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TW: gore

[𝚃𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚎'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟:]

I made a mistake..
A big, big mistake..

I gasp in absolute terror. The hammer falls out of my hand. I was stiffer than a rock.

What. Have. I. Done..!?

She's dead. She's dead, I.. I killed her... I.... I wanted to scream. Lightbulb's head was shattered, blood was all over the place, including me. I felt like I was suffocating. I just stood there, in shock... My friend.. One of my best friends... I...
𝙄'𝙢 𝙖 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧.

Cobs is standing behind me, I think he's grinning. I can't tell. I start to have a panic attack. I can't breathe. I can't scream. I fall onto my knees and at least try to scream. I bang my fists on the floor out of pure rage, guilt, and regret. I sob and struggle to breathe correctly. I felt hot, like I was burning.

Cobs stares at her with a wicked grin. He claps his hands. "Wow, that wasn't what I expected. I guess it's better for her.. She would've suffered if you kept her alive.. Good job, Test Tube."

I wanted to kill him. But I couldn't move, the most I could do was try to breathe, and just sit there on my knees like a fool, I realized i was right in Lightbulb's blood. I panicked and backed away instantly. I curl up and continue to sob.

"Maybe you won't be so useless after all.. I'm proud of you, Test Tube." He says with that ugly grin on his face. He grabs my arm and starts to drag me through the hallway and into the elevator. He presses one of the buttons and the elevator starts moving.

I stayed on the floor, still too shocked to move. I just lost my friend. One of my best friends. I'm not even sure if mephone could bring her back. He might not even know that she's dead. Cobs stood there with his hands behind his back.

The elevator dings, and the door opens. He grabs my arm and drags me through a new hallway that I haven't seen. He stops at a door, and opens it with a key card. He throws me into the room. "You can stay in here for now on. Make sure you wash up. You've got blood all over you." And with that, he walks away, and the door shuts.

I wait a moment, and finally get a tiny bit of motivation to move. I crawl over to the door, still sobbing, and I bang on it. But it wouldn't open. I sobbed harder and curled up on the floor.

[𝙲𝚘𝚋𝚜'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:]

I waited for the elevator to open. I was headed back to my office. In a slight rush. I have important business to attend. And a new idea. I know what I'm going to do with those no longer useless prisoners. My friend will love this..

The elevator opens, I walk casually to my office, okay- maybe I was speed walking a little. I'm just so excited to tell my dear friend about this.. I shut the door behind me and run over to my desk, and jump into my chair with an excited smile on my face.

I grab my phone and clear my throat, I have to act normal. This is going to be a serious, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 fun project.. I dial a number, and wait for him to pick up.

[No one's 𝙿𝙾𝚅]

A man picks up the phone.

[???] "Hello?"

  "Hello, friend.. I have a new idea for a project.. It'll be funnnn..." He grins and bounces his leg, unable to sit still.

[???] "Well? Do tell.".

  "So.. Instead of yknow.. Just killing the useless prisoners and taking parts from them.. How about we.. Spice it up a little? I was thinking.. How about we take parts from some of the prisoners, and make one big robot out of those parts? Wouldn't that be interesting?" He continues to tap his foot impatiently.

The man stays silent for a few seconds.

[???] "Ooh.. I like that idea. But, do you think maybe we could spare some of those prisoners and make them help? It would be a lot of work just to do it by ourselves.. Plus, no Offence.. But a lot of those mephones just don't know how to stay alive.. We won't have time to do any repairing once we start this project."

  "You're right. I'll think of a few we could spare."

[???] "You were watching them during the 4's weird TV show, right? Wouldn't you know a few that would be useful?" He asks.

  "Ah, yes, actually! Hmm.. Cabby, definitely cabby.. Knife, he's stubborn, but I'll make sure he follows orders. It'll be easy as pie! Oh.." He thinks for a moment.

  "Microphone.. I watched her closely. She caught my attention right as I first saw her. Her little 'backstory' with Taco interests me... I'd like to know more about her. If she turns out to be useless, we'll just use her for a part of the project." He explains.

[???] "That will do just fine."

  "Pen, I have a question.." He clicks his pen repeatedly, hoping he'll listen.

[???] "Yeah?"

  "Could you possibly.. Come over to the building? In case something goes wrong?" He eagerly waits for an answer. Not only does he want him to help, but he secretly misses seeing his best friend in person. His only friend. His only 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 friend. Or so he thinks..

[???] "What do you mean 'if something goes wrong?' Cobs.. You're a perfect man. You're 𝘵𝘩𝘦 perfect man.. People like you, don't make mistakes. People like you, don't. Mess. Up. You're fine." He says sternly.

  Cobs frowns a little, he appreciates his words, but can't help but feel.. Wait.. What 𝘪𝘴 this feeling?.. Something is wrong.. "O.. Oh.."

  He clears his throat, and tries to sound normal. "But.. I wanna see you, p
Pen.. It's been a while.. It's been 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴.." He tries not to sound upset.

[???] "Ugh. Cobs. You're 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦."

  "Please, Pen? I don't mean to sound weak or anything.. But I miss you.." He fiddles with his tie, a little embarrassed.

[???] The man stays silent for a moment. "I'll think about it."

  Cobs smiles a little, feeling somewhat hopeful.


[???] "Ahem.. Anyways.. I should go now.."

  Cobs's small smile turns into a frown. "Uhm, well okay. See you I guess." He sounds disappointed.

[???] "Bye, friend." He hangs up.

  Cobs rolls his eyes and puts the phone down. He doesn't know why he feels so disappointed. "Ughh.. What's up with me?.. Why do I feel this way? I'm not supposed to show how I feel.. It's what a 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 would do.." He rests his hand on his head, and stares at the wall. Stuck in thought.
  "Why won't he come see me..?"

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