Chapter 21: Part 1

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I put on my thickest coat, a scarf and gloves before I walked out onto the terrace then down the slope toward the water. I watched the sun rise over the ocean, breathing in the cold air. I stood like that for a long time when steps sounded behind me. I turned around, expecting Tay, but instead Macau headed my way, dressed in only sweatpants and a shirt despite the temperatures. He and I hadn't exchanged more than a few words in the last four weeks. I turned back to the water, not sure if I wanted him to disturb this moment of almost peace. I rarely slept more than a few hours at night anymore. But I owed him thanks. Macau stopped beside me. "Thank you," I said quietly. "For finding the photographer even if it was in vain." Four weeks, and slowly I was starting to realize that this was it. That the love I'd taken for granted, I'd never experience again. "Three years ago you kept a secret from Vegas for me," Macau said in a voice gravelly with sleep. "If you hadn't, I wouldn't be standing here today." I turned toward him and tilted my face up. We'd never talked about that day in the years that followed. "I did it for Vegas," I said because it was the truth and we both knew it. Merely speaking his name burned me up inside. Macau nodded, eyes searching mine. "And I found that photographer for him too because he needs you." I smiled sadly. "The last four weeks proved you wrong. Vegas lives his lifelike he used to. He's free again, free to party and to take anyone into his bed." God, those words tore a hole into my chest, and my throat tightened until I was sure I'd suffocate. Until Sylvester I'd harbored a flicker of hope but I was done, done with hoping for something that was never going to happen, done with the constant hurting. Macau shook his head with a smirk. "He didn't sleep with the bitch. He didn't touch her, didn't do anything." I raised my eyebrows. "Four weeks and Vegas hasn't fucked anyone, hasn't touched a single person, hasn't had his cock sucked. If he was done with you, he would have fucked his way through half of Bangkok by now, trust me. The cold-hearted bastard seems to have a heart after all, and it beats only for you. He's just too much of a stupid fucker to show you." Relief filled me, but part of me wasn't sure if it even mattered that Vegas was still faithful to me. Was there hope for us? For our love? Perhaps it was too broken. "Go to him," Macau said imploringly. "He is too fucking proud." I turned back to the ocean and didn't say anything. I wouldn't go to Vegas. I had tried in the beginning, but he kept pushing me back even though he knew I hadn't cheated. He needed to make a small step toward me, show me that there was still hope for us. I had to protect not only myself but also our baby. "Vegas wants you to let the Doc take a look at you because of your weight loss." "I didn't think he'd noticed—after all, he never even looks at me anymore." Macau frowned. "He looks, trust me." He waited, then sighed. "Pete, can't you just fucking apologize to him even if you don't mean it? One of you has to make the first step." "I'm going to get myself a tea," I said, leaving him standing there. If Vegas was worried, he could tell me himself, and yet part of me couldn't stop the stupid relief that he still cared for my well-being. I stepped inside, glad for the warmth. The cold had helped with the nausea but now that I was inside, it was back. After getting out of my coat, scarf and gloves, I headed toward our kitchen and turned on the electric kettle to make myself tea. One of the maids had put the tea bags up on the top shelf again, even though I took them down every time. It drove me crazy. I grabbed a chair but hesitated; with my dizziness the risk of falling was too big. I released the chair, opened the door to the shelf and took a spatula. I stood on my tiptoes and tried to shove the packet with teabags down from the shelf with the spatula, but I only managed to push it further back. A shadow fell over me and I shied back in surprise, then froze. Vegas reached into the shelf and grabbed the packet then set it down on the counter. His face was stone, but there was a hint of something in his eyes. I averted my gaze. "Thanks," I said quietly. He didn't say anything, only nodded before he went over to the coffeemaker. I allowed myself a moment to watch him. Like Macau he wore black sweatpants, but he hadn't bothered with a shirt. I'd never wanted to touch someone more than I did Vegas now. I missed his closeness, his warmth. God, I missed his love. My eyes lingered on the tattoo on his shoulder. I'll go where you go no matter how dark the path I turned away quickly, swallowing hard, and prepared my tea, wanting to get out of the kitchen as fast as possible. With my mug in one hand, I headed for the door when a new wave of nausea mixed with dizziness crashed down on me. The mug left my hand, smashing on the floor, spilling hot tea over my bare feet, but I barely registered the pain because my vision turned black and I tried to reach the table to steady myself. The floor was approaching fast when strong arms wrapped around me, hoisting me up, and my palms pressed up against a hot chest. I sucked in a breath, my forehead dropping forward against muscles. I breathed in deeply, a familiar scent, a scent of comfort and love. My vision cleared slowly. "Pete?" The gentle tone I missed so much. My heart seemed to mend and break at the same time. I raised my head and looked up into Vegas's face. Worry. Was there worry? His brows drew together. God, I loved this man. As we stared at each other, I could practically see Vegas's mask falling back in place, a mask as impenetrable as steel. Cold and hard. I must have imagined the worry. I dropped my hands from his chest and stepped back, wincing when I realized my feet had been burnt slightly. "That should be treated with burn salve," Vegas said firmly. "I will call the Doc so he can take a look at you." I forced myself to take a resolute step back even as my body screamed to move closer, even as my heart screamed louder for his closeness. "I don't need him. I'm okay." I need only you. Before I could voice these words, I knelt down and began picking up the shards. When I risked a glance up, Vegas was watching me with a look I couldn't decipher. He appeared almost angry but not quite. Suddenly he reached for me, grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Go." I stared. "I need to clean this up. The maids won't return until tomorrow." Vegas's eyes burnt into me. "Leave." And his voice shook with... rage? "Just leave." I whirled around and left. 

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