Part 13: Partyyy

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"Allllll arooooound the wooorrlllddddd" Goes the loud music from Gru's lair, "Turn up the sunshiinnneeee"
The minions made banana smoothies, banana sundaes and banana cakes, they ate happily. "Oh y/n! There's school tomorrow! Did I miss anything last weeks?" Gru asked. "Oh actually, no! You did not missed anything. Unfortunately there did not have school because of the news that vicious six might destroy the town because they got the zodiac stone, and it was right." Gru did not really care about going to school, he just goes because y/n is. "Y'all school in the same school I go to!" Oncie said. "rEALLY?" y/n said. "Yeahh, I remember that one girl who is named Lisa, some people hate her because of how she laughs. Yeesh, she laughs like a dying horse." Gru and y/n agreed, she is a bit of a spoiler and a brat.

The next day, they went to school. There were students and teachers that greeted Gru because they saw him saved the town in the news. There was no school that day, just a celebration in school. They had games and food. They played a game, they need to have a partner to play. Y/n shouted to Gru, "Gru! let's be partne-" Oncie held y/n's hand. "Let's be?" Oncie replied in happiness. "I'm sorry but Gru is." "Oh, looks like Gru already has a partner." Oncie said.
Oh.. he is right,  Gru has a partner..
"HI GRU HÆÆGÆÆAAHÆHAÆHÆ let's be partners! Even you have gruties I will still choose you HÆHÆHÆHÆ" Lisa said. "No I already have y/n-" Gru looked at where y/n was and saw she was with Oncie.


Oh.. she already have a partner.. I felt sort of anger and upset inside of me. "hheeaaæaæyyy, is there something wrong????" "Oh nothing Lisa." I looked at y/n again and she looked back. I broke the eye contact and slowly turned back and headed to the comfort room. "GRU WHERE ARE YOU GOING 👹" Lisa shouted, but it was no use, I was already out.


Everyone including Y/n and Oncie were still playing, Oncie was jumping and happy while y/n was a bit not in the mood.
"Y/n is there something wrong?" Oncie asked.
"No. I think I just need to go to the comfort room." She replied. "Oh alright." Y/n went to the comfort room and locked it, thinking  no one would come in sooner. Which is actually true because people are too busy playing and having fun, they don't really care about others.

Y/n started to weep. "What am I feeling?! Why do I keep feeling this way for Gru?!" She said to herself. She quickly dried her eyes and washed hands and she headed out. Gru also went out of the bathroom at the same time, they were not looking at where they were going and they bumped at each other. "Ah! Oh, hi y/n-" "Gru are you okay?" Y/n held Gru's cheeks, "Why is your eyes red? Did an insect came in again? A-" "NothInG y/n I'm okay" Gru's voice cracked and has a pretend smile. "Gru.. you do know that I know when someone is lying right?" Gru nodded. "Well, tell me what's bothering you." They sat down at a bench.


HEEHEE TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAYYY I hope yall like this short chapterrr ✨✨

total of 575 words

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