Chapter 22: We Had Love

Start from the beginning

"That was pretty resourceful."

Tenn inclined his head. "They were motivated since your sisters wouldn't give them any information about you, us. Apparently, they didn't know that you, Dove and Robin had been in contact until two days ago. Your sisters kept that to themselves because, as they told your parents, if they wanted a relationship with you, it wasn't going to be through them. They'd have to work it out on their own. And I was glad to hear that because it shows in a very real, concrete way that they have your back."

"Smart move," I said, feeling as if that was another tiny step forward. 

"So, your dad said that your mom's been really upset that you haven't called. And he's been telling her that you wouldn't be calling, that she -- they -- needed to make the first move to repair the relationship between you."

"Well, I guess it took him a while to talk her around. So what does that say, Tenn?"

"It says your mom is used to feeling in the right, and she wasn't backing down and she was expecting you to. She has her role and you have yours, and she figured you'd eventually give in and things would smooth themselves out."


"Lark, I said she wasn't backing down. But think about it. You told me you thought she looked sad in the car last night, and when would she have ever stayed in the car because I told her to? Never. Your mom did what she wanted. But she listened and she was sad."

"I've never seen her look like that, not even when Robin got arrested or when Dove got divorced."

"Well, your dad said he came home the night before they found us at the project house and she was crying hysterically. His description, by the way. Apparently, your mom's been seeing a therapist that your dad didn't know about, and your mother had a breakthrough that day. And she realized just how badly she'd let you down the first and only time you turned to her for help. He also said she felt horrible that she didn't listen to you or treat you the right way. Your dad also said he felt terrible for letting you down and for not taking the reins and backing your mother down."

That was a lot to absorb. Mom seeing a therapist absolutely floored me. That just wasn't something I could have imagined her doing, and I said so to Tenn.

He looked sheepish. "The time your mom ambushed you with me, after you left I told your mom that she, your dad and your sisters would keep a family counselor in business for a while. She denied it to me, but she kept thinking about what I said, and finally went to one, according to your dad."

At that, I semi laughed. "I bet she went at first to get validation that she was in the right of it."

Tenn smiled and shrugged, knowing I was probably correct. 

"So, they wanted to know if we'd be willing to meet them for coffee. I said I'd ask you."

"Did they seem sincere?"

"Your dad did, yes. I didn't speak with your mom. If you want me to, I can."

"I want to take this slow with them, Tenn. I kind of feel like I'm fighting battles on all sides to find my way back to normal."

"I know. I'm sorry," he said and then immediately cringed. "I know you're tired of that phrase, so all I'll say is, it's up to you, Lark. However you want to move forward with them is entirely your call."

"I think I'll approach it like I did with Robin and Dove. I'll meet them at some neutral location, hear what they have to say and then tell them about my texts, calls, then coffee plan."

"If that's what feels comfortable to you, sweetheart, then do that."

"I'll send them a group text -- mom, dad and me -- and let them know how I think we should move forward."

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