Chapter Seven(7)

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Ahmad's Pov:
So we have checked Everywhere but she is nowhere to be found, I know she won't be with Batul Ibrahim or her house because she is not stupid. At this point. I have given up, the barrister was never the problem, if Batul does not know she is still alive then fine no problem.

Batul's Pov:
I still can't believe Ahmad Yusuf would go as far as this to prove a stupid point. Well he wants war, well he will get it, I don't think I will wait for things to calm down first, I will re-open this case, I am tired of giving him time to relax, he has reached his peak. Mama and Baba have been moved to a safehouse that only I and Amir know the location. Speaking of them,we haven't talked for two days now,we have been pre-occupied with the Barrier Aisha's case that we forgot to call them. So let me call them.
Batul: Assalamu alaikum mama ina wuni( good day mama)
Mama: how are you and your brother?
Batul: we are fine Alhamdulilah, how is Baba? Hope all is well?
Mama: Baba is fine but Batul ba lafiya fah
Batul: What happened
Mama: I feel like someone is spying on us, Cox I have not been comfortable in this house lately, anytime we hear movements and many strange things, my daughter let's just come back home and leave this so called safe-house
Batul: Innalillahi, Mama just keep praying, everything will be alright in sha Allah, if u come back home Ur lives will be at more risk and don't worry I will come and meet you.
Mama: toh shikenan,sai gobe
Batul: toh Allah ya kaimu lafiya
Mama: Ameen
*Ends call*
I informed Amir about the current situation then he said we will go together and visit them but deep down I am really worried.
*The next day*

We just arrived at the safe house and honestly I am worried, we entered and saw mama sitting on the prayer mat,we greeted and the conversations begin and then Baba woke up from sleep and we started talking and all then all of a sudden we heard a knock on the door which is very strange because no one knows of this location not even Barrister Aisha and her husband and Amir is here so who could it possibly be
Amir opens the door while I stand behind him with a knife, Mama and Baba are sitted in their positions, when Amir opened the door we saw someone we least expected, Ahmad Yusuf! What are you doing here? How do you know about this location? I was sooo shocked and before I could process everything, he barged in with his thugs and took Baba away I stabbed one of them but still, Amir fought and fought but since he was the only one, they over powered him and took Baba away, I was still in shock and I sat down on the floor next to Mama and weeping endlessly.

Hello lovelies! What do u think will happen to Alhaji Ibrahim🤔🤔.
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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