[Part 12] ||"groceries, the start."

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(This is the introduction of a whole "turtles and family go to the groceries and mess shit up" chapter! Sorry for the wait!)

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


You glimpse at your digital clock with heavy eyelids, what time is it again? 

You feel the soft touch of your mattress in the tip of your fingers as you try to fight your laziness, but just as you think you've finally managed to win, your own muscles take you by surprise and dive your body deeper into your bed. Now, totally giving up on even getting close to the ground, you yawn and grasp your phone in a groan. 

You eye the screen, what was going on with your inbox?

After your mutation you were usually occupied with your mutant friend's requests, hence your lack of social media accounts and in-general internet activity, so what the heck is going on? Eventually, you realize the """family"""  group chat was being absolutely spammed by everyone, probably because they, just like you, were way too lazy to actually get their asses off the bed, the only exception being Leo, who has been real careful with his training after the whole Krang situation. With a light chuckle, you join in just as Mikey hints of leaving.


M!key🧡: I'll get groceries, kys!1!!1

Donatello Hamato: Excuse you?

Raph: MIKEY DON'T SAY THAT?!1!1!!111

M!key🧡: ?

Mikey... Do you know what that means?

M!key🧡: Keep yourself safe?

Donatello Hamato: Oh, brother, your poor, poor, innocent soul.


Leo(aka man of your dreams): If you weren't right, I'd be really mad right now.

Raphwhy is your username so long?

Leo(aka man of your dreams): people may not know what "Leo" I am otherwise

Leo(aka man of your dreams):

people don't usually name their children "Leonardo", Leonardo.

M!key🧡: Can someone tell me what is going on?

Donatello Hamato: Not really.

M!key🧡: Okie dokie! Kys ya'll!! <3<3<3


'This eye-bleeding screen light was the perfect way to shake me up!' you think to yourself, as you finally get the emotional power to jump out of bed in one single swinging motion. Maybe, if you're quick enough, you may be able to catch him leaving and go along with him, maybe even puppy-eye him into buying you a little something... Or not. This is Mikey you are talking about, anyways. Before you even realize, he may puppy-eye YOU into financial submission.

Oh. Financial.

You still owe the turtles the money you stole, even if they're not aware of it. No wonder Mikey has to go to the groceries!

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