Part 11: Saving Gru Attempt Part 2

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Happy new year everyone!! New part!!!! 🤯

▪︎Y/N POV▪︎

We arrived at San Francisco and it was amazing, there was a lot to see and do. We walked through sites and Kevin stopped to see the map. Kevin opened the map and saw that we are near the location where Gru is located. He pointed to the huge steep road going up and we need to walk all the way to the top. Oncie groaned, "ugh this will take us a looong time."

We started walking up, grunting how the steep road is making us weak. a road train beeped at us and we looked back late too see it coming towards us. We ran as fast as we could, Bob was running slow and his bag got caught in the train. Bob's frightened face turned to jolly and he waved at us "yoohoo!!" The rest of us started running to the train. Oncie and I stepped inside the train at the right time while Kevin and Stuart struggled hanging at the back of the train. The train stopped at a building and we stepped off. Kevin opened the map once again and said we are here and looked at the building in front of us. The building is huge and it has a big 'W' sign on top.

We heard some noise at the back. We snooped and saw three men training with equipments. Kevin was thinking of plans how to sneak in and take Gru. Bob saw a spray can and got it, he accidentally sprayed it in himself and it sprayed in his goggles. Bob struggled to see, but Kevin just made the best plan yet; a disguise.

We wore our disguises and successfully made it inside the house area. Kevin was disguised as a bush, Stuart covered in paint to match the brick walls, Bob inside a plant pot with a plant on top of his head, me in a bigger pot, same disguise as Bob, and Oncie wrapped up with dead vines with some small leaves. Oncie actually fits in that disguise, making him look like a beanstalk, since I call him a beanpole. We slowly ran towards the three guys and the one of them noticed something strange at the back of him and looked back. We immediately went still and hid, and he went back to training. We ran again and the guy looked back fast and we hid again, but Bob moved inside the pot because of fear and the man get the pot of Bob inside and Bob raised with fear and waved "Bello"

"TRESPASSERS!!" We all jumped in shocked and ran out of the place. The three men ran after us and entered ChinaTown. The three minions got attacked by the men and I looked around and I saw an acupuncture building and peeked inside, I saw an old lady doing punctures to a person. Oncie and I shouted for help, hoping the old lady or anyone notice us. Kevin was slammed onto the window of the building and it got the old lady's attention. We saw Kevin got hurt and we helped him get up. The old lady went out of the building.

"HEY" The old lady shouted, "You like picking on small guys huh," "Take a nap old lady" One of the guys said and they laughed. "Old lady?" She said. She kicked the small wooden stool and the guy catched it. She kicked the guy and ran fast and jumped at the top of the tents and started attacking the three guys until they were knocked out. We headed inside the acupuncture building and Kevin begged for her to teach us in able to defeat them and save "Mini Boss". Bob explained carefully and gave her puppy eyes and we copied Bob. To our surprise, she agreed, I talked to her and found out her name was Master Chow. She trained us and one day she gave us medals for being such a fast learners. We misunderstood it as passed experts medal but it turned out to be only medals for beginners. We quickly ran out and shouted in victory, didn't knew we are going to face huge trouble. "They're dead 💀" Master Chow said to herself.


Hey everyoneee hope you enjoyed this chapter, I went hiatus because we just had our exams last month December and I needed to study extra time and
the test was hard💀 I hope I passed haha
I will try to make more parts as frequent as I can so stay tuned for future parts 💛💛
total of 767 words

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