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Barbossa entered the room who was followed by his crew who carried food,wine,table settings and more.Elena and Elizabeth stand at the table in their dresses.

"Maid or not,it fits ye both."Barbossa said to the girls.

"Dare we ask the fate of it's precious owner?"Elizabeth asked but it sounded more like a statement.

"Now,none of that,dig in.Yer two must be hungry."

Elizabeth slowly cuts a small piece of meat with her cutlery and eats it daintily.Elena on the other hand stares at Barbossa and eyes widen when Elizabeth puts the meat in her mouth.When Elizabeth swallowed she went back to staring at Barbossa.She barely touched anything and sat still as if her life depended on it.

Well it slightly did.

"Ra."Barbossa said to Elena barely trying to scare her but she flinched.

He turns to Elizabeth and says...

"Try the wine."

Elizabeth takes a glass of wine and leaves the cup empty.She then tears a piece of bread and devoured it as Elena watched fearfully.

"And the apple,one of those next."Barbossa told Elizabeth.

She takes an apple and looks at it then at Elena.

"It's poisoned!"Elena exclaimed.

Elena shoves Elizabeth's plate away and grabs hold of a knife pointing it to Barbossa.

"There would be no point in killing ye both."He said

"Why aren't you eating.Is it poisoned?"Elena questioned with suspicions filling her head.

"Would that I could."Barbossa replied.

He takes out the medallion out of a pocket and hold it to Elizabeth then Elena.

"Do you know what this is."Barbossa said.

"Its a medallion"Elizabeth answers.

"Its a piece of the treasure of Isla De Muerta."Barbossa tells her hold the medallion up to Elizabeth now.

"Ah.You two dont know as much as you pretend.Back when Cortez was cutting a great bloody swath through the new world.A high priest gave him all the gold they had with one condition,that he spares the peoples lives.Of course,Cortez being Cortez did not.He'd've made a great pirate that one."Barbossa explained

"So the priest with his dying breath called on the power of the blood of his people and put on the gold a curse.If someone took as much as a single piece,as he was compelled by greed, by greed he would consume."Barbossa said

"Within the day of leaving Port for Spain,the treasure ship carried the gold...something went wrong.The ship ran aground,every man aboard dead,save one.He survived long enough to put the gold ashore.Over time cursed gold seeped into the place,making it a cursed island.An Island of death.Isla De Muerta."Barbossa continues.

"That is very interesting but we barely believe in ghost stories anymore Barbossa."Elizabeth said.

"It's no make believe!My crew and I,we found the gold,and we did more than take one piece.We took it all.Rich men we were and we spent it and traded it and gave it away in exchange for food,drinks and pleasant company.But we found out the drinks could not sate us,the food turned into ashes in a our mouths and no pleasant company could ease out torment."Barbossa tried to convince the girls

Elena breathed heavily and grabs Elizabeth by her hand.

"We are cursed men,ladies!"Barbossa said harshly.

"Condemned to be consumed by our own greed.The gold calls to us,always,and we are driven,always,to find more and add it to the treasure.But there is one way to removethe curse.All the scattered pieces of the treasuremust be resortedin full and the blood re-paid.We have recovered every piece,saved for this.As for the blood.We have you two for."Barbossa told them with eyes wide as if a maniac.

"And thats why there is no sense in killing you ladies.Yet"Barbossa finished.

Elena and Elizabeth stare at him horrified.Barbossa picks up the apple Elizabeth had almost bit and help it up.

"Apple?"Barbossa asked with a gron at the end.

Elizabeth slowly reaches the apple but then quickly throws it across the room and grabs Elena by her arm asshe tries to run around Barbossa.They struggle as Barbossa pulls them back by the arm but suddenly Elena takes hold of a knife and lunges it into Barbossa's chest to the hilt.There was blood on the knife but no where else.Barbossa looks completely unaffected and slowly pulls the knife out.

"I'm curious,after killing me,what do you two plan on doing next."Barbossa said in a whispering voice

Elizabeth grabs Elena and whirls and barrels out the door quickly before they are catched by Barbossa.

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