𝖝𝖝𝖎𝖝. 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊

Start from the beginning

A quiet hissing interrupts the stunned silence as Persephone glances around with a knowing look in her eyes. "I recognise that sound." She states before she spots a familiar friend slithering through the bars of the cell. "Monty!" She calls out happily, rushing to collect the snake from the ground.

"Monty?" Hades questions, watching with a hint of jealousy as the snake wraps affectionately around her shoulders

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"Monty?" Hades questions, watching with a hint of jealousy as the snake wraps affectionately around her shoulders.

"Addams Family meet Monty the Python." Persephone introduces, smiling at her father's albino ball python. "Now, what on earth are you doing here?" She coos at the reptile as if she was greeting an adorable puppy.

"It seems your father has sent us a message." Belladonna speaks up, noticing the piece of paper attached to the snake. Persephone plucks the note from Monty and laughs to herself as she reads her father's message. "What does it say, dear?"

"'How dare you two get arrested without me!'"

◇ ◇ ◇

"Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor." Morticia smiles sweetly at the man they are trying to get on their side. The two female adults stand side by side, a powerful front that no man can match. Their three children stand on the other side as a united team with Monty coiled around Persephone's shoulders. There was never a more formidable team than a group made up of Addams and Ambroses.

"Yes, well, veiled threats have that effect." The mayor seethes out, focusing his jab at Hades, who smirks proudly, and Wednesday, who steps forward to speak up.

"Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound." She delicately lays the finger wrapped in fabric on the mayor's desk. The man stifles a gag at the sight but covers it up as clearing his throat.

Belladonna adds in her expert knowledge, "That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning."

Hades cuts in quickly, "But you already knew that, didn't you? Because back when you were sheriff, you were in charge of the case and covered it up."

The mayor inhales sharply before letting out a deep exhale, weighing up all his options. He seems to make up his mind and reveals, "Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore. He claimed the land the school was built on was stolen from his family over 200 years ago. Garrett went there that night to spike the punch and kill all the kids at that dance. Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea."

Persephone couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her faith in all the authority figures around her was dwindling. So many people seem willing to cover up the truth. Persephone isn't sure who to trust anymore. Boiling with anger, she grits out, "So why did you instruct Dr. Anwar to falsify the autopsy report?"

Hades does not hesitate to back the girl up, encasing her hand with his own and giving it a squeeze to let her know that he was right with her. "You knew the truth about how he really died."

"Listen, my job was to keep the peace. Now if there had been a trial both Jericho's and Nevermore's reputations would have been trashed." The mayor defends making Persephone scoff. He was worried about reputations when innocent people's lives were on the line.

"I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own." Morticia speculates, arms crossed defiantly. "I remember Garrett bragging to me that his father had the sheriff in his pocket. One year later, you get elected mayor. Hmm."

"No doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates." Belladonna joins in with her friend's taunting, rather enjoying watching this supposedly 'powerful' man squirm like a fish on a hook.

"I resent your implication." Mayor Walker snaps but Morticia is having none of it.

She places her hands on his desk and leans forward. "What I resent is that you could have prevented Garrett's death if you had done your job when I lodged my complaint about him stalking me. But no. Men like you have no idea what it feels like not to be believed."

The mayor sighs and looks down to avoid eye contact. He knows that he cannot win this battle. "What do you want?"

The group exchange looks before allowing Morticia to offer their terms. "All charges dropped."

"My father will be released immediately with a full and unequivocal apology from the sheriff's office." Wednesday clarifies making the mayor look hesitant and unsure.

Mayor Walker's eyes dart anxiously to Hades, who twirls his favourite dagger in his hand to add a bit more incentive to the mix. But it is Persephone who seals the deal. She leans forward to place her hands on the desk, small vines sprouting from her palms and wrapping menacingly around her hand. She wanted to remind the mayor just who he is trying to mess with and let him know that he is not the one who holds the power in this situation. Monty slithers down her arm onto the desk and hisses protectively. "Do we have a deal?" She asks in an intimidating voice, her face serious and deadly. A hurried nodding of the head confirms that they have been successful in their mission. She allows a sadistic smile to spread across her face as she straightens up. "Thank you, Mr. Mayor... for your cooperation."


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