Chapter 7: Part 2

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I was tired, and I missed Vegas. After my quick shower, I had crawled into bed. I was still sore but I didn't mind. I only wanted things between Vegas and me to return to how they were before today. It wasn't even that late yet, only around seven o'clock, but the day's events had been draining. I sat up when the bedroom door creaked open. The movement was too cautious, too quiet to be Vegas. I slid out of bed when Macau slipped into the bedroom, then turned to me. My spine stiffened. "What are you doing here? And where's Nop?" I moved around the bed but stopped halfway between it and the door. Macau's lips pulled into a dangerous smile. "He's outside, taking Vegas's call." For a moment neither of us moved. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to call out for Nop's help—yet. For one, I wasn't sure if he could hear me out on the roof terrace, and I didn't want to overreact. If I called Nop now, he'd have to tell Vegas about this, and then things between him and Macau would turn sour. I didn't want that to happen because of me. I'd messed up enough already. He advanced on me and I staggered back. "Why are you here?" I asked with forced calm, but I couldn't suppress the small tremor in my voice. The coldness in Macau's eyes tightened my stomach with icy fear. "Getting the information Vegas is incapable of obtaining. We both know you planned everything with Tay." He stalked closer and I whirled around. This wasn't Vegas. This was Macau, and he was a man out for blood. A man who was used to getting what he wanted, and Tay was the one thing he wanted more than anything. I rushed toward the bedside table, reaching for the drawer with the gun. I wasn't even sure what to do with it. I could hardly shoot Macau, or shoot at him. My fingers brushed the handle when Macau's hands clamped down on my hips. I was suspended in the air for a second before I landed on my back on the mattress, the air leaving my lungs in a whoosh. And then he was over me, and I froze. I had never been in bed with someone other than Vegas. I began shaking. Macau's eyes were calculating as he pinned my wrists at my sides, his body straddling my legs. "Perhaps pain isn't the thing you fear the most," he said in a low voice. He was appraising me like a means to an end. Macau harbored the same monster as Vegas, but his wasn't contained in my presence. I wasn't sure what I feared the most right now. Macau was very high up, but there was also the fear of what this meant for his relationship with Vegas. I doubted Vegas would forgive Macau for this; he'd kill him, and that in turn would kill Vegas. 

"Let me go before you do something you'll regret," I muttered with false bravado. Goose bumps erupted all over my skin. Macau's eyes took my reaction in. His calculating quiet freaked me out. He still hadn't done anything. He was conflicted. I could see it in his face. I needed to use that opening. Macau liked me, perhaps not enough to stop him, but he loved Vegas, and Vegas loved me. "I have only ever been with Vegas. This is the first time I'm in bed with someone else, Macau," I whispered. Macau released my wrists. "You are Vegas's," he said quietly. "I would never dishonor you like that. Not even when it's obvious how easily I'd get the answers I want if I did. I'm not that kind of man." Still towering over me, he reached behind his back, and pulled out one of his knives. This wasn't Vegas. Macau didn't love me. And I'd heard the stories. I knew what he could do, what he enjoyed doing. Like Vegas, he knew no mercy, but with Macau there was no love protecting me. "I won't tell you where he is," I lied, because it could only be a lie. I wasn't that strong. "You will," he said. The blade gleamed in the dim light streaming in through the windows. "Nobody can hold on to their secrets when I deal with them." "If I scream Nop will be here in a heartbeat. He will protect me." "He will try. And who says I'll give you the chance to scream?" He lifted the hem of my camisole and I began squirming, not used to someone else's closeness like that. I stilled when the tip of the blade touched my skin below my belly button. "This is a very sensitive area. Many nerve endings. Even a small cut will be very painful." "Macau, please," I whispered. Scream, an insistent voice in my head said, but I needed to give it another try, for Vegas. He raised his eyes from the blade to my face. "I know you are angry that Tay ran. You are angry at me for helping him. I know you would do anything to get him back, but Vegas won't forgive you for this." "He will kill me, as he should," Macau murmured. Macau and I stared at each other for a while because we both knew it was the truth. Slowly Macau lifted the blade but he didn't put it away. It was still there, still between us, still too close to my flesh. "He trusts you," I said. Macau glanced down at the way he was still straddling me. My fear was beginning to fade, knowing my words had gotten through to him. I could have cried from relief. Macau's mouth thinned. "This is betrayal. You are his. I shouldn't be here." He got off me, and I quickly sat up and scooted to the back of the bed.

Vegas Pete - A Mafia Romance 2 (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz