[Part 9] ||"Speak of the devil"

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Hope you enjoy this chapter!


I open a weary eye to stare at the time politely displayed on the digital clock sitting on Leo's bedside table, it's 7 AM. The day just started, and I just came from the lair's second, larger, bathroom, covered by perfume... I think?.. Not really sure, I just kinda bathed myself with whatever covered the horrendous smell that infested my body.

I don't think I smoked that much (Did I?), but it was more than enough for me to worry about how I looked in the mirror, and oh god, why did I look? I'm the definition of a hot mess right now, if my pupils were more dilated I'd be scared they'd pop off. I try (and somehow manage) to brush my fur with my fingers, making sure every single strand makes its way to the right, sober-looking place where it once was. Alright, you've played pretend before as a child, Y/N, It's alright.

I look over at Leo, who is sleeping peacefully, with his limbs spread out to every single corner of the bed. I would be amazed, that is, If I wasn't grossed out by the drool on the corner of his lips, making its way to the soft fabric of one of the pillows. Now the pillow is ruined! Awesome!

Knowing damn well Leo is dead to the world around him and lost in a deep slumber, I use my foot to yank one of the pillows across the cold floor in his direction, making it softly hit him on the head. For a moment, I genuinely thought I fucked up, watching in surprise as he rolled to the other side, but he quickly hugged a plushie next to his plastron, holding it for dear life and snoring loudly.

I slowly got back into walking around the lair, I simply wanted to hide my stuff on my room, nothing more. I go in the direction of the same bathroom I covered with the strong scent of probably-perfume.

'I'll go back to the bathroom and see some stupid Pinterest shitposts, that will make the trip worth it' I think to myself, scraping my headspace for any trace of brain cells left. I take a turn and stumble into a familiar red snapping turtle holding a 'best male mom 4ever' mug with a tired glance. Before I can let my body fall down, he picks me up by my hips and carefully positions me on the ground - "...You okay?" - I blink once, then twice, before realizing I didn't answer the poor dude for 7 whole seconds. - "Y/N?" - he calls, bopping my nose with his finger, making sure I wasn't in a trance... In which I was.

-"Oh. Yeah, pretty much." - I feel myself getting lost in my words. Wait a fucking minute... Is it finally hitting? 

Before I can think about it, I feel my head getting heavy, I bite my lower lip, but feel incapable of controlling the strength with which I do so. He's looking at me? Why is he looking at me? Oh, I didn't answer him yet, did I? - "Sure" - He lifts one "eyebrow" up, letting the other sink in. - "Sure what? Y/N?" - I answer, unsure - "Sorry, I'm just... exhausted." - He stares at me with a worried look, taking a heavy sip from his coffee?... Tea?... Whatever.

-"Your eyes are red... You sure you don't want me to call Donnie to check you out? It may be an allergy or something." - Not Donnie, for the love of god! If one of the turtles ends up catching me in my lies it 100% will be him and I absolutely do not feel like listening to an entire scold about how cannabis affects the body from a scientific standpoint!

-"Oh, there's... No need for that at all." - I try to gulp in nervousness, but my mouth is completely dry. 

"Fuck." - I stutter in fear, speak of the devil.

Donatello, the man himself, almost-sneakily emerges from behind his older brother and takes some steps around him, standing in between us both, holding a bunch of tools under his arms. Some basic, some probably created with his tech, none of them which I actually knew the name of. He lifts an eyebrow, looks at both of us (making a quick surprised double-take on me) and tries to cough on the back of his hand, immediately realizing that the tools in between his arms were stopping his moves. He quickly gives up and just rolls his eyes at his own arms. I would have been scared at his appearance instead of entertained right now, that is, if I wasn't absolutely tripping balls. Hah, balls.

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