I begin to head towards the night stand and slowly open the drawer as quiet as I can and pull one of the baby ultrasounds out.

I glance over at my husband one last time to see that he's still soundly asleep and begin to take a couple steps back, I know that if I try and give him a kiss he's going to wake up almost instantly and I won't be able to do what I want too.

I have about an hour, hour and a half tops before Carmelo's up and doing his morning workout. I want to try and sneak into his office and place the ultrasound image on his desk before he begins his day to try and ease him into his grandfather mode rather than his over barring mafia boss mode.

I want the soft gentle side of Carmelo to come out so that his son can follow in his footsteps without him having to feel guilty that his dad is going to think he's going soft.

Moving as quietly as I can I begin to head towards the bedroom door turning the doorknob as slowly as I can so it doesn't make any type of sound and sneak my way out into the hallway.

The pitch black hallway immediately lights up once I'm out of the bedroom because of the motion sensored lights and I'm quickly running over to the switch and turning them off so the light doesn't peek in through Isaac parents bedroom.

I make my way down the stairs, careful to take my time. There's a faint glow coming in from the living room and kitchen due to the lights that always stay on incase Beven's has to stay up late this way it's not entirely pitch black down here.

I glance up at the ceiling when my eyes catch a little red light flashing in the corner, indicating that Carmelo's men are getting a live feed on their screen in the surveillance room and wave up at the camera and smile. I pray to baby Jesus that they don't make the stupid decision to wake up their boss or Isaac and tell them that I'm wandering the halls at a crazy hour.

I notice that the door to Carmelo's office is ajar once I get closer and see a faint light coming out through the cracks and immediately begin to frown to myself.

Is he in there? He can't be, it's way too early for him to be up or even late if he hasn't gone to bed yet, but Adriana and Carmelo went to their bedroom first before we did.

I place the ultrasound picture behind my back when my ears pick up on a soft sound coming from inside and place my other hand on the door, slowly pushing it open.

"Oh- I'm sorry," I immediately come to a pause when I in fact see a shirtless Carmelo standing at his desk, a money counter on top of it as he places bills on top of it.

He's wearing a pair of dark navy silky pajama pants that Isaac and I got him for his birthday.

It was actually one of the many designer pajama sets that we got him.

For a man who did very little sleep he sure loved his designer pajama sets, he owned just about the same amount of Pj's than he did suits.

"I didn't think you'd be in here so early," I say quietly while standing at the door.

Why the hell is he awake?

He smiles, shaking his head he waves me in, "just counting my daily greens, getting a therapeutic start. Come in, what's got you up so early?" He glances at the clock on his far wall.

"I came down for some water, I was feeling a little nauseous," I say.

He frowns and is taking the money out of his machine, placing a new stack in it, "KP doesn't have the mini fridge stocked?"

Damnit, okay, bad lie, bad excuse.

I nod and smile, "he does, but I wanted to get some fresh air."

He looks up from his machine again, "in my office?" His frown deepens.

The Mafia's Son IIIWhere stories live. Discover now