Chpt 20: A New Beginning

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A small smile escaped my lips. "Pass me a slice of cake and i'll tell you" i said. Harwin squeezed my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my head. "Do you know how much i love you woman" he said.

"I guess you'll have to show me how much you do" i said sarcastically. Harwin chuckled as he grabbed me some cake. As i took my first bite, Maegor jumped up onto the table and devoured all the chicken in sight.

I didn't bother stopping him. He was hungrier than me. He needed it more than me. I laughed at his eagerness as i took a deep breath in and out. "Now, i want names" Harwin said. I rolled my eyes jokingly and began listing the many names i had in mind.

Seven Months Later: (Not in Azaleas perspective)

"It's been hours... It's been hours!" Harwin exclaimed as he paced up and down the hall. Azaleas screams had been echoing the castle for hours and Harwin could not stand it anymore.

"I don't understand why i can't be in there with her" Rhaenyra said fidgeting anxiously. "It will be over soon" Daemon mumbled with tiredness. They all sat outside the room waiting for the screams to stop.

Suddenly, Laenor and his sister, Laena, hurried towards the group of three with his guard, Olyvar Strong. Olyvar was Harwins cousin and was knighted shortly after Florian's death. Though he did not have the same relationship with Laenor as Florian did... He had gotten quite close with the princess Rhaenyra.

Olyvar sat beside Rhaenyra as she gave him a big smile. "How are you?" he asked. Rhaenyra was four months pregnant and Olyvar had become quite protective of the princess recently.

"I am fine... Nervous... But fine" she said softly. He gave her a small smile back as Daemon scoffed loudly. But his scoff slowly faded as his eyes were met with the lovely, Laena Velaryon. It was no secret that Laena was beautiful... And Daemon did not hide his feelings either.

"How are you this evening, Lady Laena?" he asked standing up in her presence. "I'm good... Doing better than your wife" she said with a small smirk which shut him up.

"This is taking too long... That means something is wrong? Doesn't it?" Harwin questioned frantically. Daemon gave Harwin a stern glare at his obvious worry. Harwin looked around at the small crowd around him as he tried to hide his concern for the lady Azalea.

He rolled his eyes and stopped pacing. But he was not the only one worried. Maegor continuously scratched and whined at the door knowing something was wrong with Azalea.

Harwin stroked Maegors head trying to calm him down.  Then suddenly, the screaming stopped. It was as if everyone in the hall had stopped breathing. It was quiet... Too quiet.

Rhaenyra stood up from her seat. She felt her heart sink thinking of her mothers fate. How she could not bare it if Azalea was met with the same fate as she did. Everyone looked at each other thinking the same question...

Why is it so quiet?

"I'll go in" Daemon mumbled. As he went to reach the doorknob, the door had already flung open as Daemon was met with Catelyn. She had tears streaming down her face which made everyone even more worried.

"It's a girl, your grace... And she's healthy... They are both healthy."

Everyone let out a relieved sigh. Harwin tried to walk through the door but was stopped by Catelyn. "Only the father can be in the room, Ser Harwin" she mumbled. Catelyn did not want to do this to the kind man that stood before her, but she had too.

"Of course... Yes" Harwin mumbled as he took a step back. "I'll let you know how she is" Daemon whispered to Harwin as he gave him a thankful nod.

Daemon took a deep breath in and out as he was met with Azalea clutching her new born baby. "Took you long enough" Daemon said sarcastically sitting in the seat next to her birthing bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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