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Bad Blood - Taylor Swift

''Now we got problems,
and I don't think we can solve 'em.
You made a really deep cut,
and baby, now we got bad blood.''

Tony, Bruce and Amelia were all in the lab, talking business.

'You know, you should come by Stark Tower sometime. Top ten floors, all R&D. You'd love it, it's Candy Land.' Tony says to Bruce.

'Thanks, but the last time I was in New York, I kind of broke Harlem..' Bruce says awkwardly. 'Well I promise a stress-free environment.' Tony tells him.

'No tension,' Tony says walking around him. 'No surprises.' Amelia adds, also walking to stand next to him.

The father and daughter give each-other a look before zapping Bruce with an electric discharge at the same time. Ow!' He exclaims. 'Nothing?' Tony asks, a little disappointed.

'Hey!' The Captains voice could be heard over them as he walked into the lab.

'Oh great, moms here. Lets just hope she doesn't punish us.' Amelia says while rolling her eyes, making Tony let out a laugh.

'Are you nuts?' Steve says, the anger in his tone very obvious. 'Jury's out' Tony says. 'You really have got a lid on, haven't you?' Tony asks Bruce and he just nods.

'What's your secret?' Tony asks him. 'Mellow Jazz? Bongo drums?' Tony asks 'huge bag of weed?' Amelia adds. Tony points his pencil at her and hums in agreement.

'Is everything a joke to you guys?' Steve asks the father and daughter. Amelia simply raises her shoulders and Tony points his finger to him 'funny things are' he says.

'Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny.' Steve tells them 'No offence doc.' He says to Bruce.

'It's all right. I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things.' Doctor Banner says.

'You're tip-toeing, big man, you need to strut.' Tony tells Bruce. 'And you need to focus on the problem.' Steve says.

'You think I'm not?' Tony asks him. 'Why did Fury call us in? Why now? Why not before?' Tony questions. 'What isn't he telling us?'

'I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.' Tony tells the Captain.

'You think Fury's hiding something?' Steve asks him.
'He's a spy. Captain, he's 'the' spy. His secrets have secrets.' Stark tells him.

Even though Amelia did think this all smelled fishy, she didn't want to admit that, not to her father, but also not to herself. Because she trusted Fury, she trusted S.H.I.E.L.D.

'Dad, we don't know anything for sure yet. Your probably overreacting.' She tries to convince him. But Tony's not buying it, and neither was she.

'But it's bugging him too, isn't it?' Tony says while pointing to Bruce.

'Uh..' Bruce doesn't awnser but just looks at Amelia and Steve hesitantly. 'I just wanna finish my work here and uhm,'

Steve cuts him off 'Doctor?' He asks. Bruce puts down his glasses.

''A warm light for all mankind', Loki's jab at Fury about the Cube.' Bruce begins. 'Yeah, I heard it.' The Captain tells him.

'Well, I think that was meant for you.' Bruce says while pointing to Tony. Tony offers him a blueberry.

'Even if Barton didn't tell Loki about the tower, it was still all over the news.' Bruce explains.

'The Stark Tower? That big, ugly-' Steve begins, a smile on his face, but quickly stops when he sees both the Starks giving him a warning glare.

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