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I'll be there for you (best friends) - the Rembrandts

''when the rain starts to pour.
i'll be there for you.
like i've been there before
i'll be there for you.''

'You're going to be alright.' Amelia whispers in Clint's ear. Natasha had put her hand on his shoulder, in an attempt to calm him.

But quite frankly, Amelia wasn't sure if it was going to be alright. She was worried about Clint. And about Thor and Bruce, who where god knows where.

And even though she was telling comforting things to Clint. She couldn't do more, all everyone could do was wait.

And Amelia hated this. She felt useless, and for what felt like the first time in her life, the young Stark did not know what to do, or what to say.

'Have you heard of ever had someone take your brain and play?' Clint asked after he calmed down a bit more. 'Pull you out and stuff something else in?'

'Do you know what it's like to be unmade?' He finally asked, looking up at Natasha and Amelia.

'You know that I do.' Natasha told him, but Amelia did not say anything.

Not because she didn't know what to tell him, but because she did.

About a year after joining S.H.I.E.L.D, Agent Amelia was drugged, and kidnapped. She was helt captive for about 3 months, they had done God knows what to her brain. Trying to brainwash her into turning into some sort of weapon that they could use to kill.

To this day Amelia was still did not know who kidnapped her, she did remember it very clearly. Almost every night she'd have nightmares. Horrible nightmares where she could feel them torturing her again and again and again.

Just thinking about it made her extremely anxious, and if so she could burst into tears at any given moment.

But Amelia did not want to speak about it, she never did. She had only told her parents and Clint and Natasha what happend, and they understood enough to not talk about it.

The Agent kept a straight face towards Clint, afraid that if she'd do anything else, her dams would burst and all her emotions would spill out.

Completely lost in her thoughts, Amelia had not heard a single thing her two best friends were talking about.

'What did Loki do to you?' Clint asked Natasha, this made Amelia come back to her senses.

'He didn't. I just..' the redhead trailed of before finishing her sentence.

Amelia shook aside any emotions she still had in the back of her mind, focusing on her friend.

Clint and Amelia both looked at Natasha worried, before shooting each other a look. It stayed silent and eventually Clint and Amelia both sighed.

'Natasha..' they said in union. The worry in their voices could be heard by anyone. Natasha adjusted her gaze to look straight ahead.

'I've been compromised.' Natasha finally states. 'I've got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.' She says, turning towards Clint and then Amelia.

Amelia groaned as she stood up. 'Alright,' she says. 'Will you two be okay? I'm going to go check on my dad.' Natasha sends her a slight smile. 'Of course, go.'

And with that the brunette turned away. Walking through the hellicairer to look for her dad, when she finally heard his raised voice coming from a door to her right.

'We are not soldiers!' Tony practically yelled. Amelia quickly ran into the room to see her father and Captain Rogers talking to each other.

Tony turned to see her daughter standing in the doorway, before quickly swallowing and turning back to Rogers.

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