Merlin's Bane

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"Hey, hun? What should we do for our wedding?" Merlin asks against Mordred's chest.

"I haven't given it much thought. But dogs and roses are my first thoughts." Mordred said calmly.

"Okay, I need to write that down." Merlin said as he jumped off of Mordred and went over to the desk, Mordred sat at the other end of the table.

"We have to do it in nature." Mordred added.

"We obviously have to, how didn't I think of that." Merlin replied and wrote it down.

They continued announcing ideas the entire day with maybe, 2 breaks to eat.  Then they heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." Mordred said.

"Sorry to bother you sirs, but the King seeks Merlin's presence." A young male servant said calmly and professionally.

"Okay, I'll be there." Merlin responded before kissing Mordred goodbye.

*In Arthur's Chambers*

"Merlin, we must leave in an hour. We have another beast, I believe a boar." Arthur said sternly.

"Yes, sire." Merlin replied.

*On the ride*

Mordred and Merlin were just talking when bandits showed up and attacked.  Merlin didn't have the chance before one stabbed Merlin in the stomach and he fell unconscious and Mordred ran over immediately while Arthur killed the few left, there weren't many.  Mordred was sobbing into Merlin's neck while he's holding him.

"Please, Emrys, wake up. I can't lose you. Please, wake up, don't leave me. I can't be alone. Please!" Mordred is pleading desperately through the sobbing.

Arthur's heart shaders at what he's seeing, Mordred so desperate, Merlin unconscious.

"Let's go! We have to get to Gaius! Now!" Arthur is shouting.  He got no hesitation as everyone rushed to their horses.

*In the Citadel*

"Gaius! Please, we need your help! Now! Hurry, it's Merlin! He was stabbed in the stomach!" Mordred called out loudly. 

"Oh my gods, Merlin. Arthur, we need the Mortaeus flower again, do you remember where they are?" Gaius asked.

"Yeah, I remember perfectly." Arthur said sternly but with unavoidable worry and concern.

"Mordred, Arthur. Go get the flower, and hurry." Gaius said sternly. 

Gwaine and Lancelot stayed there praying for hours that they'd find the flower in time.

*With Arthur and Mordred*

Once they get to the cave, they notice a light inside. They draw their swords and go inside and are shocked at what they see, Morgana bowing her head kneeling at the hands of Agravaine. 

"What have you done to he?" Mordred shouted.

"Oh, foolish boy. She's under my control. She lost her control the day she was kidnapped by Morgause.  And all you can do is kill me to stop it."  Agravaine said calmly as he sat there.

"Mordred, stop. If anyone's killing him for this, it's me." Arthur said as he ran forward and stabbed Agravaine through the heart immediately.

"Arthur, Arthur. Please, don't kill me for my magic, I would never harm Camelot or you, I swear. I wasn't in control. Please." Morgana begged and she started crying after realizing (instantly) all the damage she did to Camelot. 

"Morgana, I'm here and I know you weren't in control. I'm not going to punish you for that or your magic. Magic is legal now." Arthur said as Mordred went in to hug her.

"Mordred? It felt just yesterday Arthur, Merlin, and I were saving you. You grew up, and I missed it. I'm sorry." Morgana said again, now standing.

"It's okay, Morgana. I missed you, this you." Mordred said.

"The flower." Arthur said.

"What about a flower?" Morgana asked.

"Merlin, he's been stabbed. Gaius needs the Mortaeus flower to heal him.  That's why we're here." Arthur says running to where the flower is.

"Wait, I can levitate the flower over here." Morgana says.

Morgana says a spell and the flower comes floating to her and they ride instantly back to Camelot.

"Hey, Morgana, there's something I need to tell you." Mordred said mix way through the ride.

"Really, what's that?" Morgana asks trying to catch up.

"I'm gay and I'm dating Merlin, actually, we're engaged." Mordred says trying to hide he's afraid of her response.

"Oh my gods, Mordred. I'm so happy for you, I'd hug you, but we are on a mission so I'll hug you when we get back and Merlin's healed, then there's more than 1 reason to hug." Morgana says smiling.

*Back at the Citadel*

"Gaius! We have the Mortaeus flower!" Mordred yells as they head into Gaius' chambers.  And by the way, we have Morgana back. The real her. She was put under a spell by Agravaine and Morgause." Mordred shouted as they entered.

Mordred ran over to Merlin and held him tightly praying it would work.  Then, right when Gaius finished, Merlin's heart stopped.

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