chapter 116

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 After Sheng Li went out, Xia Tian sat on his office chair and looked curiously at the furnishings in the house.

After going through several small worlds, Sheng Li's preferences have not changed. The house is equipped with the most concise equipment. Xia Tian didn't go through Sheng Li's things. He just lay on the table and looked around. This room is full of Sheng Li's Li's breath made him feel extremely comfortable and relaxed. After a while, he felt tired, opened his mouth and yawned, and fell asleep on his stomach.

On the other side, Sheng Li got in touch with several professors from the mecha department after reading the news brought by the intelligence agent. Although he was a little sorry for disturbing the rest of the old people, the matter was of great importance. You can only wake people up and tell them about it.

Professor Wu was so angry that his hands shook when he heard this, while the other old professors even shook their heads and sighed after knowing that Yegel was involved.

"I want to know how far the research of the Jijia Department is going. If they are sent back now, will it have an impact on the research of the Jijia Department?" After Sheng Li said this, several old professors fell silent in unison

. down.

Now the research of the Mech Department is at the critical point. The researchers of the Boolean galaxy are of great significance to them. If it is just to repatriate Yegel and Vasily, it is hard to predict that the other researchers will end up. Did they participate in it, and would they ask to leave because they were deported? After all, the wealthy businessman who married his daughter was a branch of the Haydn family, and this research team was all affiliated to the Haydn family.

Professor Wu sighed, "We are still too far behind."

If they can have advanced experimental equipment to support the development of bio-mech chips, why would the Imperial Galaxy pay huge sums of money to purchase technology from the Boolean Galaxy? When the other party conducts sneak mining on their planet, or even transmits information, they must first consider whether this will affect the next scientific assistance of the Boolean galaxy.

The other professors obviously thought of this too, and even though they looked upset, they couldn't say "no influence" immediately.

"Commander Sheng, please let us discuss this matter." After a while, Professor Wu said to Sheng Li.

Sheng Li nodded, "If it's difficult, I will contact Capital Star to explain the situation." "


After Sheng Li and several officers left the meeting room, the professors began to discuss:

"I can't stay, I have already arrested him If we leave them again, wouldn't we have to admit their behavior of stealing resources?" "

But if people are sent away, what about the research? Our chip research is at a critical point. Once the researchers in the Boolean galaxy leave, We don't know how many detours we have to make, we can't afford to wait."

"I support the military department's activation of A-level security, so maybe we can use this as a bargaining chip to propose negotiation conditions to the Boer Galaxy." "

Yes, we are originally In the normal purchase of technology, it is clear that the Boolean galaxy broke the deal, why do we have to admit our mistake?" "

...just because we can't develop biological mechs, our fists are not as hard as theirs." "

But... do we really want to eat it? What's wrong with being dumb?"

The professors held on to their own opinions and argued endlessly, no one could convince the other, Sheng Li waited outside the door for a while, seeing that they couldn't come to a conclusion for a while, he went back to his office first.

He pushed open the door lightly, and the first thing he saw was the young man who was lying on his desk, sound asleep. The chaos of the night seemed to be blown away at this moment, and his mood relaxed a little. Walking slowly to Xia Tian's side, he put the slipped coat back on his shoulders for him.

"...Master?" He never thought that such a small action would wake Xia Tian up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, and asked in a daze, "Is it solved?

" In discussions, we have to minimize our losses as much as possible."

Originally, Sheng Li thought that the researchers in the Boolean galaxy were nothing more than stealing mineral research if they went too far. If the researchers of the Boolean galaxy crossed the border, they would directly activate the A-level security, which was both a warning and a threat. At that time, the research team of the Boolean galaxy would not be able to make the research team of the Boolean galaxy pay a little more for it.

But who would have thought that they stretched out their hands so long and used military information transmitters to transmit information. They were so rampant, perhaps because they had pinpointed the lifeline of the current backward technology of the Imperial Galaxy, and expected that they could not and would not dare to act rashly .

Xia Tian only heard Sheng Li sigh faintly, his heart ached, and he hurriedly grabbed Sheng Li's hand, but he wanted to say something to comfort him but he didn't know where to start. After all, they were not as skilled as others. He opened his mouth for the first time, but at the end he only said softly: "Master, don't be angry." After saying that, I felt annoyed, such a light sentence could not solve any problem at all.

At this moment, Xia Tian couldn't help secretly annoyed. It would be great if he could master more and more advanced technologies in this small world. He didn't need the Empire galaxy to pay a heavy price to other countries to buy technology, and he wouldn't sit around and help right now. busy.

Sheng Li was really soothed by his words, he bent down, kissed Xia Tian's slightly cool fingertips lightly, and then asked jokingly: "Does Xia Xia think I'm useless?"

He used to be a billionaire president and a young marshal in command of the six armies. Even if he was a "fool" who was not valued in the last small world and was suppressed by the emperor at first, he was able to turn the tide with his own ability and help Xia. Tian governs the country and the world, it can be said that there is no life that is not happy and free.

But only in this small world, even if he holds the military power in his hands, so what, even if someone is acting as a spy under his nose, he still can't find out at the first time, and even if he finds out now, he can't fight back quickly .

Xia Tian blinked, and suddenly laughed, "I was going to ask you this, if I were smarter, I wouldn't need to buy any technology from Boolean Galaxy."

After speaking, the two laughed together. Even though this life may not be like other small worlds, they are still together and there is always a solution.

The old professors in the conference room debated all night, and it was not until early in the morning that Professor Wu wearily opened the door of the conference room, and said to the soldiers guarding the door: "Please tell Commander Sheng, we will discuss the results. Already."

"Do you support the activation of A-level security and repatriate them for espionage?" Sheng Li also stayed up all night. When he hurried to the meeting, he was a little surprised when he heard the old professors' decision. They contacted Marshal Sheng and the Capital Xingjun District overnight, and they discussed various solutions, but they didn't expect that the old professors would directly choose the most serious one.

Professor Wu's eyes were bloodshot, and he forced a smile, "We are all engaged in research. Although we don't understand politics, we also know that if we are subdued by research right now, it may make the Boolean galaxy even bigger in the future."

Sheng Li nodded. Marshal Sheng also told him that perhaps the behavior of Vasily and others was a test for the Boolean Galaxy, to see how far they can make concessions for the biological mecha, once they show weakness, maybe they will wait for them next The most important thing is the foreign research institute stationed in Haitang star.

"In the final analysis, it's just that we are not good enough." Professor Wu sighed, "But biological mechs need to be researched, and the resources of Haitang Star can't be divided at all. The lessons learned from the past are still vivid, and we all remember them."

Sheng Li understood what he meant, nodded, and was about to turn around and leave. He seemed to have thought of something, and looked back at Professor Wu again, and said solemnly: "We will try our best to get as much compensation as possible. You are right, Haitang. Stars cannot be divided, but we also need biological mechs."

An hour later, the entire Begonia Star activated Level A security, and the news was sent back to Capital Star immediately. As a bargaining chip, in exchange for the Boolean galaxy research team that was detained on Begonia as a spy.

At the same time, Xia Tian walked into the temporary detention center of the military region with a simple breakfast.

When he and Sheng Li were in the last small world, because they didn't like being served by outsiders when they went out, they also learned how to cook, but the ingredients of the tableware in the interstellar era are quite different from those in the previous small world, so everything has to be learned from scratch, even Sheng Li used to be an excellent cook, but he couldn't marinate the chicken legs here. Although Xia Tian could distinguish the purpose of every small part on the mecha, he couldn't figure out the purpose of each button on the kitchen utensils.

Sheng Li had a lot of tasks today, so naturally he didn't have time to make breakfast, so Xia Tian fumbled to learn how to heat up milk and bake bread, which at least made Sheng Li fill his stomach.

Seeing that Sheng Li was full, Xia Tian asked, "Master, can I go and see Yegel?" "

Yager?" Sheng Li thought for a moment, then nodded. This man confessed quickly, He was also very stubborn, and refused to disclose any relationship with Vasily at all. Even if the interrogator put the information in front of him, Yegel was still very stubborn and refused to admit that he was related to Vasily.

This person is just a researcher with no power to restrain his chicken, and he can't hurt his little fox. Besides, he is a colleague and friend that Xia Tian values ​​in this life. Sheng Li is not willing to be too harsh, which makes Xia Tian feel regretful. .

That's why Xia Tian appeared in the detention center and met Yegel.

His clothes were a little messy, which was the same outfit he wore when he left the mine yesterday. The military region did not impose any punishment on him, and the methods were very mild.

Xia Tian handed over the dinner plate to the guarding soldier and put it in front of him, sat on the ground across the fence, and looked at Yegel.

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