Being Parents

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"Two minutes," Michael announced, carrying four soda cans over to the couch and handing them out.

Luke was looking pale and fidgety. He was sandwiched on the couch between Calum, who had an arm on the back of the couch behind Luke, and Ashton, who had his shoulder pressed to Luke and was fiddling with the remote.

Michael opted for the loveseat.

Luke let out a groan and threw his head back.
"I can't wait anymore," he whined.

"It's only ninety seconds," Ashton said, still trying to mirror their band's Instagram and twitter live feed on the TV screen.

"Plus at least 60 seconds before the first people watched the whole thing!," Luke argued.

"I regret this already," Michael muttered, "we should've locked his phone away and distracted him instead."

"Like any of us could distract Luke when this is all we think about," Calum mumbled.

"Dude, you're acting like a boomer," Michael sighed and reached out to take the remote from Ashton.
Ashton grumbled but handed it over anyway before opening his soda can.

Ashton's phone chimed.

Luke's, Calums and Michaels followed suit.

"It's out, guys," Michael said and at the same time, their Instagram and twitter feed popped up on the TV. The thumbnail of their latest post started back at them.

"Oh fuck," Luke mumbled and dropped his head on Calum's shoulder. He closed his eyes and buried his face in Calums biceps.

"Let me know what they say. I can't watch this unfold," Luke mumbled.

Calum curled his arm around Luke and dropped a kiss to the top of his curls.

The room was dead silent for the next minute. Then, the first notifications came in.

A few comments at first. A handful of tweets. But then shit blew up.

"They love you, Lu," Calum mumbled into Luke's curls, "and they love bean."

Luke peered up at the screen and took in the crazy amount of love thrown out at them.

Suddenly a tweet plopped up.

Ashton Irwin @Ashton5SOS
This is the best thing that's ever happened to this band. 💙

Luke let out a shaky laugh.

"I love you," Luke mumbled and leant his head against Ashtons shoulder.

"Love you, dude," Ashton smiled down and then over at Calum.

"Anyone wanna bet how long it takes for the first articles to pop up?," Michael asked, "I say twenty minutes."

"Yeah, max," Ashton mumbled.

"MTV just retweeted," Michael said, "Now we're talking."

Luke was still scanning over all the things popping up on the screen. Sure, there were some weird and slightly offensive comments here and there, but nothing Luke hadn't dealt with before. The general consensus was love and happiness.

"Hey," Calum mumbled and took Luke's hand. Luke turned his head slightly so he could look at Calum but still see the TV from the corner of his eyes.

"Lu, you're okay. We're okay," he mumbled and squeezed Luke's hand, "the hiding is over. And everything is okay."
Calum leant in to place a kiss to Luke's temple.

Luke let out a long breath and finally felt his shoulders relax a bit.
Calum softly manhandled Luke so his back was leaning against Calums chest and he could rest his chin on Luke's blonde curls. Luke tugged one knee up on the couch so he could fit more comfortably and Calum closed both his arms around Luke, holding him close and kissing the top of his head repeatedly.

MOODSWINGS - Cake (Mpreg!) [completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now