Chapter 15 • the rumor and its truth

Start from the beginning

Until he passed away from the injuries.

But this couldn't mean.... surely not...

But as if she could read your mind, she answered your thoughts.

"Scaramouche was the one that killed him. It's what finally got him expelled after fighting with many different people and getting away with it."

But Scaramouche still stood there innocently waiting for the conversation to complete so he could take you anywhere but school.

The thought of Scaramouche killing someone terrified you. It almost made you wish you had never gotten involved with him.

"It's all his fault y/n. I'm just trying to protect you from being next."

I'm just trying to protect you from being next.

The last sentence that came from Yoimiya made you think deeply. You were scared and you almost had regret. But it was clear that the Scaramouche that did those things wasn't the Scaramouche you knew.

Still, the fact that Teppei's death was because of the man that took your first kiss was a hard thought to forget.

When Yoimiya noticed your silence her grip loosened from your wrist. You weren't sure what to do but you needed to talk to Scaramouche.

You turned back towards Scaramouche leaving Yoimiya standing in place looking betrayed. When you reached Scaramouche's side you could see the side eye he gave her just before turning to follow you.

The two of you sat in Scaramouche's room with you laying on the bed and him on his gaming chair. But despite not feeling like the right moment, your curiosity was too strong.

"Scaramouche?" He hummed in response.

You took a moment to find the right words to use. "Do you know someone by the name of Teppei?"

His breath hitched at the question as it was something he clearly didn't expect. But it didn't take long for him to connect the dots between your conversation with Yoimiya and the sudden question.

"I do." Was all he could respond with.

His answer basically confirmed Yoimiya's words.

"Did Yoimiya tell you about what happened?" He asked but you could only nod in response.

"I see, is that why she dislikes me?"

"It's the main reason." You voice was quiet and your eyes were looking at the floor in disbelief.

"She doesn't know the full story." Scaramouche's words made you sit up straight and look towards him.

Preparing to explain, Scaramouche made his way to sit at the edgy of the bed were you were sitting on.

"I did kill him." His words were full of regret and you could hear his voice become softer. But the sentence only brought you more sadness.

"But I didn't want to." He continued confusing you. "I was forced to."

"You were forced to kill someone?" Your voice now got louder in doubt.

"A bit more explanation that might make more sense. At my old school we had a group called 'The Fatui Harbingers'. It was strange but had a surprising amount of power." The word Fatui rung a bell as you think you've heard Childe use it before.

"The Fatui had eleven harbingers, I was one of them. Ah, as was Childe. All members families were wealthy or had an absurd amount of power. But the most powerful of all of us, was the Tsaritsa." Scaramouche seemed disgusted even saying her name.

"She was basically an Archon at our school. Hell, she's basically an Archon everywhere. With her power, she could've exploded the school with everyone in it and gotten away. I never liked her, nor looked up to her." He scoffed.

"And as the most powerful Fatui Harbinger, everyone had to follow what she said. Then i'm not exactly sure what your friend did to get the Tsaritsa mad but as I was nearest I was given the task of killing him." Scaramouche took a breath and you did the same.

"After doing it, I easily got away with it. It never made the news and a case was never opened. The only ones that knew were the other Harbingers and people close to him. But then his family got mad at the school and just to say that they did something about it, I was expelled." His voice was full of sadness and vulnerability.

After a pause of thoughts Scaramouche began to speak again. "I was a pawn that was easily used and disposed by the Tsaritsa." He looked at the floor and his hands were fidgeting.

You still weren't complaining sure what to do or say. You wanted to comfort Scaramouche but at the same time you wanted to go home and collect your thoughts.

"Do you hate me now?" His question startled you and you weren't quite sure how to respond. All you could do was crawl from the other side of the bed to behind where Scaramouche was sitting, then wrap your arms over his shoulders. He immediately melted into your touch.

You both needed this.

i learned i can only write at 4 am with no sleep and a monster🙏 neways ty for 500 read view thinfs!!! i started a new story btw!! its a scara x reader streamer au🤞 ill be publishing it soon yippee!! ok hope u enjoyed

(btw i kinda didnt proofread this cause i just wrote it and its almost been a week since the last chapter [+im lazy] so lmk if theres any mistakes i could fix to make it easier to read)

Can you leave me alone now? • Scaramouche X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now