[Part 11] ||"This is... Harmless?"

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Hope you enjoy this chapter!


You stare at Leo's portal in an unspoken fear.

-"You go first." - You said, making a gesture for him to enter - "Y/N... Go this is the quickest way to reach them right now. There's no escaping from it." - says Leo, rolling his eyes with a grin - "But... It's so..." - You feel your spine tremble just from thinking about it! That texture!

You have entered magic portals before, sometimes, in the middle of a panic, there's no space for argument, and you just have to throw yourself in. Although, when you're serene enough to think about the situation, you just can't bring yourself to go through it. Its texture makes you feel wet and slimy head-to-toe, but when you finish going through it, you're squeaky clean and dry. As if that wasn't enough, every time you step into it, you feel like you're about to faint, something like those weird moments when you get up too quickly.

-"Alright in we go." - You manage to spit out a 'wait what' before Leo picks you up and carries you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, needless to say, you were at least agitated.

-"YOU LITTLE PIECE OF- NO LEO- NO!"- Using your fists to hit him on the back of his waist, you insult him some more, before being thrown into the portal. You feel the cold floor hit your back and hips, making you groan in pain and rub your aching spots. -"What's with you today?!" - You scream, glancing at the mutant turtle as he goes through the same portal you (forcibly) did with a shit-eating grin, looking down on you. 

-"I've been training my aim recently!" - He exclaims as he throws his bandana's tail into the air like someone would with a piece of hair - "Now, I'm basically a master at throwing people over the edge!" - The turtle is also heard by his brothers, standing by the edge of the rooftop of the building we were in - "Eye roll, always were." - says Donnie, pupils never ripping contact from the binoculars he was seeing through, trying to spot just something that would give the team a clue of where the turtle tank was - "Gosh! What's wrong with me? I can just scan its location!" - Points out the turtle to himself, raising his finger, making it make its way into the tablet on his wrist - "O...Kay! Follow me!" - Oh good, no portal.


'Wait, how am I going to?...'

Your thoughts are interrupted by Mikey's hand grabbing your wrist and pulling you onto the path the rest of his brothers were following, making you gasp in surprise - "You need to catch up, Y/N!" - He says, giggling. The wind embraced your every strand of hair and fur, making your moth wings follow its direction. You take some missteps and almost end up tripping and falling sometimes, but after a while, you slowly pick up your own pace. 

Just as you're about to start enjoying the moment, you catch a glance of the end of the apartment row you were running on. You feel Mikey's grip tighten, changing its position to a more comfortable one, hand surrounding your own, instead of your wrist. You try to stop before the inevitable fall, but Mikey just pulls you further and smiles as he runs in the direction of the pit. You can feel your heart drop as you all jump to the next building, they all did it so peacefully, are you really the only one who has no idea of how to do parkour?

You could swear some inch of your leg would break as you made contact with the floor, but surprisingly enough, you were alright, just a little panicked from it all... No, not panicked. That wasn't panic, that was pure adrenaline and action! You loved it! You kept on that adrenaline rush, climbing onto taller rooftops and falling into shorter ones, breathing in the air and the whole climate around you. Before you could notice, you weren't holding into Mikey's hand anymore. You didn't need to. You knew the turtles were there to catch you mid-fall, hand-holding or not.

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