Everyone agreed that Oliver should open the rest of his gifts first and he continued with a broad smile.  The twins gave him his own Never-Lock, something he had heard Percy complain about many times when the twins would lock his own things, so he was very happy to have one.   The girls had banded together and gotten him a very high-quality set of Keeper gloves and he teared up as he put them on.  They fit perfectly and gave him the range of motion he liked while being protective.

He laughed aloud when he opened Harry's gift.  It was another cup made in the shape of the Inter-House Quidditch cup, like the one he received the first year.  However, it was larger and very well made out of metal.  He immediately poured his hot chocolate into it and sipped appreciatively.

"It's enchanted to keep hot things hot and cold things cold," Harry explained.

"Excellent," Oliver said.  He gave the boy another high-five.  "This year, we'll get it.  And if we don't," he held up his cup, "I got the next best thing."

The team looked determined.  "Don't worry Wood," George said, "we'll get it this year."

"And we'll kill everyone else trying," Fred said.

Angelina grunted in agreement while Alicia rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry Harry," Katie said with false sincerity, "I don't think they mean that literally."

Harry mimed wiping sweat from his brow.

Oliver picked Alicia to open her gifts next.  The girl wasted no time, eagerly tearing apart the wrappings.  She thanked the twins for the very large bar of Honeyduke's chocolate, resisting the urge to start gnawing on it right away.  Katie and Angelina had gotten her the newest potion-making text that she wanted.  She squealed happily at the soft beanie style hat from Harry, also from Ellie's.  It was dark blue with gray stripes, topped with a soft off-white ball.  When she turned her head, the ball made a pleasant chiming sound that Harry said could be muffled at will.  Instantly she put it on, giving Harry a hug in thanks.

Alicia picked Fred originally but then amended it to allow both twins to go at the same time.  Their eyes sparkled at the gigantic pile of prank items and fireworks from Zonko's that the girls had amassed for them.

"I just had a thought," Katie said.  "Why do we help the twins in playing pranks by getting them more things to play pranks with?  Does that make us accessories or enablers?"

"Providing the means does not mean we provide the intent," Alicia said.  "At least that's what I tell myself to make myself feel better."

"I thought Wood was the one wanting to go into Law," George said to their snickering.

"I never want to be examined by Alicia, ever," Fred said shuddering.

"How about cross-examined?" Angelina asked with a smirk.

"She's always cross, what's the difference?"

"Whoa!" George exclaimed as he unwrapped his last gift, sparing Fred from Alicia's retort.  "Harry, you didn't!"

Fred tore open his last gift and had a similar exclamation.  The twins held up brand new Beater bats.  They gleamed in the firelight, the polished wood shone and they twins held them with easy grips.  They swung them around experimentally, sighing happily at the balance and the weight.

"These are League standard!" Fred said excitedly.

"One and a half grip length to allow for one hand or two-handed swinging!" George said excitedly.

"Excellent balance, and enchanted against cracking and weather!"

"They even come with a cord to hang off your wrist in case you let go!"

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