Chapter 6 - Truly Begins

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The Shinigami realm had not been so entertained by humans for a long time. They watched over the human world, both those who were being killed and being reincarnated.

One of them chuckled. "Where's Ryuk gone off to?"

"Clearly, he's gone to see what those angels are doing..." another said.



I jumped up. Light was at my door.

"Let's go to the mall," he said.

"Right now?" I asked, standing up.

"Yep," Light grinned. "Right now."

Welp, that caught me off guard. Light was always so busy.

"But..." I looked down. "Don't you have studying to do?"

"I'm already well ahead with my studying," Light told me. "And besides, we haven't got to hang out for ages."

Well, he wasn't wrong.

"I dunno..." I shrugged. "I mean, I got homework to do too..."

"I can help you with that, no problem," Light replied.

I shrugged. "That's great, but... I just, I'm not sure if I wanna go out right now..."

"What's this all of a sudden?" Light asked, raising his brow. "You always want to go out, and now you don't?"

"I..." I trailed off. My eyes were welling up already.

Light's expression softened. He came and sat next to me.

"Listen..." he sighed. "You think I haven't noticed how tired you've been? You deserve a break, Sayu."

I gazed up at him. His brow was knitted, the same concerned face Mom always gave me.

Guardian was eyeing him, their face twisted. They stared at some space next to him, as if there was something there.

I swallowed. My brother had a point. I hadn't been able to relax since... well, before that stupid Life Note.

"Well... okay then!" I grabbed his arm. "Let's go to the mall!"


And so, there we were, at the mall. We walked together, crowds of people passing by. So many bright shops... so many shops I would've loved to visit if I wasn't the Anti-Kira. Guardian floated beside me; as usual, they didn't seem very amused. They really needed to lighten up...

"Shut up," Light uttered, glaring at the ceiling.

"Huh?" I stared at him.

"Oh, sorry, Sayu," Light waved it off. "I was thinking about something else. Where did you want to go first?"

That wasn't the first time I'd caught him staring off into space. What was he thinking about?

"Um..." I looked around. "Shoes!"

I headed over to a shoe store, eyeing all the shoes on display. Guardian flew over my shoulder.

"Aren't they so cool?" I gushed, staring up at them.

"Whatever you say," Light muttered.

"I wasn't talking to..." I trailed off.

"Hmm?" Light asked.

"Ummmm," I began sweat-beading. "Lightie, guess what!"

"What?" Light asked.

"I've been saving up for these," I pointed at a pair of heels, right by the front, "and I'm finally gonna get them!"

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