🌸 Chapter 9: Shell in a Cell🌸

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Nessa's P.O.V

I got dressed for the occasion since we were going to go see Raph's favorite world champion wrestler in a match. I fixed my hair and brushed my fur as I got ready and left with the boys to go watch the match go down, I was wearing some denim shorts, black tank top and had my hair tied up in a ponytail.

Nessa: Wow, this is becoming radically intense
Raph: Go, Ghostbear! He's the greatest ever. He's gonna win number 200 tonight
Leo: Buddy, come on. You know wrestling is bogus. They always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear
Nessa: I doubt it
Leo: [gasp] You dare not believe in me, Neo? I am offended
Nessa: It's not that you can't beat him, it's just that you always say something and it ends up either ending in a bad way or~ lands you in the infirmary. Remember what happened when you try to attempt to perform that skateboard trick, only to land into my bedroom while I was asleep
Leo: I meant to do that
Nessa: Yeah right
Leo: I call this one the Three Star Hurricane. You think Ghostbear could match these moves?
Donnie: Oh, here we go
Mikey: Every time
Nessa: Nothing can stop him now
Raph: You take that back, Leo! No one beats Ghostbear


Nessa: Oh brother [munch on a pizza]

While Leo and Raph were fighting, Donnie and Mikey were about to get the last slice of pizza when Mikey got to it first.

Donnie: Whoa— Ah. Oh, you know what? That's fine, you have it. I'll have the next last piece of pizza
Mikey: Thanks, D!


Jessica [MC]: Ghostbear is the last man on the ring. And when I raise his arm, he will officially be 200-0!
Raph: Ha, told you, Leo!!
Leo: Whatever. Ghostbear's just a chump in a costume
Nessa: You know if you did beat Ghostbear Leo, I would've kissed you
Leo: [grin] That can be arranged. I could beat him. I could hear any of them [jumps off]
Nessa: AHHH!!!
Raph/Nessa: Leo!!!
Leo: Avenge me!!

We grew very worried for Leo but before the MC could raise Ghostbear's arm, Leo landed ontop of him crashing him down. Jessica pulled someone out of the hole and it turned out to be Leo, oh boy, this was not gonna end well.

[Crowd Gasping]

Mikey: People are gonna see him!
Donnie: Well, I hope Leo gets home okay. I guess the Nessie ship will sail. You guys ready to go?
Jessica [MC]: And the mystery wrestler of the hour, erasing Ghostbear's flawless record, your new champion... Uh, this guy!

[Thunderous Cheers]

Leo: [chuckles] All right!
Jessica [MC]: Wave good-bye to Ghostbear, fans. We'll be right back with more wrestling
Nessa: What??!! You gotta be kidding me

We carefully snuck backstage to find out that the MC decided to name Leo, Primetime, so now Leo has to prep for the next match.

Raph: This is not happening! Leo doesn't even like wrestling
Nessa: Now I owe Leo a kiss
Donnie: Not technically true, he didn't actually take down Ghostbear and- oh, no way, the Liberty League
Nessa: Donnie!! No!!

[Donnie jumps down]

Donnie: Hey, hey, fellas. Give it up

Donnie was about to get a high five, but instead Mikey butt in and took Donnie high five.

Nessa: [sigh] When is Donnie ever gonna learn to stand up for what is his


Nessa: Uh oh. Gotta stop Raph from hurting Leo

When You Look Me In The Eyes [Leonardo (Leo) x Oc x Donatello (Donnie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin