𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝘅.

Start from the beginning

Rowan looked up from the floor when the door opened, straightening up when seeing who it was. "Hey, Ms Littman," she greeted, hiding her arm behind her back. The woman was already dressed in her work attire but it seemed as though Rowan had interrupted her makeup routine. "I'm sorry for dropping by without warning. Is Abby awake?"

"Rowan, hey. Yeah, she's in her room, come on in." Rowan thanked her, wishing her a good morning and to have a good day before making her way to Abby's room once Ms Littman let her go, not wanting to walk away and seem rude.

Rowan already knew where Abby's room was, having been here before, and the door was already cracked open with music heard playing inside. Careful to not make too much noise, Rowan pushed the door open lightly with her foot and leaned her body against the doorframe, watching as Abby danced around her room with a hairbrush in hand, singing along terribly to R U Mine. Rowan remembered vividly Abby saying this song made her music taste questionable but here she was, singing and dancing along in the comfort of her room.

Rowan bit down on her lip to stop her laughter when Abby jumped onto the bed, her back to the door and singing getting louder as the song came close to an end. She really wished she had her phone with her to record this moment to remember forever as Abby pretended to play air guitar with her brush. She walked further into the room, closing the door quietly behind her, and made her way to the edge of the bed as the song came to an end and Abby dropped down on her back, finally noticing Rowan.

"Wha―" Rowan smiled as she met Abby's eyes, taking in the way Abby's face heated up within seconds. "Ro!" Abby rolled onto her stomach, her head tilting up so she could keep eye contact with Rowan and Rowan could tell she was trying hard to ignore the fact she was red to the tip of her ears.  "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough," she answered as she crouched down to meet eye level with Abby as the girl moved to sit cross-legged, hands pulling on her shorts to try to make them seem longer than they were. Rowan knew Abby was insecure about those sorts of things and she knew the best thing to do was not mention it so she didn't. "Here you go," Rowan said, bringing her arm forward and holding the bouquet of roses between them; lavender mixed with white. They were real roses that Rowan had to drive to Boston to collect as soon as the store opened but she didn't mind. Especially not with the way Abby lit up, taking the flowers off Rowan in excitement and holding it under her nose with her eyes closed. "You like 'em?"

"I love them," Abby replied, her face cooling down and returning to its normal colour as Still don't know my name echoed around the room. Abby's eyes opened, the flowers remaining where they were, and she met Rowan's gaze. "They're real?" She asked, her voice soft as a whisper as if scared she was imagining all of this and speaking too loud would break the trance.

"They are," Rowan answered, just as quietly. She reached her hand forward, tucking Abby's hair behind her ear before tracing her fingers down until cradling her jaw. Abby leaned into Rowan's hand, her eyes closing and her hands going over Rowan's to keep it there, flowers placed down on the end of her bed. The song was coming close to an end, the pace slowing down.

Wish you, wish you'd come over

"Abby," Rowan breathed, standing up slowly, her other hand going to Abby's other cheek, holding on lightly. It had been too long and Rowan couldn't stop herself from leaning in, her lips brushing over Abby's.

Missed you, kissed you and make-believe

Rowan kissed Abby, leaning her body into her as her eyes fluttered close, everything that was Abby engulfing her senses.

I'm dreamin' of all the possibilities

Sure, Rowan had promised to wait and she meant that but Abby hadn't said no to any kisses and it seemed like she had no protests now as she leaned back until she was lying down on the bed, her hand curled in Rowan's shirt to pull her down with her.

TORTURED SOUL | abby littmanWhere stories live. Discover now