🌸 Chapter 4: Newsworthy🌸

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The boys and I were heading off to a new mission where hippopotamus were disappearing in thin air, so now Raph is disguised as a female hippopotamus while we got ready to catch this thief.

Raph: You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing
Mikey: Um, I'd be happy to wear it, if you need a break
Raph: No, no. No, no, no, no. I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit
Leo: Well, I mean, he's got a point. Raph is the most hippo-like

[All chuckle]

Nessa: So~ explain to me again, why I couldn't wear it?
Leo: Because you're too beautiful and besides. We can't allow you to get captured
Donnie: Plus, with your ice manipulation you can catch this evil mutant hippo and freeze him
Nessa: Okay. But I've only been using it for a few days, I still haven't gotten use to it
Mikey: But you're already a pro at it, even our pops thinks so too
Raph: I need a little more of that female hippo scent

I chuckled and watch these boys make a fool of themselves, I love them all but sometimes they don't think before they do something crazy.

Raph: Jazzy fresh
Nessa: [giggle] You guys sure know how to make a girl laugh
???: Help!
Raph: Guys, that must be him
???: A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half
Nessa: Magic worm? Hold on!

The boys leap from rooftop and into park playground, I followed them as we look down from atop a playhouse to see two lighted arrows directed at a magician's saw box. A wormlike head is sticking out of one end and a spotlight snaps on and focuses on the box while the arrows fall over.

Nessa: Uhhhh
Leo: Does anyone else find this whole thing a little-
Donnie: Odd? Just-
Mikey: Magic worm?
Raph: Totally legit [Jumps from playhouse] Don't worry, Raph'll save you. Ouf! Uh... Hey, hey [Struggling with the paper his feet are stuck to] Raph stuck
Leo: Not again

Leo jumped into action and went to go save Raph, but struggled to get him out so Donnie went to help. For some reason something seemed oddly familiar about that worm, but I can't put my finger in it.

Worm: Ha, ha, ha, ha! Stepped right into my goop trap
Raph: Your what now?
Worm: Goop trap!
Mikey: Talking magic worm?
Warren: That was all a ruse. For I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and-

Leo out of no where poke Warren's hair while I hopped down and suddenly tried to hold back a laugh at how silly he was being.

Leo: I'm sorry, Warren who? [poke Warren's hair]
Warren: Stop it! Stone. I'm your greatest fo-
Leo: Ah, don't tell me. What are you? Uh, Worm-Man?
Warren: No, no, no, I'm Waa-
Raph: Can someone help me get unstuck?
Leo: Fine

Leo and Don struggle to pull the sticky paper off Raph's costumed feet, Mikey and I played on the playground while we wait, before long Warren strike at Leo but I started laughing at the fact how Leo was struggling to get Warren off of him that I fell on the ground and rolled around while laughing.

Leo: Ah, get it off of me! It's gross!
Warren: Classic mistake. I may be small, but I'm also very-ah!

Leo smacks him and Warren goes flying, Leo looked back and swings his sword, slicing Warren in two as he drops to the ground dead.

Warren: Uhhh...
Raph: Oh, what did you do?
Leo: He was on my head! I panicked!
Mikey: Is he gonna be okay?
Raph: Is he gonna be okay?! He's in two pieces
Nessa: [pray] May you Rest In Peace Warren-
Warren: You fools!
Turtles: AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! [Leo, Donnie, and Mikey hide behind Raph]
Warren: You've unleashed my ultimate power. Now I can-
Mikey: You can clone yourself?
Warren: No, I regenerate. It's an amazing power, but it's incredibly painful
Donnie: Fascinating. How long does the regeneration process take?
Warren: Several days
Nessa: That's it?
Mikey: And you grow back with double the strength
Warren: No
Raph: But four times the size
Warren: If I don't grow back twice as strong, why would I grow back four times as big? Ow!
Leo: I don't understand you
Raph: Can we go get some pizza now? I'm hungry
Mikey: Are you sure he's gonna be okay, guys?
Warren: I'm fine, you swamp-stinking, county-fair-prize losers. Ouf
Raph: You heard his scream. He's fine. Ugh, I had my fists set on bustin' up a magic hippo. What a waste
Nessa: If it makes you all feel better, I can make you some pizza bagel bites for you guys
Leo: Neo, you are the chef!
Turtles: WOO HOO!!!

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