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"Hey baby," Calum picked up his three year old and put him down on his lap, still a bit drowsy.

"Happy birfday," Felix grinned up at his dad and snuggled close to him.

"Thanks buddy," Calum wrapped him in his arms and pressed a kiss to his head, "I love you, my darling."

Felix softly wiggled free and held out a small box for Calum.

"For me?," he asked, acting surprised and his son nodded viciously, blonde curls flying around his head, "Why thank you."

He took the box from Felix's little hands. It was a plain white box with a lid and a pale green ribbon tied around it.

"Open," Felix demanded and Calum smiled at him.

"Where's Papa?," he asked.

"Kitchen," Felix said, "He said open it."
Felix's dark brown eyes sparkled.

Calum carefully untied the ribbon and slowly opened the lid.

His heart stopped.

This one looked a bit different than the ones he had seen before but it was undeniably a pregnancy test. Calum picked it up and saw two bold lines on the paper. His heart kicked back into motion and started racing.

"What is that?," Felix asked and made grabby hands. Calum was quick to hold it out of reach.

Instead he picked Felix up and hoisted him on his hip while getting up. "C'mon munchkin, let's find Papa."

Calum was quick to cross the distance to the kitchen and found his husband standing at the stove with his back turned to them. Calum strode over and Luke glanced at them when Felix let out a delighted shriek.

"Hello, Mr. Hemmings," Luke grinned when Calum arrived at his side. Calum wrapped an arm around Luke's middle and drew him closer in one swift Motion so they were face to face with Felix sitting on Calums hip.

"Is it true? Tell me you're not shitting me," Calum whispered and held up the test still tugged away in his fist.

"I'm not shitting you," Luke laughed softly, "I'm pregnant. Ten weeks."

"Oh my god," Calum breathed out and he couldn't stop the tears forming in his eyes. He sat Felix down, who shuffled away and turned back to Luke. Cradling his face in both his hands he beamed at his husband.

"Happy birthday, Cal," Luke whispered.

"I love you," Calum sniffled, "I love you. I love you. I love you."

Luke brought up his hand to catch a tear falling from Calums eye. "Hey, now," Luke smiled, "Don't cry. You're gonna make me cry. I already feel my emotions going all wonky."

Calum drew Luke in for a chaste kiss. "This is the best present ever. I love you. I'm so happy, Lu. Oh my god."
"When did you figure it out?," he asked, still holding Luke by his hips, thumbs rubbing over the soft warm skin above Luke's hip bones.

"I don't know. It crossed my mind two days ago," Luke said, "I have just been feeling weird and off for most of last week. And then on Tuesday someone went past me wearing this super strong perfume and I felt like I was about to throw up in the middle of the supermarket. I picked up a test just in case and sorta forgot about it. Then I felt queasy monday morning and took the test and now we're here."

Calum nodded.

Luke pulled out a sonogram from his front pocket and held it out for Calum.

"We have an appointment next week, for now this is all you'll get," Luke said, "Sorry. Wanted it to be a surprise."

Calum wiped at his eyes again. "Lu, baby, oh jesus. This is the best present ever."
Luke laughed small and placed a peck on Calum's nose before he detoured to pick Felix up from where he was about to use his pencils on the wall.

"We said no, Felix, remember?"

MOODSWINGS - Cake (Mpreg!) [completed ✔️]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora