiful."

Xia Tian's peach blossom eyes slightly curved, he led Sheng Li closer to the wall, and said: "These stars will turn into shooting stars..." Voice Before it fell, the black cloth on the wall suddenly trembled, and then suddenly fell to the ground. The white bones on the wall made trembling sounds, and when they saw Sheng Li appear, they jumped down and disappeared without a trace.

And the green stars behind the black cloth were all panic-stricken little tree spirits with their eyes wide open. When they saw Sheng Li approaching, they all screamed in shock, but they still sounded like "buzzing" to Xia Tian's ears. Undoubtedly, the little tree spirit at the head shouted "The king is coming" and rushed into the woods as if dying.

All this happened in an instant, and Xia Tian was stunned. He opened his mouth slightly to look at Sheng Li, and then looked at the wall blankly. The pitiful and cute appearance made Sheng Li laugh, and finally laughed stand up.

Xia Tian secretly blamed the little tree spirits and the bones for not being loyal at first, but when he heard Sheng Li's laughter, he felt that all the hard work these days was worth it. He looked up at Sheng Li's smiling face, and he also Unknowingly laughed, and said in a low voice with some embarrassment: "It's okay, I will take the master out in the future, let's see the real shooting star..."

Sheng Li looked at the person in his arms, no matter how much gloom and reluctance in his heart disappeared, he hugged Xia Tian tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to rub him into his own flesh and blood.

It was probably because he had been trapped here for too long, and for a moment he forgot his original intentions. Why did he like his little fox, so he must let him be trapped here? This ancient house shouldn't trap his Xia Xia, let alone himself, even if there are iron prisons and copper cages placed here, so what if he breaks the cage? Although he can't use spiritual power now, and he can't awaken the Nascent Soul, hasn't he experienced the same in the small world that he can go to? Besides, he is not without leverage now, at least he has some more weird tricks.

Even his little fox is thinking about taking him out in the future, but he only knows how to feel sorry for himself all day long, which is really ridiculous.

Xia Tian could only keenly feel the awe-inspiring sword intent coming from the owner, as if it was the same as the impact brought to him by the astonishing sword cultivator when he first met on Fulian Mountain. He couldn't help but open his arms and turn back. Hugging Sheng Li, he called out "Master" in a low voice.

This is the master he identified, the sword repair he chose on Fulian Mountain.

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