Part 15: End?

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5 years later

Y/n was adopted by a young couple 5 years ago when people found out about her tragic past life. Y/n was still adjusting into her new life but she handled it quickly. She is now in high school and she is doing pretty great. She transferred to a town with her "new" parents, a town that she has heard about and is very familiar, but she can't put a finger to it. "Hmm, this place looks so familiar! But I don't remember.." "Honey, are you ready? We are in our new house! Doesn't it look great?" Her mom that adopted her pointed out through their car window and Y/n's eyes sparkled. "Omg new life-? hmm.." Y/n thought. "They easily packed their stuff out. "Y/n, dear, you are going to start school tomorrow at a new school. New friends, am I right? Hehe-" They said to her. "Yeah, friends.."
The parents looked at each other and said, "Y/n, don't worry, you will soon have friends, real soon." Y/n smiled.

The next morning came and y/n hurriedly got ready. "Good morning mom and dad!" Y/n hugged both of her 'parents'  I'm going to be late at school and it's my first day! Y/n quickly reached to the door but her mom stopped her, "Honey, at least have some breakfast along the way." She gave y/n a sandwich inside the bag. Y/n hugged her and said goodbye. She ran as fast as she can, "Oh no no no! Why!! I can't be late at my new school!!" Y/n hurriedly ran. In her surprise, she was already at the school gates. She quickly ran towards the school door. "Good morning, do you know where is the fourth grade classroom?" The guard pointed at the right. "Thank you!" Y/n ran through the door and accidentally bumped the teacher.

"Oh no! I am so sorry ma'am, please forgive me! I didn't mean to bump you I-" "Oh! You must be our new student! Uhh, y/n l/n!" The teacher said while she opened y/n's folder information. "Y-yes! That's me!" Y/n said proudly. "Well then, let's go in. Gladly you are just in time for the bell."
"Okay class, settle down, settle down." The teacher calmed down the noisy class and got all eyes on y/n. "She is our new student, y/n l/n!" The teacher said and showed y/n to the whole class. "H-hello-!!"
This made someone's eyes wide open, let's say, Gru. "Y/n?!" Gru said to himself, his eyebrows furrowed. "Oh y/n! go sit next to Gru!" The teacher pointed at Gru. "Gru? Hmm, that name sounds familiar.." She said to herself. Y/n just shrugged it off. Y/n walked to the seat and sat down. They could tell that she was a bit nervous so at recess time, a bunch of students clumped to her and introduced themselves. Y/n's eyes were all locked up to Gru, still having that weird feeling that she have known him somewhere. At lunch, Gru tries to talk to y/n. In how many years, Gru hasn't recognized her. She has changed. Her features, clothing, everything!

It was hometime, Gru approaches y/n with a bunch of people surrounding her. "Uhm.. H-hello!" Gru said shyly. "Oh, hello!" Y/n said back. The people walked away from y/n. This was the time for Gru to set things clear. "Um y/n, do you remember me..? Gru? The most despicable villain in the world?" Gru says as he does his villainy pose that he used to show y/n. Y/n was having double thoughts. "gasp a-are you— don't tell me- GRU!!!" Y/n hugged him, all in tears. "Oh Gru! I thought I would never see you again! Oh how I missed you!!!!" Y/n tightened the hug. "Y-yeah! Y/n I missed you so much too!!" Gru said and let off the hug. "Oh wow! I don't even recognized you!" Y/n looked at Gru's hair. "Oh.. what happened Gru? Why are you losing hair? I missed touching your hair years back.." "Oh! Well you see, it started falling off for no reason and I din't know why. It started months ago actually." Y/n nodded her head. "So um y/n.." Y/n answered with a 'hm?'

"Remember when I told you, back years ago, that I like you?" Y/n nodded. "Well.. I still like you and I feel awkward thinking about you through all these years and I-"

"Gru, I know that you told me this before when we were still young but, this is part of life. Well I do really think you're kinda..- cute." Y/n blushed. Gru looked at y/n looking down. He held her hand, "Y/n.." They both looked at each other's eyes, y/n looking at his sapphire blue eyes and Gru at her (preferred compliment) e/c eyes. They started to lean closer to each other,.. and yes! They had that kiss one more time in years that they did not saw each other, it was precious. Y/n smiled at Gru, seeing him all red, y/n giggled. "Well, let's just say that I liked you too after all these years, Gru." Gru blushed hearing y/n saying it. "Well um.. what do you say, date night at 19? (7 pm) Y/n nodded. "See you Gru!" Y/b blushed as she walks away, going home.


"Mom!! Dad!! I just met my childhood friend from my new school!!" "Oh that's great honey!"
"So um, mom, dad, they are inviting me to have dinner out and-" "Sure thing honey, have fun!" They agreed. "Oh-!?" Y/n thought to herself. She quickly prepared and went down the stairs. "Take care honey! Please be back home at 9-10 pm." "Yes I will!" Y/n hugged both of them and hurriedly went to a restaurant that Gru said where they will meet. Y/n arrived and was shocked to see how big the restaurant was. As she walks in, cold breeze of the air conditioner shuffled her hair. "Ha! Good thing I'm in a bun tonight!" Y/n said to the AC. She texted Gru.

Gru, I'm here! Where are you?

"I'm right here, y/n~" Y/n looked at where she was going to see that she was already at the table where Gru sat. She smiled at him while she took a seat. Gru ordered food for the both of them and they had the most amazing time.


HEE HEE HELLO LOVELIES!! Two parts in one day!! I hope you enjoyed my story because I am, sadly, ending the book and I am actually in tears right now because it's the end!! I really do hope you enjoyed my first book and THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME AHHHH! I love you all!!! 😭😭💛💛💛

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