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I sneeze as we walk into the dark, silent roads, snow crunching under our slippered feet.

"Don't you think we should've brought more clothes? I think we're going to catch a cold at this rate," I call out to him, walking in front of me.

"I thought the snowfall would last longer... I guess I only caught the tail end of it..." he mumbles, looking around.

"I was sleeping y'know... had a nice dream and everything..."

"But I wanted to show the first snow of the year to you, Raine," he sulks.

My chest grows all fluffy at his words, and I try to stop the bubbly smile wobbling its way to my lips.

I slap a palm on his back, "w-well! I guess I can stay with you a bit longer, but just until the snow starts again ok?!"

He giggles, and hugs me, making me thankful for the dark so he can't see the blush that brightens my cheeks, "Thanks Raine! I love you!"

"It's not going to be my fault if we get sick though! You'll have to bail me out if mom yells at me for sneaking out so late!"

"I will, I will, don't worry!" he laughs, so light and free that I smile too.

Then we sit down, on a random rock, and just stare up at the starry sky. Like gemstones that could shimmer almost as brightly as his smile were placed there, as companions to the silver moon and roaming clouds.

"Say... what do you want to be when you're older?" I ask.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him glance at me, before looking back up at the sky, "I'm going to stay here, inherit the family business, you know, that stuff."

I jolt, tearing my eyes away from the sky and to him, "but! You're so smart! You could become one of those super big named scientists who write reports and become famous and rich and--"

"Raine," he stops me, "this is everything I need. I love the hot summers, and the cold winters. I love the spring when the flowers bloom, every spring is just a little bit different. The autumns, when the leaves turn red, like fire. I love my family, and I've gotten used to that annoying brat of a neighbour. And then, there's you, Raine."

I blink, "... me?"

"After all, we're best friends! I'll be with you come hell or high water! Forever and ever and ever." he turns to me and smiles, so brightly I really thought he could light up the night and outshine the sun even in hot summer.

My brain freezes, and I'm sure I look quite foolish with my mouth opening and closing like a fish. Luckily, he looks away and points up.

"Look! The snow started again!" he jumps up.

"Ah, yeah, yeah it did." I bobble my head, looking at him twirling around in the falling snow, a dance only he can do.

I wish we could go back to that day and freeze time, even for just a second, so I can see your bright smile again.


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