༺ Chapter 14༻

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Chapter fourteen


No ones POV


The children had escaped from that room.

Missy -.. Wheels, how much time do we have?..

Missy said closing the door behind her then turning to Wheels.

Wheels-.. Eighteen Minutes.

Missy-.. Then we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover.

They all then started to walk down the hallways.

Wildcard-.. Us?.. Are you nuts?! We have to free our parents and let THEM handle it!

Wildcard said walking up to Missy.

Missy-.. No!, there's no time for that! by the time we get there, they--

Wildcard-.. No!!.. I'm I'm through listening to you. When I woke up everything was perfect!, then YOU, come along and everything's a mess! If Little Miss No-Powers, is who you want as a leader. Fine!, follow her straight into Alienville! But Facemaker and I are gonna go get our parents.

Facemaker-.. We are?

He said turning to look at wildcard.

-.. Yes. Right now.

Missy-.. Guys!.. We have to stick together. Guys!!

(Y/N) then did the usual. Threw lava at wildcard. And as the other times missed.

Missy-.. What can you do? Some people just forget--

(Y/N) - Forget him! We need to get to the rocket so Wheels can stop it before it launches.

Missy then turned to Wheels.

Missy-.. How are you so sure you can do that??

Wheels-.. Everything the aliens build is super Intruitive to use, almost like it was designed for children to operate.

-.. Get me close. I'll turn it off.


Facemakers POV


After that unfortunate event me and Wildcard started walking. Well just wildcard I was just following him.

Facemaker-.. I don't understand. Why did we split up?

I said, I really didn't understand

-.. Where are we going???

Wildcard was ignoring me. I don't even know why I accepted to come with him, in my defense I didn't he forced me,

-.. How do you know our parents are this way?!

Wildcard-.. Okay.. This is good!

Facemaker-.. What do you mean "this is good"?

I mean for real!! We've been walking threw hallways that looked the same how does he know!!

Wildcard-.. Are you questioning my authority

Facemaker-.. UuUuuUhh--...  I don't even know what we're talking about.

What's authority?

Wildcard-..  Really?! The confused thing? That's what you're going with?!

He said then pushing me, well this ain't ending well

♡ 𝐀 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 ♡ (A capellaxReader) Where stories live. Discover now