🌸 Chapter 1: Encounter🌸

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If you love stories with a lot of action, humor, and romance where the girl is saved my a knight in shinning armor, and live happily ever after...

This is not the story you wanna hear, okay!

Today just any average day, I was walking to school when I met April. She's one of my best friends, we've been friends ever since childhood to high school. And now, April has been so distance with me that we hardly hang out, I was practicing my cheerleading moves that I felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck that I grabbed it and pulled it from my neck to see that it was a unusual bug. Then my body started to feel this burning sensation to the point where it was over and I was on the ground. I blinked a couple of times and got back up, only to look up in the mirror we have in the stage and saw that I have these unusual Fox like ears and bushy tail. I freaked out and scurry away as I hear out of no where that students were walking to the auditorium, so I grabbed my bag and left with this unusual speed and escaped the school. Avoiding getting caught by the attention of my fellow classmates and dodged all the trees, I slipped my hoodie up and hid my tail as I try to walk casually through the crowd of people, into an alley, and up to the roof where I took my hoodie off and looked at myself on my phone's camera. I just couldn't believe it. 'how could this happen? Could it have been the bug's doing? But that's not possible!!'

Vanessa: [sigh] What am I going to do? I can't let mom and dad see me like this!! They'll think I'm a freak... No, I can't go home, I just can't... I'll sneak into my room and grab all the necessities I need in order to survive on my own

I jumped from roof to roof, as I reach to my apartment and snuck through the window of my room, avoiding to let my baby plants fall as I carefully dig through my drawers for my clothes, emergency money, and snacks to take with me.

I jumped from roof to roof, as I reach to my apartment and snuck through the window of my room, avoiding to let my baby plants fall as I carefully dig through my drawers for my clothes, emergency money, and snacks to take with me

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Vanessa: [sigh] I guess this is goodbye. Bye mom and dad [scribbles] I hope you find this letter

I placed the letter on my bed and climbed out the window as I look back at my room, I started to tear up and cry, but I wiped them away and left the room but not after my tail hit one of my small plants and knocked it to the ground. I panicked and scurried away up to the roof as I watch from a distance away from my apartment as my mom comes in and finds the letter. She opened it up and read it from word to word as she starts to tear up and cry, my father came in and saw my mom crying and spotted the letter, he read it and then hugged my mother as to comfort her from their loss. I looked away and walked to wherever my heart will take me so I decided to look for a place to stay while I lay low, it was starting to turn midnight and I decided to go to a ship. As I walk around and look for a place to sleep when I heard crashing and bashing out of no where, so me being curious decided to investigate until I was above to witness four turtles fighting off what looks like origami ninjas.

When You Look Me In The Eyes [Leonardo (Leo) x Oc x Donatello (Donnie)Where stories live. Discover now