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Are we still friends? - Tyler, The creator.

''are we still friends?
can we be friends?
are we still friends?''

The Mystify is currently waiting for the encryption to be accepted, and for the safeguards to be removed.

'Hill?' Natasha asks through her earpiece. 'Nothing yet.' She says, understanding what her fellow agent was getting at. 'Falcon?' Maria says through comms again.

'Yeah?' He grunts. 'Rumlow's headed for the Council.' Agent Hill tells him. 'I'm on it.' The man answers.

Amelia's mind travels to the satellite launch. Was Steve going to be able to pull this off? 3 minutes. If he can't do this, if it doesn't work, millions of people will die.

Including herself, including her father. Steve, Natasha, Nick Fury. All of them would be dead, shot right through the head.

No. Amelia shakes away her thoughts. If anyone could do this it was Steve.

The faint sound of gunshots makes Amelia look at Natasha worriedly, indicating that Steve's comms are still on.

'Done.' Amelia finally states before grabbing her phone. 'And it's trending.' She states to the room.

Suddenly, all of Pierces followers yell out in pain, crumpling to the ground. Amelia, Natasha and Fury all turn around to see Alexander grinning at them.

They hold up their hun to the man's head, but Pierce simply chuckles. 'Unless you want a two-inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down.' He says.

Neither of them put down their gun, instead they hold it even steadier while staring the man strongly in his eyes.

'That was armed the moment you two put it on.' Pierce explains.

Natasha and Amelia had used a hyper-realistic mask to get into the room, disguising as one of the members. On the clothes they wore, was a pin stapled on.

Natasha and Amelia don't budge, willing to sacrifice theirselves. Fury gives them both a apologetic glance, those two were like daughters to him, his soft spot. And he was not going to lose them, so he immediately put down his gun.

Amelia and Natasha share a nervous glance but eventually give in and put down their gun.

'One minute!' They hear Agent Hill nervously exclaim through comms, mainly directed at Steve who was trying his best to save everyone.

Steve groans loudly as he gets up. '30 seconds, Cap!' He hears Maria yell. 'Stand by.' The Captain manages to groan out.

Just as he is about to put the chip in, he gets shot thought the stomach. Steve yells loudly, clutching his bullet wound.

'Fire when ready.' A HYDRA agent tells the man before him. 'Firing in.. 3, 2, 1.' But suddenly the screen falls blank, all targets wiped from the screen.

'Where are the targets?' The man asks.

'Okay, Cap, get out of there!' Hill exclaims as she is about to blow up the hellicariers.

'Fire now.' Steve barely makes out, Amelia listens in horror and her heart drops to her stomach as Steve is about to sacrifice his life.

'But, Steve..' Maria tries to reason but the Captain cuts her in. 'Do it now!' He yells. Amelia watches out the window in horror as the Heliccariers blow up.

'So, you still on the fence about Rogers' chances?' Natasha asks. 'Time to go, Councilwoman. This way.' The Secretary of State dismisses.

'You know, there was a time I would've taken a bullet for you.' Fury tells the man. 'You already did.' He answers.

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