Part 4: SCHOOL

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▪︎Y/N POV▪︎

The next morning, we had breakfast and Gru showed me all kinds of stuff after. He even showed me his "secret lab" and there were full of minions working inside! His mom called us after and we went out. Bob showed me his little teddy bear. Aw, so cute.

Gru's mom: y/n, I have a news for you.

y/n: yes? What is it?

Gru's mom: You're going to school with Gru!

y/n: Oh my GOSH really?!

My eyes sparkled since I've never schooled in a public school before, I was only homeschooled due to my parents not letting me to because they think that it's the best for me or something (if you're not homeschooling just pretend so lol)

During my stay at Gru's house was more fun than I expected. Gru was kind to me and especially the minions. Although sometimes when I discuss about the minions or one of the minions' names and finding them cute, Gru's face was kinda mad or something, I don't know why and he just brushed the feeling off all a sudden.

Two weeks and Monday came, we went to school and introduction was MY WORST NIGHTMARE. Perks of being an introvert. The teacher called me once they came inside the classroom. They told me to introduce myself infront of the while class (creepy lol). I was stuttering while talking and some of my classmates laughed at me. "CAN YOU ALL BE QUIET, SHE'S TRYNA TALK" Gru shouted, all the kids were shocked since they knew Gru as the 'doesn't even care about anyone' kid. Good thing our teacher gave me a seat next to Gru!

During lunch was fun, Gru gave me a tour about their "boring" school. It started to rain and I felt cold, and the worst part is that i forgot to bring my scarf. Gru saw me shaking and said, "Here, you can wear my scarf for a while." He handed me his scarf and I blushed.. wait no what don't fall for him no pls-

I got it and wrapped it on my neck. I suddenly felt the warmness of the scarf and all i smell is his smell. "Thank you" I said, leaving his cheeks pink and he smiled. We walked through the halls while talking when suddenly a girl with her two friends interrupted, "Hey Gru, is she your girlfriend of something? Why is she borrowing your scarf?"

Gru: Lisa she is not my girlfriend, she is my friend I just let her borrow it because she was cold.

My heart pumped fast when I heard him said that i was his friend, I've never had a friend before and now I finally have one.

Lisa: Well I guess you stopped liking me after one of our classmates said you have grooties when you touched my arm trying to give me a flower, tho I am too pretty for you *flips her non existing blonde 3d computer modeled hair*

Gru: Yeah whatever Lisa, it was a dare anyway

Lisa: As if it was a dare


Gru just rolled his eyes and grabbed y/n's hand outta there. "Sorry about that, I don't know what's wrong with her." Gru said. "It's alright, tho I gotta adjust here since I'm new." y/n said. After school finished they went out of the school building heading home when suddenly they saw Kevin, Stuart and Bob waiting for them outside with Gru's bike.

"Gru! Y/n! Kiss la mama!" The minion dressed up in a dress and with lipstick said, giving me a smiling questioning face. The minion went to Gru and kissed his cheek all over and next was y/n. y/n was giggling due to the tickleness of the kissing while Gru's face turned from laughter to mad jealousy.

"Gru, are you alright?" Y/n asked, after noticing Gru's expression. "Yeah I'm ok, I'm just.. hungry!" He faked exclaimed. "Bananas para ti!" Bob gave them bananas and ate for a while. They went home with a full blast on Gru's bike rocket and they had fun.


Part 4 done oop
total of 685 words

Sweet Young Love ~ Young Gru X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon