Chapter 7: Part 1

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I chanced a last look at Pete. His back was turned to me. He was naked from head to toe, every inch of that perfect porcelain skin that only I got to touch on display. His shoulder blades and butt cheeks were red from where they'd rubbed against the tiles when I'd fucked him. Angry fucking. That was something I'd never wanted to do with Pete, but something had snapped in me, and I hated myself for it. Hated that I'd hurt him even if he said it was nothing. He was mine to protect. He was mine, fucking mine until the fucking end. He hadn't run, and he wouldn't. I knew that now. Turning away, I opened the bedroom door and headed downstairs as I pulled my cell out of my pocket to call a few contacts at the airport. I couldn't waste any time. Word about Tay's flight would spread like wildfire, and I would have to make sure it didn't turn into something I couldn't control. My uncles and my aunts' husbands all had their eyes set on my position. They thought they could be better as Capo. Got had told me to my face. The only reason no one had made a move yet was that they quarreled among each other, but I couldn't count on that to last forever. Perhaps they'd come to an agreement at some point. I needed to make sure that my men were too loyal to me to give them any kind of support. Appearing weak wouldn't do. Macau was glaring daggers at me when he spotted me. "Don't tell me you couldn't get anything out of him." I sent him a scowl in return. He was my brother but he was starting to piss me off. He needed to stop the disrespect when others were around. "The only thing I know is that Tay took a plane. Pete won't tell me anything, but our informants will let me know where Tay is going soon enough." "Great," he muttered, his eyes sliding back up to the bedroom door before he turned to me. I didn't like that look one fucking bit. 

"And then what? Pete knows Tay's plan. They told each other everything. The only way to find Tay is through your husband." Nop and Sandro were watching us, and I got into Macau's face. "He won't tell me anything." The fucker actually tried to walk past me up the stairs. "Then let me have a word with him." I shoved him backwards, snarling. "You will stay away from him, Macau." Brother or not, if he got anywhere near Pete, if he hurt as much as a hair on his body, I'd end him. "You let him steal your money, your passports. You let him attack our men." He pointed at Sandro, who was still staring. "You let him make a fool out of you and betray you. You should want to punish him. You are Capo." I brought us chest to chest so Macau had to tilt his head back. "Pete is my husband. It's none of your business how I deal with him. I told you that Tay meant trouble but you didn't want to listen. You should have never asked for his hand, but you had to think with your cock," I growled. He stalked out onto the roof terrace. It was better that way. We would have been at each other's throats soon. Turning to my men, I told Sandro, "Leave. I don't have time to deal with you now. Not a single word about this to anyone." He pushed off the sofa at once and hurried toward the elevator and disappeared, fucking relieved that he didn't get his ass handed to him today. Then I turned to Nop. "Go call Sami, and find out where Tay is heading." Nop gave a quick nod, then pulled out his phone and headed for the kitchen area. With a sigh, I raised my mobile to my ear, hating what I had to do now. After a few rings, Saengtham picked up. "Vegas, I didn't expect your call." There was a hint of suspicion in the asshole's voice. And right he was. We had messed up. I had messed up.

"I have bad news. Tay ran off." There was silence on the other end. Then, finally, "Ran off?" Saengtham sounded as if he wanted to reach through his phone and strangle me. "You swore that you'd protect him. I trusted your word. In Chiang Mai the word of a Capo means something." Fuck him. As if things always went according to Dante's plan. "Your son isn't exactly easy to guard, as you very well know. It isn't the first time he's acted up." I tried to keep my voice civil—after all, it was one of my men who had fucked up and let himself get drugged. "What about Pete, did he help his brother?" He didn't need to know that Pete had been involved. It was bad enough as it was. No need to add fuel to the fire. "No, he didn't know anything. Macau will go search for Tay immediately. He won't be gone for long." "I will send two of my own men with him. I don't trust you to handle this on your own." I had to bite my tongue not to insult him. We needed peace between the Outfit and the Famiglia. "That's understandable, but I assure you Macau will find him. He's very intent on marrying him." "Still? He could be whoring around as we speak." I doubted Tay would use the plane ride to fuck a random guy; he'd be busy trying to figure out a way to stay ahead of us. But later? Yeah, he would spread his legs, no doubt about it, but that wasn't my problem. Nop appeared in my field of vision and whispered, "Amsterdam." "We know he took a plane to Amsterdam. That's where Macau will beheading with the next plane." "I'll make arrangements so my men will be there as soon as possible. Dante won't be happy about this. That I can promise you. This will have to be discussed in depth." I didn't give a fuck about Dante. Bangkok was my concern, the Famiglia was. 

"Sure." I hung up, stifling the urge to throw my phone at the wall. Instead I used it to book Macau on the next flight. It was the worst time to lose my best soldier. All because of Tay and Pete. A new wave of blinding fury rolled over me, and I really thought I'd lose my shit, but I needed to keep my calm and stay in control. I was Capo. I headed outside and stopped beside Macau, who was braced against the banister with a determined expression on his face. He would catch Tay. It was only a matter of time. "I called Saengtham. He's furious and blames us, of course." "Of course," he said quietly. "He's sending two of his men after Tay." He still wasn't looking my way. He was still pissed because I'd spared Pete. As if he would have tortured Tay to get information. We were killers, maybe even sadists, but definitely not toward the person we cared about. "I will go with them," he said. "I figured you would. I told Saengtham as much. You will meet them soon." That got his attention. "You'll find him. You are the best hunter I know. He doesn't stand a chance." He touched my shoulder. "You let me go, even though you need me here." The Famiglia needed him. I needed him more. The Bratva was a pain in the ass. My traitorous family was breathing down my neck. "You aren't of much use to me if all you can think about is Tay." Even my trust in Macau had its limits. He didn't need to know how much I relied on his support. "It could take weeks," he said. "I won't return until I've caught him." "I know. If Pete had run, I would have done the same." I would have followed him to the end of the world. I hadn't wanted to marry, but Pete had changed everything. He was my husband, and I would never let him go. He nodded. "I will make a few arrangements to have guns delivered to you in Amsterdam. You should pack what you need. You should be at the airport in two hours." With that, I headed inside. In passing I told Nop, "I'll be gone for a couple of hours. Make sure Pete stays in the apartment." "Will do, Boss," he said as I stepped into the elevator. Nop wouldn't let anyone drug him. 

Vegas Pete - A Mafia Romance 2 (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang