ᥫ᭡ Chapter Six ᥫ᭡

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Chapter six
ᥫ᭡ Flying Tram ᥫ᭡


No ones POV


When everybody got out they got in a line.

Missy-.. Noodles, stretch and make yourself tall!

Noodles then put on the jacket he took from one of the guards and stretched himself to be taller

Noodles-.. Greetings, fellow grown-ups.

Noodles said in a deep voice

Woman-.. Hey. Hold one second. Hey!

The alarm was then turned one by the woman. They all then started running while running Missy accidentally made a woman fall.

Missy-.. I.. I'm so sorry!

The woman then turned too Missy and it resulted too he Miss Granada.

(Y/N) then went back and grabbed Missys arm

(Y/N) -.. Cmon Missy we can't stop right now.

They both then started running.

Miss Granada-.. Seal the doors!


(Y/N)s POV


Before we were all out they stopped us

Guppy-.. We're in trouble.

Guppy said

(Y/N)-.. Indeed we are.

We then tried running back but didn't work.

Missy-.. That was our only exit!

Wildcard then looked up and pointed

Wildcard-.. Not our only!

(Y/N)-.. Are you insane?! How are we supposed to get up there?

I asked him. Like litterly how do we get up there?

Missy-.. A capella? You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?

A capella?! I mean she has made furniture float before but making people float is a whole different thing. Gosh missy if A capella gets hurt I'm gonna throw lava at you.

A capella-.. To go up high, I have to sing very.. Lowwww

The people then started floating in a type of stair way.

Wildcard-.. Climb as fast as you can!

We all then started climbing up. Noodles grabbed Wheels with one of his hands since wheels couldnt get up because of his wheelchair.

Wildcard-.. Noodles, open up the hatch!

With his other hand noodles opened the hatch

We all then got up when they got out the hatch they all ran too the tram. But Nuh uh not me I'm gonna wait for my future wife A capella.

When A capella got out the hatch I ran too the tram.

Missy-.. Don't let them follow us!

A capella-.. ♪ 𝘈𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘴 ♪

Wildcard-.. Noodles, the access cards!

Poor noodles. Wildcard is telling him too do everything.

We then got in the tram. I sat beetween slo-mo and fast forward. Since Guppy was next too Wildcard.

Fast forward- .. We did it!

Missy-.. Yeah, we did it.

Wheels-.. But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure.

(Y/N) -.. Wheels is right what do we do no- Look! They're already mobilizing!

I said.

Missy-.. Brace Yourselves!

-.. You too guppy.

Wildcard-.. A capella, make us fly.


A capella then started her low voice. Her eyes then started glowing gosh she's amazing! When she made us fly we all started cheering

A capella then started doing movements with her arms.. She can't steer. SHE CAN'T STEER!

(Y/N)-.. She can't steer!

Missy-.. We're gonna crash into that building!

Wheels-.. We need to change directions!

Wheels then looked at noodles.

Noodles-.. I'm on it!

Noodles then hold onto a pole then got out the tram and tried to get us too change direction his hand was then slipping off the pole.

Missy-.. Help him out!

We then started to go in circles.. Gosh I'm getting dizzy.

Wildcard-.. Well, that was a disaster.

Rewind-.. That was awesome.

Noodles-.. I'm do exhausted.

The tram then started to go down but got up again

A capella-.. Guys.. I'm running.. Out of..

Wildcard-.. Breath! We get it.

Facemaker-.. What do we do?

Noodles-.. Don't look at me I'm done

Wheels-.. We need to find a place to hide.

Fast forward-.. The Heroics are locked in the alien ship.

Missy-.. Not all of them.

Wildcard-.. You know this how?

Missy then went over to Wheels and signaled A capella to get over there too

Missy-.. Do you think you can get us over to here?

A capella then nodded

(Y/N)-.. Hey what's over there that's so important?

Missy-.. Well, you see, my--

Wheels-.. Okay, this is bad. This is really, really bad,

Facemaker-.. Five to one says we die fiery death.

Noodles-.. You're on!

(Y/N) -.. You can do it, A capella!

We all then started encouraging her

She then stopped and cleared her throat

A capella-.. Does anyone have a lozenge?

She then pointed at her throat. I took something out from my pocket.

(Y/N) -.. Here.

I then gave it too her. I'm ready for what my future wife needs.

The tram then started too go down

Missy-.. Hang on!

We all then started screaming. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around
A capellas waist as we fell. I then noticed what I was doing and got away from her while I was blushing. we then crashed into something I suddenly lost my balance and fell onto the floor.


End of chapter six
ᥫ᭡ Flying Tram ᥫ᭡

♡ 𝐀 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 ♡ (A capellaxReader) Where stories live. Discover now