Room #204

229 6 47

TW: death

GuHhh... WoAh-! Where are we!?" Lightbulb sits up and rubs her eyes.

Paintbrush smiles a little, noticing she's awake. "Uhh.. We don't know." She notices the cereal, unbothered by the situation, she gasps. "Omgah! Cereal, for me? How precious!!" She picks up the bowl and shoves the whole thing in her mouth.

Everyone in the room just stares at her like she was crazy. Lightbulb glances at them in confusion. "What?" "You just- how!?!?" Paintbrush asks, more confused about how she breaks logic than mad.

"Uhh.. I just ate it.. Eating is really easy! You just-" She picks up the spoon. "Ah- no- we don't wanna know." Paintbrush covers their eyes. "Awwhhh pooh.." She looks at the spoon and smiles. "Still gonna eat it though." She shoves it in her mouth and eats it. Fan glares at her.

"I don't understand why y'all gotta stare at me while I'm eating, it's silly!" Lightbulb folds her arms and fake pouts

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"I don't understand why y'all gotta stare at me while I'm eating, it's silly!" Lightbulb folds her arms and fake pouts.

Everyone looks at the door and gasps in horror as it opens. Test Tube, but her mouth was sewed shut.

Microphone screams in shock, she covers her mouth and presses her button. Test Tube had covered her ears, but then she uncovers them, she frowns and walks towards Microphone. Microphone just looks confused.

"Testy!!" Lightbulb hops up and hugs Test Tube tightly. Test Tube responds with a muffled grunt. "Testy Testy!! Your mouth!" She turns Test Tube over and pokes one of her stitches. Test Tube winces. "What.. happened..?" She frowns. Test Tube frowns, and turns away from her.

  "Testy..?" She grabs her shoulder gently.

  Test tube takes a deep breath, then grabs Lightbulb by the arm. She drags Lightbulb out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "Lightbulb!!" The people in the room start to panic.

  [𝙰 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛]


  "Great job, Test Tube.." He sounded slightly annoyed. He gets up out of his chair, he has a bandage on his cheek. He walks over to them, and stares at Lightbulb. A small grin forms on his face.

  "So.. Test tube.." He's observing Lightbulb. "What should I do with this friend of yours?.. Should I.. Keep her alive? She's a waste of space yknow.. Oh wait!!" He chuckles and pokes Test Tube's mouth. "You can't talk, silly me!"

  Test Tube furrows her eyebrows. "I'll give you 2 options, Lightbulb. Either you can die now, which means me or one of my assistants can kill you, or you can stay alive for now, but without food or water. So basically you'll just die anyways. It'll be a slow and painful death! So choose wisely.."

  Lightbulb freezes and glances in between Test Tube and Cobs. "T-test tube- is he being serio-" "answer the question." Cobs interrupts with a stern glare. "I- I don't want to die-" "Answer the damn question." He grabs onto Lightbulb's shoulder.

  She gasps quietly and starts to breathe faster. Test Tube starts to worry, she doesn't want Lightbulb to die, she steps in front of Lightbulb and tries to say something, but she was only able to make muffled sounds.

  Cobs rolls his eyes and shoves Test Tube away.

  "Test Tube, you're pretty much 𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨. I guess I'll just have to get someone else to work for me.." He grins. "Which 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 be a good thing.. Since everyone else would just die anyway. They're nothing bit a waste of space, honestly. Wow, look at me, telling the truth!" He smiles at Test Tube mockingly.

  This made her furious. She jumps onto him and starts trying to tackle him. Lightbulb tries taking this moment to run.

  "Ugh- get 𝙤𝙛𝙛!!" He shoves her onto the ground and groans. "Great. Now that dumb Lightbulb lady is wandering in my building- Test Tube.. You're a real disappointment." He speaks into a walkie talkie. "Go find Lightbulb. And put her in room #204. I have to teach this useless Test Tube how to follow directions."

  He glares at Test Tube and grins, he reaches into his husk and pulls out a different button. Wow, this man and his buttons. He presses it.

  Test Tube holds onto her neck where the necklace is, and falls onto her knees. He stops shocking her and walks up to her, he looks down at her and forces her to look at him. "I'm going to show you what happens when you don't follow orders. I was just going to let Lightbulb live until she dies of starvation.. But now, thanks to you, she'll have to suffer even more while she waits for death."

  Test Tube starts to panic and cry. "Sucks you can't say anything.. I would've liked to hear what you think of this.. Actually, nevermind. Your voice is annoying.."

"𝙃𝙚𝙮 𝙗𝙤𝙨𝙨, 𝙬𝙚'𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙧. 𝙒𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢 #204, 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙙." The Mephonex's voice spoke through Cobs's walkie talkie. "Good, good. I'll be down." he grabs Test Tube and makes her stand up. "Don't cause any trouble. I still have employees working, and I don't need them knowing anything, understand? Act normal." He glares sternly.

  Test Tube nods nervously. "Good. Now follow me. I'll shock you if you try anything." He walks into the hallway with Test Tube following behind, Cobs keeps his hands behind his back. They walk into the elevator and wait for it to go down.

  Test Tube stood there uncomfortably, staring at the floor. It felt like forever. Years. Finally, the door dings and opens. Cobs walks through the hallway of doors labeled with numbers. He stops in front of room #204. Test Tube could hear Lightbulb's voice.

[𝚃𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚎'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅:]

  Cobs opens the door, and I walk in. Lightbulb was ranting to the lifeless mephone about Paintbrush, Fan, and me. The phone wasn't listening in the slightest. Cobs shuts the door behind me, and I flinch. "Now.. Test Tube. Let me show you what happens when you don't follow orders." He says.

  I help a little, the Mephone grabbed my shoulders, probably restraining me. I didn't even notice it coming up behind me. Lightbulb was in a chair with arm and leg straps she was completely unaware. I stare at Cobs worridly as he grabbed a hammer from a cabinet. He walks up to me with this ugly, nasty, evil grin on his face.

  My breathing speeds up and I look away, I start to struggle a little. "Oh chill. I'm not hurting you, as long as you listen. I need you to do me a favor.." I hesitantly look back at him. "Take this hammer.. Don't try anything, if you do, Lightbulb dies right now."

  He puts the hammer in my hand, I look at it, confused. Lightbulb is just watching, bothered by this. Cobs whispers in my ear. "I want you to put a nice and big sized hole in Lightbulb's head. It'd be better if it was directly on top of her head." I try to scream, but it was muffled. I was NOT going to do that. No. Fucking. Way. I struggle again, trying desperately to get out of it's grip. I start crying again as the Mephone shocks me.

  "Would you want to watch your friend be killed instead? I can make that happen." I cry harder. Cobs grabs me and shoves me over to lightbulb, who was now trying to get out of her restraints. "T-testy-!! No!! P-please!!" She sounds terrified. I wanted to stab that man right in the face. I shakily hold the hammer over my head, I wanted this to be the least painful it could be. I start to zone out.. The anger.. The burning feeling in my chest.. I want to kill that man so bad.. So fucking bad.. But suddenly, the sound of loud shattering could be heard as I went back to reality. I made a mistake..

A big, big mistake...


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