It'll be worth it.... Right?

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       Test Tube looked down below her. "Now.. How am I going to do this?" She said to herself. She held her fingers under her mouth, where the chin would usually be, in a thinking position. "I could go to the hotel.. Tell all of them that I found something, get them to follow me.. Yeah! That'll work." She said.

       She stepped into the hot air balloon, and floated down.  She looked down at the view as the balloon got closer to the ground. Getting distracted by the morning view, she realized she was about to hit the ground. "Golly!" Test Tube snapped out of her zone-out and landed properly.

      Test Tube stepped out of the air balloon. "I think I should stop at my lab first, and make some sleeping gas.." Test Tube said to herself.
Test Tube would start making her way to her lab, being aware of her surroundings to make sure no one saw her. She made a run for it as to not take any risks.

    As soon as she got to the vending machine, she looked around for a few seconds and entered the code, she'd crawl into the tube and slid down, coughing a bit from the dust. "Cough- aCk-" She dusted herself off and stood up, she didn't land on her feet.

   "Alright now, let's see.." She said, thinking of the materials she needed. She dug through a few drawers and took a few items off the shelves. "Alright.. That should be good."

𝙲𝚘𝚋𝚜's 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚎:

   He'd sit at his desk and type on his computer. There was a slight smile on his face, excited that he was finally going to punish Mephone4 after all of the chaos he's caused. Along with stealing Mepad. Cobs paused what he was doing, and picked up the ringing phone.

      "Hello?" Cobs said to the phone. "Ahh, Pen! Nice to talk to you, now, what were you going to say?" He'd say, and listen for a few seconds.

    "Ugh, don't worry about that! We have plenty of room for them." He said.

    "What will we do with them? Well.. Uh." *he'd think for a few seconds* "Well... I don't really need them for anything, but if we got caught killing, we'd get charged- which, I wouldn't really care, but it'd ruin our reputation.. Y'know? So, here's what we'll do. We'll trap them in one room, but some of the electrical, or resourceful ones like that.. Microphone girl, and the bomb.. The.. Was her name Lightbulb? Yeah, that girl. The.. The bow, I heard something about them being a robot. Definitely the cabinet person, I've heard she's smart, she could be useful. We need more parts, we're running low. So yeah, I think that's a good idea." Cobs said.

      "Well, nice talking to you. See you later." He hung up the phone and sighed, going back to work.

𝚃𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚞𝚋𝚎'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟:

    She had just finished making the sleeping bomb, it took her about 40 minutes. She walked to the tube and climbed up. It looked like there was a storm coming, so she'd better be quick.

  She ran towards the hotel, putting the bomb in a small bag she grabbed on her way out. She knocked on the door.

  As the door opened, she saw It's tired face behind the door.

  "We're clo- TEST TUBE!?" He had a shocked look on his face. "What??" Test Tube replied, but then Oj held the door open for her. "Come in! Where have you been!?" Oj asked as Test Tube went inside. Test Tube nervously tried to think of an excuse. "Uh- uh. Oh, no worries! I just went to visit some family! I didn't mean to scare you guys! I should've told someone. I'm sorry."

  Oj sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness! We all thought you got kidnapped or something!" Oj said. "TEST TUBE!?" Fan said as he stepped out of the dining room, running up to her and hugging her from behind.

  "Woah! Oh hey fan!.." Test Tube said in surprise. Fan put Test Tube down. "Where have you been!? You had me worried sick!" Fan said. "I went to go visit family. I didn't answer my phone because it would be rude when you're visiting family, y'know. Calm down now, buddy!" She said as she patted Fan's head.

  "I missed you so much!" Fan said in excitement. "Same here.. Heh." She said nervously. Fan paused. "..What's wrong?" He asked.

  "Oh, nothing! Just tired." She felt guilty, remembering what she had to do. "Hey! I found this cool new show! You don't have to, but wanna watch it with me?" He asked Test Tube happily.

  "Oh uh, sure. Just let me do something." She said. "Alright! I'll go upstairs and wait!!" He said, skipping up the stairs, Oj had already went up, he probably had work to do.

  Everyone else was either still in the kitchen, or somewhere else in the hotel. So she looked around to make sure no one would see her, and put the bomb under the couch. She exited the hotel and set it off.

  She waited for a few minutes, until it cleared, and then went back in. She grabbed Apple, Baseball, and Balloon either by the wrists or the ankles and dragged them to the hot air balloon, and she continued to go back and forth, grabbing people until there was only fan, Oj, and Lightbulb left. She brought them to the hot air balloon.

  "Ok.. Let's see if we can do this." She said to herself as she went into the hot air balloon, she was stepping all over people. The balloon struggled to get off the ground, but then it floated up slowly. And eventually they got up to Meeple headquarters. She wondered how she would get all of these people into the building, and remembered Cobs could hear her through the shock collar. "Uh, hey Cobs- can you send down a few Mephones or something??"

  "𝘚𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨." His voice said through the microphone. After a few minutes, 6 mephone Xs walked out of the building, toward Test Tube and the air balloon. They each grabbed some people, and I grabbed what was left of them. I followed the Mephones through the halls. They led me to a hallway of rooms. They put at least a few people in each room.

But, they did put Microphone, Lightbulb, Fan, and Paintbrush in the same room. I don't really like Microphone to be honest, but it had my other friends in it. I stared at a little window on their door, they were all still sleeping, I sigh, wondering what Cobs was going to do to Mephone and Mepad.

  I flinched as someone grabbed my shoulder from behind.

  "No need to be upset, Test Tube.. As long as you finish your little quest, your friends will be okay, well.. Some of them.." Cobs smirked.

  I turn around and glare at him. "What do you mean 'some'??" I fold my arms. "Well.. We were planning onnnn 'using' some of them.. For some good material! So they aren't just useless prisoners." Cobs smiled at me while speaking.

𝙽𝚘 𝚙𝚘𝚟: 

  "You are NOT using my friends for your stupid robots!" She stomps her foot. "Oh yes I am! I'm the boss, I do what I want." He adjusts his glasses. Test tube just glares at him. Cobs' eyes widen, as he gets an idea. He bends down to her height.

  "Test Tube.. I know you're interested in technology.. If you complete this mission.. I'll give you your own office here.. So you can create what ever you want.. I mean 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨.." He gives a genuine smile.

  She froze in thought, she couldn't help but think about all of the things she could make, with the amount of stuff he has? She could become a famous scientist or engineer..

  "So? What's your decision? I'm waitingggg..." He stands up straight and taps his foot Impatiently. "I.. I'll think about it.. Okay..?" She replies. "𝘕𝘰. 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝙣𝙤𝙬." He folds his arms. "This is your only chance! Your 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 chance.. To create whatever you want.. You'll become rich.. Like me! You'll be famous.. I know how creative you are! You'll be an inspiration for all.. Could you just imagine..?"

  He pats her shoulder. "Would you really want to miss that chance..?" She just stood there and thought. 'being an inspiration.. For other scientists? Hell yeah!' But her friends.. What was he going to do to them..?

  "Make it quick. I don't want to wait." He glares. "F-fine.. I'll do it.." She sounds a little guilty, but it'll be worth it....


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