23 (III)

315 8 10

Heart like yours - Willamette Stone

''how could a heart like yours,
ever love a heart like mine?
how could i love before?
how could i have been so blind?''


Amelia jumps when two hands grip onto her shoulders. The brunette quickly turns around and sees her father, looking at her with a bright grin on his face.

'Dad!' Amelia squeals as she lounges herself in his father arms. Tony chuckles and wraps his arms around his daughter before pushing away.

'How have you been, sweetheart?' Tony asks with a bright smile.

It had been about 2 months since the two last saw each other. After the whole Ultron-thing Tony decided to take some time off to spend with Pepper.

Most of the other Avengers were now permanently living at the compound, including the new members. Rhodey, Vision, Sam and Wanda had really found their places in the team and now, they were all kind of like a family.

A big, powerful, weird, sometimes loving family.

'Good!' Amelia grins back at her father. 'What are you doing here?' Amelia asks as she sets down the box in her hands on the counter.

'You didn't think I'd miss the Capsicle's birthday, did you?' Tony exclaims.

It was currently the 4th of July. Seeming Amelia took every opportunity to throw a party, just like her father, the young Stark used to throw Fourth of July parties.

But now, it was Steve's birthday. So both of those just kind of overlapped, even though the Captain's birthday did take precedence.

'So what you guys have planned?' Tony asks as some of the other members enter the kitchen.

Amelia explains her plan. A surprise party which includes music, lots of alcohol and there might or might not be fireworks.

About two hours later, after they had dinner, the clock hit 8 pm.

Sam and Natasha took Steve out for his birthday, just having a normal hang out. What the Captain didn't know is that it was all a ruse to keep him away from the compound, and his surprise party.

'Friday just informed they're here!' Tony whispers-screams at the dark room. Everyone was hiding behind something, waiting for Steve to enter.

All the avengers, agents, friends and family, everyone was hiding.

Steve probably didn't know half of the people in the room. A lot of friends of Amelia and other Avengers or friends of other agents.

Natasha's muffled voice comes closer, insinuating the arrival of the three.

The door opens and every jumps up, a chorus of voices overlap when everyone screams out 'surprise!'

Steve's face shows a bright wide smile as he looks around in aw at the room that's beautifully decorated in blue, red and white.

There were flag banners everywhere, with Steve's shield or face plastered on everyone one of them. You can buy those everywhere around Independence Day, because Steve, or Captain America, was really the American symbol.

'You guys..' Steve trails off, the happiness in his voice being clear. He smiles. Involuntarily, his eyes travel to Amelia.

The woman is dressed in a beautiful tight navy blue dress and Steve practically melts at the sight.

Much to the dismay of one Natasha Romanoff, the two had made no process. The couple had gotten even closer, but nothing really happend.

They really, truly, believed that it wouldn't work out. Hundreds of reasons where holding them back. But one stood out: it's a one way street.

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