20- Justice is served

Start from the beginning

She watched him in disgust.

He turned to Ayla and his eyes then shifted to Ben and Drake who sat behind Ayla and her lawyer.

"You YOU THREE WILL REGRET IT, YOU WILL REGRET IT. I WILL MAKE SURE-" He was dragged out by the cops and Ayla's lawyer sighs in relief now that it was all over.

Ayla hid how much it was all affecting her, the punch to the face for her was when her worst assumption turned out to be true. She wanted to deny that there was any relation between her molestation and Bane.

She was lost in her thoughts when a hand grabbed her softly and led her outside, it was her guard. She smiled and congratulated Ayla who didn't find herself being happy about how all this went or the fact that she will be leaving prison.

She thought about Carl and knew she'd be coming back to meet him whenever she could till he is out of prison.


Godric stepped infront of her and she halted. She looked at the car that held Bane who wouldn't stop yelling, screaming or cursing.

"Ayla will you go out on a date with me-"

"No, now that I'm free I have a lot of things to sort out so I'll be busy. Don't try contacting it'll be of no use." She said and looked right at him.

Inside she was hurting, she wanted someone to hold her, someone to help her cope, someone who had the time to listen.

And she wants that someone to be Godric. But she didn't want him to treat her like she is easy and if he gives up then he isn't worth it anyway.

She wanted it to be that, no feelings, no pain. But it wasn't as easy as she wanted it to be or hoped it would be.

"Ayla I know I haven't been around and I should have been in a crucial time like this. I didn't want you to feel like I eft you hanging-"

"That's EXACTLY what you did. You have NO respect for me and my feelings, I will not be with a guy who can not communicate with me-"

"I'm not used to this, I just needed time"

"And you think I am? I need time to think whether the pain you give me will be worth it." She said as she side stepped him.

"Ayla wait listen I know I messed up and I can't change that. I made an immature decision, I regret it because everyday every minute everything moment in my head was about you. So I made a stupid decision keeping you away from me."

People had started to gather as they noticed Godric, then me, wondering what was going on but what was more surprising was how Godric did not care where he was.

"Ayla I'm sorr-"

She put a hand over his mouth and he frowned, "I don't want you to apologise to me in public" she whispered and walked away with the guards.

Godric was a little surprised and he watched in stunned silence as Ayla was taken back to the prison to pack up and to finish the necessary protocols.

Ayla watched the scene out of the window change from cityscapes to townscape to farmlands and soon we were pulling over in the Prison grounds.

Ayla hadn't spoken to Ben yet, his sentence hadn't reduced because he was in for drugs but he was given an offer that if he completed a certain amount of working hours in the prison he may be let off early.

Ben smiled at her and she returned at as she watched him being in handcuffs unlike her. The handcuffs werent put on her this time since Ayla was technically innocent.

Ayla got off and walked in, but a slam of the car door made her turn her head towards the source.

She watched Godric run to her whole she stood frozen in her shoes.


He held her face and stole a kiss, "I'll be picking you up in the morning, there is a place I want to show you" he said and all Ayla could do was nod.


"SHUT UP AND GO ASSHOLE" Ayla yelled as she rushed inside with a red face at the embarrassment. The guards and everyone stood stunned. Ben was lowkey smirking at the scene as he found this very entertaining.

No one expected Godric to behave like this, she didn't either.

Ayla cursed at him, he has no sense of place and time. She was slightly fuming but inside her heart was pounding with happiness.

She still hasn't forgiven him.


Or maybe she has.

Ayla wasnt paying attention and was almost tackled to the floor. Carl was so happy that she would be out of here with a clean slate.

Bryan joined them for dinner and Ayla filled them in with everything that happened. Because it was late they had postponed her release from the prison till morning.

She was happy and nervous at the same time. She had to do something about her life now that she'd be out tomorrow and she had to finish college too but because of all this she'd only be able to join next year.

She lay in the bunk bed alone in her cell and she turned towards the wall expecting something to happen before the next morning.

But she was so tired that she was out and in dreamland. Her subconscious head led her to Godric too.

She lay in her silk bed in just some lingerie as she watched him finish his shower and he stepped out with water dripping down his hair down his ripped body to the V that he covered with the towel, just barely as if trying to tease her.

He approached her and leaned down on the bed hovering over her.

The water dripping down on her body. She flinched at ever cold water drop that fell on her bare skin.


She closed her eyes as his hands wander on the side of her waist, tugging on the string holding it together-


He pulled it off and completely undresses her, softly touching her lips with the pad of his thumb-


She gasped as her eyes opened and she found the guards hovering over her. She sat up upright in surprise.

"It's time, you are going to be free of this hellhole."

"One moment, I need to meet Carl-"

"I'm already ahead of you sweetheart"

She smiled as she grabbed the duffel and walked out of the cell to greet her grandpa. Something that she didn't find too difficult to get used to.

They led her towards the exit and she paused as she looked back at Carl who smiled and waved.

"Bye Grandpa I'll come visit when I can"

His eyes widened and she could see the tears in his eyes. She found the biggest smile on his face as a tear slid down his face. She hugged him and he returned the hug.

"Take care of yourself sweetheart and if anyone troubles you kick their ass but don't get caught"

She laughs and nods as she walks to the changing room, she stripped out of the ugly uniform and put on the clothes she had on. All her things were handed back to her.

She signed all the necessary documents, officially checking out of prison free of any charge.

She walked out wondering if she'd actually find Godric out there. Some of the guards waved and she waved back while the others stood with a stoic expression.

She found a guy in casuals, a simple beige cargo pant and white tshirt paired with white casual vans sneakers.

She watched as the guy pulled off the helmet and her eyes shone in excitement. He got off and walked to her.

Godric took her hand as she stood stunned. She loved the bike. He helped her on and put on the spare helmet he had brought along.

"Where to?"

"You'll find out soon enough"

He said to her with a wink as they rode out of the prison grounds that would no longer haunt her.

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