Oh I am screwed...

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Uraraka got me from my room and she, no I mean he brought me to the exercise which I knew all to well. I only hated thinking about what was going on cause I was a girl right now and I was freaking out soo badly. My only hope was that this was just a misunderstanding or that I was in a coma but the simple answer to that was pain.

The moment I got to the exercise Kacchan came at me and slapped me.... Well guess his Pomeranian attitude didn't change but instead of using his quirk he slapped me?!

Don't get me wrong this is soo much better than what he used to do but it was still weird. Now thinking about this... it was more than just weird. Still I didn't had much time to react because Aizawa was a woman and she was explaining this exercise. My only question about right now was which year we had. I had a feeling just by seeing my costume that it was not the same year I came from.

I never remember my costume had some gloves or that it actually had some black things on.

Uraraka: What are you spacing out Deku-chan?

Me: I ahm... say how long are we in UA now?

Uraraka: It's our second year, why?

Me: And Aizawa is still doing this?!

Uraraka: Well he wants to see if we got better.

Me: I can understand that.

The heck?!

It's been a year into the future and I am a girl?!

Oh great!

What else changed?!


Are they even a thing?

Did they never attack us...

I soo wanna sigh soo badly but I saw what happened to Momo earlier....

I hoped that my conversation was smooth enough to not let anything show at all but this was just weird. I never thought that this was a thing nor that I could end up being a girl or transported to a parallel universe. That was after all the only answer to what was going on.

Me: Now what?

Kacchan: Ama beat your bitch ass!

Me: ....

This sounds soo worng...

I can't!

Kacchan as a girl and her attitude....


In the end I couldn't hold back a snicker and we were all in the same room still... so everyone saw me and the focus went towards me but the best thing was Bakugo just looking at me as if I was insane. Then again I started to snicker until I started laughing and that was when Kacchan went straight for my head.

Now seeing how he reacted was definitely a bit different but same like always. He seemed a bit weaker than normally but maybe that's just me. Whatever it was, it was just funny and I couldn't hold it any longer and ended up on the floor while Aizawa had to capture Bakugo.

Kirishima: Hey girl, are you okay?

Me: Yeah...hahah...

Mina: What got you to laugh soo hard?

Me: Sorry.

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: Won't happen again.

Momo: Let's just get this over with.

Me: Alright.... Sooo I guess I am up first with Tsu.

Now that it was me against Momo and Mina, I had a bad feeling. Like I knew this was a year in the future and back where I came from... I couldn't wield one for all my very own quirk at all... so I was screwed. The only thing I could do was find a way out of this or just let them beat me but my very own pride wouldn't let me do it.

Tsu: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah why?

Tsu: Normally you would do this all solo.

Me: Who? ME?!

Tsu: Yeah.

Me: Nah I am good. I thought I would let you start this time.

Tsu: Alright and remember we are the villains this time.

Me: Yeah yeah... ama stay with the bomb.

Tsu: Are you sure?

Me: yeah.

It was funny how Tsu stopped doing the ribbit she used to do as a girl but he didn't do it at all. This man, this version of Tsuyu didn't had the cute kero at the end of each sentence. Still I ignored it and started focusing on the mission meaning, I was still trying to figure out my very own body. It felt soo weird.

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