Part 1 - The tree

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[Since I have decided to start writing this again, I fixed up some stuff and added extra details.]

It was a normal day in Hotel Oj. Everyone was at the dinning room eating dinner at the table. Everyone was in their own little group talking. Test tube with Fan, Lightbulb and Paintbrush. Trophy with Cheesy, Soap, and Mic. Though Mic was usually quiet. Pepper with Salt.... And of course, Salt was next to Oj. Oj was pretty much ignoring the fact she was there, or at least he was trying to. It was hard when Salt constantly invaded his personal space. And others had their own little groups.

As Test Tube finished her food, she took her plate to the sink. She then made her way out to the lobby. "Bye guys! I'm gonna go to the lobby." Test Tube said as she left the room. "Bye Test Tube!!" Fan said with a goofy smile. Paintbrush waved, but was quickly distracted as Lightbulb hit her head on the table. "Lightbulb! What are you doing under the table!?" They fold their arms, irritated. "...I found a bug.." She shows them the bug, then proceeds to bring it towards her mouth.  

As Test Tube entered the lobby, she glanced at the window. It was already dark outside? That was quick. She squinted as she thought she saw something move by a tree. Was that just her imagination? She walked toward the window with curiosity, putting her hands on it as she looked. She looked closely, waiting for a few seconds.
".... Nothing?" She took her hands off the window, but as she was just about to walk away..

She saw something. She was certain she saw something moving from behind the tree. She looked a bit worried. 'What could be behind that tree..?' She wondered. Her thoughts were interrupted by Fan entering the room. "Hey Test Tube! Uhh, whatcha looking at?" Fan said as he walked to stand beside Test Tube. "Uhm- I thought I saw something--" "What did you see? Where was it?" Fan asked as he walked over to the window, leaning on it.

"Uhmm I'm not too sure- it was behind that one tree." Test Tube said as she pointed to the direction of the tree. "Huh, weird.. Looks normal to me!" Fan said, shrugging. Some others walked into the room. Knife, Pickle and Cherries walked in. Cherries went upstairs, Knife and Pickle both plopped onto the couch, and Pickle turned on the Xbox. They were chatting about something, something about Desperate House Wives.. Typical Knife thing.

"You wanna come upstairs with me? We can watch that show I've been telling you about!" Fan asked. "Yeah, sure, I'll try it out." Test Tube said. They both walked up the stairs to Fan's room. Fan unlocked his door and hopped onto his bed, grabbing the remote sitting on his bed. Test Tube closed the door and sat next to him.

[Test Tube's POV]

Fan turned on a show with a green guy named Oodle I think? It was the same kind of reality show we were in. However, I still can't get over that tree thing..- it was probably just in my head. Yes! It has to be. Or maybe it's just Balloon pacing outside again. I played with my fingers as I watched the show, but my mind keeps wandering back to what I saw.. It was red, it had to be Balloon. Don't worry yourself too much, Test Tube! You're just over thinking.


Fan turned the TV off after checking the time, it was 11 PM. He yawned.  "Wow, it's 11 already? I'mma go to sleep." Fan said. "Alright, cya in the morning, Fan!" I said as I made my way to the door, but Fan stopped me. "Oh, by the way, what did you think of the show?" Fan asked with a smile. I had to think for a second, I wasn't really into watching TV, but it was a good show. "I think it was pretty good." Fan's smile got wider. "Good night Test Tube!" Fan said. "Good night Fan." I said as I shut the door. I walked in the hallway, making my way to the stairs. After I went downstairs I went into the lobby, walking to the front doors.

But then I was stopped. "Where are you going, huh?" Trophy said as he blocked my way, hands on his hips. I glared at him. "Uhh, Trophy- you KNOW Test Tube doesn't stay here, she has a lab y'know-" Knife said to Trophy. Trophy then looked at him. "Uh, yeah Mr. Obvious. I was just teasing." Trophy said. "Get out of her way."
Trophy wasn't convinced for a few seconds but then rolled his eyes and moved out of the way. I grumbled at my SECRET lab being mentioned.. How did he know that? Anyways.. I opened the door and went outside. The nice sound of crickets were heard as I walked. It was pitch black. I stopped as I walked near that tree. I then felt something, like I was being watched. I shoved the feeling away and speed walked to my lab.

I was in the middle of the forest and close to my lab. I stopped as I heard something, it sounded like someone stepped on a twig, I looked behind me, which was where the sound came from. It seemed like nothing was there for a few seconds, maybe I was the one who stepped on the twig. Hahah! Funny.. Gotta love paranoia. I was about to turn around again, but flinched as a red glow from behind a tree showed up, I ran. "Golly! It's just Balloon it's just Balloon! Wait.. What?" Test Tube realized she was going the wrong way and bumped into a tree, knocking her down. Test Tube's eyes widen as she sees what was behind her.

It was a Mephone.. But not the Mephone I know. It was red with an X on it, and it looked like it was up to no good. I yelped and immediately got up, running the correct way this time.. Maybe if I get to my lab quickly enough, I'll be safe!

I gasped as I fell again, twisting my ankle. "AHH-" I hit the ground, landing on a rock peaking out from the ground, and it caused my glass to crack. My eyesight went blurry, was I falling asleep?.. It was only one crack from what I can feel. But no. No no- this was NOT the time to pass out, but there's nothing I could do about it as everything became a blur...

The mysterious phone took out a big black bag and brought out a cork. The phone put the cork on Test Tube to avoid any more liquid spilling. Half of her liquid had already spilled, which caused her to pass out. The phone put her inside the bag, then took out a walkie talkie.

"𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤, 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧. 𝙄'𝙫𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧." The phone said in it's bold, loud, and robotic voice.
[𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤] "Very good. Now bring her up here, you can put her in Meeple care for now. Make sure the door is locked, and make sure there's nothing she can use to escape." A voice said on the walkie talkie. The phone stood there for a second. "𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙙, 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧." The phone stomped off in a specific direction, dragging the bag behind it.

[In the morning.]

Fan's arms stretched out in the air and yawned as his alarm went off. It is we 7AM. He turned off his alarm clock and got out of bed to put his glasses on, then went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. he looked into the mirror as he did so. He had small little eye bags, guess he didn't sleep very well last night. He spit out his toothpaste and headed downstairs and into the lobby.

"Hey Lightbulb, hey Paintbrush! Have you guys seen Test Tube?" Lightbulb and Paintbrush looked at Fan. "Hiyya Fan! No, we haven't seen her." Lightbulb said. "Oh, she must've forgotten to set her alarm again. Do you guys wanna get breakfast with me?" Fan asked. "Breakfast isn't done yet, but sure." Paintbrush said, rubbing their eyes. Fan sat down beside them and they talked for about 7 minutes while they waited for breakfast. "Breakfast is ready!" Yelled Oj.

Everyone got up and got a plate of food, then went to the dining room. "Hey, has anyone seen Test Tube?" Oj asked. "No."
Fan said. Everyone else either shook their head or said no. Fan was starting to worry, even if Test Tube was working on something in her lab, she wouldn't skip breakfast. Fan was staring down at his food thinking of the possibilities. He flinched as he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Heya buddy, no needs to worry! She's probably just really tired, or busy, y'know how our good ol' tube friend is, yah?" Lightbulb said in her usual happy tone. "Yeah.. Maybe you're right." Fan said, some of his worry going away, but he still had that very slight feeling, that feeling where you feel like something's just.. Off. Fan tried to ignore it and started to eat. Lightbulb on the other hand, inhaled the whole plate.

"Lightbulb-" Lightbulb looked at Oj. "Wha?" "You're not supposed to.. Eat the plate- y'know what never mind just don't do it again." Oj said, grumbling and walking off. "Awe but the plate is the best parttt!!" She whines. Paintbrush just looked at her. Eventually they all got done eating, and washed off their plates.

[Test Tube's pov]

I slowly awakened. I laid there for a few seconds due to having a horrible headache.. everything was blurry. It took a while For my eyes to adjust. I sat up. Where am I? I thought. My memory slowly came back into place. Oh.. Oh right.. That happened.. I felt the side of my head. Yes, it was only one crack like I thought, but it was huge! No wonder I passed out.. I looked around the room I was in. A.. A nurse's office with a bunch of batteries? I stood up, but fell down right away due to my legs being asleep. I waited about 2 minutes, and got back up again. Although I was still pretty dizzy. There was a medium sized mirror in the corner of the room. Test Tube looked at herself, some of her green liquid was gone, actually, a lot of it was. That could explain the dizziness. She looked through some drawers, but mostly just medical supplies and useless codes and notes. She heard a click beside her, she jumped and closed the drawers as someone walked in.

"Hello, Test Tube. Welcome to Meeple."

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