♥︎ Chapter Eight ♥︎

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Chapter Eight
♥︎ Training ♥︎


No ones POV


Facemaker, Noodles, and Guppy then got in position to start training.

Anita-.. Stand together.

Rewind and A capella started doing some movements.

Anita-.. Feel the rhythm.

A red laser warrior then appeared where rewind was. Rewind then got ready to fight it. The red laser warrior gave the first hit Which rewind dodged. Rewind then took the red laser warrior by his arm and threw him on the ground. Rewind then made a pose at the end.

Then it was Guppys turn she punched the robot in the stomach and made him fall onto the floor she then got on top of it and punched it I'm the face.

Anita-.. Cálmate, Guppy!

Guppy then turned too look at Anita

Anita-.. Calm down, dear.

Wildcard was on the rope while doing so Wheels looked at Wildcard he then crossed his arms.

Then it was A capellas turn to fight the red laser warrior. (Y/N) sat next too Ojo as they watched A capella.

A capella then hit the robot took it's arm and
punched it in the face she then flipped the robot and then pulled it's arm. Then posed.

Missy was on the rope but started too lose her balance

Missy-.. Woah.. Oh! I can't do this! Nope, not for me

The others continued training

Anita-.. Ah. Okay, nieta, your turn.

Missy-.. What? I'm not ready.

Anita-.. And that's how you become ready, by doing it.

Anita-.. Go! And tell that kid (Y/N) to help you.


No ones pov


As the guards tried to find the kids they started to get close.

Guard 1-.. Im picking up a leap in the sound.

Miss Granada-.. What are they saying? Can you hear them?

Guard 1-.. Yes, it sounds like.. They're rocking out.

Miss Granada-.. What?



Rewind and Fast forward then started training together tryna do the same movements.

Missy-.. Okay work together.

Rewind then went back time before him and Fast forward started training.

(Y/N)-.. Stay in sync.

The second try then was a success.

Missy and
(Y/N)-.. Good.

Facemaker-.. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wrong way! You're going the wrong way!

He tells guppy. She then growls and started too chase Facemaker wich he reacted to it screaming then running away from Guppy. Noodles then grabbed Guppy

Missy-.. Guppy, stay calm!

(Y/N)-.. Eh she's just in a shark frenzy.

Guppy starts pulling Noodles as she continues to chase Facemaker. Wildcard then hold onto Noodles trying too help him with Guppy

Wildcard-.. (Y/N)! get your sister!

(Y/N)-.. Yeah yeah i'm coming.

(Y/N) took Guppy by her arms trying to get her to stop moving

(Y/N)-.. Guppy! You're in a shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends.

Guppy then stared at (Y/N)

(Y/N)-.. Your powers are useless if you don't stay calm and focused. Go meditate.

(Y/N) then let for of Guppy then walked away

Slow-mo then fell.

Missy-.. Someone catch Slo-Mo!

Missy-.. Noodles! I mean, no, Facemaker!

Rewind and
Fast forward-.. What? Who? Make up your mind!

Noodles was on the rope

Noodles-.. I got him!

Noodles then lost his balance his arms  started too move randomly and were gonna hit A capella (Y/N) ran up to A capella and pushed her out the way wich resulted with
(Y/N) having a little scar on their cheek. But (Y/N) didn't mind as long as A capella was okay.

When Noodles lost his balance he fell of the rope and ended up crashibg into Facemaker. His hand then grabbed Wheels wheelchair. guppy took off her Blue glasses

Missy-.. Listen too me!

Noodles then Pulled Wheels into the mess
(Y/N) ended ontop of A capella they then turned red just like a tomato A capella then also blushed a bit

Wildcard-.. Slo-Mo you never do anything right.

(Y/N)-.. I agree.

(Sorry if it's kinda short)


End of Chapter
♥︎ Training ♥︎

♡ 𝐀 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 ♡ (A capellaxReader) Where stories live. Discover now